click on boxes and text fields to open links:

javaSrc_vishiaBase: Basic sources with ZBNF parser and JZtxtcmd. All sources are independent, only Java standard packages are used.
javadoc / javadoc with linked sources
javaSrc_vishiaXml: Sources for Xml processing. This sources need the javaSrc_vishiaBase component.
javadoc / javadoc-private
(less used)
javaSrc_vishiaRun: Sources for running systems. This sources need the javaSrc_vishiaBase component.
javadoc / javadoc-private,
- Package communication: Inter process communication, sockets.
- Package msgDispatch Message dispatcher: An universal interface for logs and process messages, a dispatcher, file and console output classes.
- Inspector on Target: Access to all data of a running application via reflection. This classes are translated to C too, it runs in some C/C++-Applications like in Java.
The Header2Reflection-Generator creates C-Sources for reflection data from header files especially for C-programming. It is able to use for embedded devices.
- InspcPC: It is the counterpart to access to a running system on any target device.
This sources are executed on the PC in Java. They are used to get the data for graphical presentation.
javaSrc_vishiaGui: Sources for graphic applications. This sources uses all three components above.
javadoc / javadoc-private,
- Package gral and its sub packages: The GRAL concept: GRaphic Adation Layer: It helps to write graphical applications independent of the underlying graphic system.
Yet only eclipse.SWT is full supported. Some experience with AWT is done. In the next future also Swing and FX should be able to use.
- Package commander: The.file.Commander is an application using the GRAL concept. It is adequate to the classic known 'Norton Commander' and its derivatives.
- Package guiInspc: The inspector GUI is an application using the GRAL which shoes data content (variable, curves) from a running application in any embedded target system
with access using reflection (the inspector concept). The graphic presentation with tabbed panels is controlled by a script.
- Package guiViewCfg: The view cfg is an application using the GRAL which shoes data content (variable, curves) from a running application in any embedded target system.
using only one telegram (ethernet, may be serial) which contains the values to show. The graphic presentation with tabbed panels is controlled by a script.
=> html/Base/Events.html: Basic system for event handling.
=> html/Base/FileRemote.html: Access files in separated threads, for Graphic, for specific file systems.
=> html/Gral/vishiaGui_Gral.html: Graphic Adaption Layer - the vishia GUI approach
The Java sources are divided in five components. In the past some of the Java sources are translated to C using Java2C.
The Java sources are the original sources for C. See emC - embedded multiplatform C / C++
=> html/source+build/src_Archive.html: Archive of Java jar and sources - =>html/source+build/buildtestVishiaJava.html: Build & test Java components contains jar and with reproducible build approach
Older versions, see there in versionArchive also with approach.
It uses the => concept, see also
=..=> contains git for the Java sources
That are not all Java-sources in the vishia-Project. The Java2C - Translator is written in Java.
The ZBNF - Downloadpackage contains some sources to handle with XML. That sources depends on the SAXON XML tools and Jdom.