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abort() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteProgressEvData
Quest from executer.
abortAction() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
It sends an abort event to the execution thread or to any remote device to abort any action with files.
abortAll() - Method in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7
abortAll() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileAccessZip
abortAll() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteAccessor
Abort currently running and saved copy, check etc. actions.
abortAllCmds() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter
abortCmd() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter
Aborts the running cmd.
abortCmdExecution() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter
Aborts all CmdExecuter for operation system calls in all threads of this.
aborted - Variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileCallbackLocalCmp
aborted - Variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileCallbackLocalCopy
aborted - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCallbackSearch
abortReceive() - Method in interface org.vishia.communication.InterProcessComm
Abort receiving function
abortReceive() - Method in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessComm_SocketImpl
aboutInfo - Variable in class org.vishia.util.Arguments
aboutInfo() - Method in class org.vishia.util.Arguments
absbasepath() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdFilepath
Assembles and returns the designated part from this Filepath as String or StringBuilder:: <&absbasepath()>.
absbasepath(FilePath.FilePathEnvAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Returns the base path part as absolute path.
absbasepath(CharSequence, FilePath.FilePathEnvAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Builds the absolute path with given basepath maybe absolute or not, maybe with drive letter or not.
absbasepathW() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdFilepath
absbasepathW(FilePath.FilePathEnvAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Returns the base path part as absolute path for Windows environment with backslash as separator.
absCharAt(int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringPart
absdir() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdFilepath
Assembles and returns the designated part from this Filepath as String or StringBuilder:: <&path.absdir()>.
absdir(FilePath.FilePathEnvAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Returns the directory part as absolute path.
absdirW() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdFilepath
absdirW(FilePath.FilePathEnvAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Returns the directory part as absolute path for Windows environment with backslash as separator.
absfile() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdFilepath
Assembles and returns the designated part from this Filepath as String or StringBuilder: <&path.absfile()>.
absfile(FilePath.FilePathEnvAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Returns the complete file path as absolute path.
absfileReplwildcard(FilePath) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdFilepath
Returns the local file with replaced wildcard in the local dir.
absfileReplwildcard(FilePath, FilePath.FilePathEnvAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Returns the local file with replaced wildcard in the local dir.
absfileW() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdFilepath
absfileW(FilePath.FilePathEnvAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Returns the complete file path as absolute path for Windows environment with backslash as separator.
absname() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdFilepath
Assembles and returns the designated part from this Filepath as String or StringBuilder: <&data.absname()>.
absname(FilePath.FilePathEnvAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Returns the file path but without extension as absolute path.
absnameW() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdFilepath
absnameW(FilePath.FilePathEnvAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Returns the file path but without extension as absolute path for Windows environment with backslash as separator.
absolutePath(String, File) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.FileFunctions
Converts to the absolute and normalized path if a relative path or HOME path is given.
absPath - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Set if the path starts with '/' or '\' maybe after drive letter.
absPos0 - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPart
The absolute position of character in the input file of content[0] It is used for StringPartFromFileLines or adequate reader.
absPos0 - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPart.Part
Absolute positions of part of chars
absSubString(int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringPart
Returns a String from absolute range.
absTime - Variable in class org.vishia.util.Timeshort
Any absolute timestamp to the Timeshort.absTime_short.
absTime_Millisec7short - Variable in class org.vishia.util.Timeshort
Milliseconds for 1 step of shorttime.
absTime_short - Variable in class org.vishia.util.Timeshort
The shorttime-stamp to the Timeshort.absTime timestamp.
absTimeshort(int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.Timeshort
Returns the absolute time in milliseconds after 1970 to a given timeshort.
abstract_ - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Destructor
abstract_ - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.MethodDef
acc - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataVariable.Int16
acc - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataVariable.Int32
acc - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataVariable.Int32Array
acc - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataVariable.Uint16
acc - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataVariable.Uint16Array
acc - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataVariable.Uint32
acc - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataVariable.Uint32Array
acc - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter
The usable instance of the JZtxtcmdExecuter for some managements.
acc_ - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
accData - Variable in class org.vishia.zcmd.Bin2Data
accept(File, String) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilepathFilter
access(Object, boolean, boolean, Map<String, DataAccess.IntegerIx>, Object[]) - Method in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess
Searches the Object maybe invoking some methods which is referred with this instances, DataAccess.datapath.
access(CharSequence, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, DataAccess.Dst) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess
Accesses data with a String given path.
access(List<DataAccess.DatapathElement>, Object, boolean, boolean, Map<String, DataAccess.IntegerIx>, Object[], boolean, DataAccess.Dst) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess
Universal method to accesses data.
access(DataAccess.DatapathElement, Object, boolean, boolean, Map<String, DataAccess.IntegerIx>, Object[], boolean, DataAccess.Dst) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess
Access to the given element, used internally, also able to use for one element form extern.
accessError - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter
Variable for any exception while accessing any java resources.
AccessFilesetname(JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList) - Constructor for class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.AccessFilesetname
The filepath for the fileset.
accessorSelector - Static variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
Instance of the application-width selector for FileRemoteAccessor.
accesspath - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdAccessFileset
AccessPolicy - Class in org.vishia.util
This interface determines how a field can be accessed or how the reference-return value of an operation can be used.
AccessPolicy() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.AccessPolicy
AccessPolicy.ChangeAccess - Annotation Type in org.vishia.util
Annotation for an argument or field which is definite changed especially it is an reference as argument of an operation.
AccessPolicy.NonPersist - Annotation Type in org.vishia.util
Annotation for a argument.
AccessPolicy.ReadOnly - Annotation Type in org.vishia.util
Annotation for an operation which do not modify its instance or for a reference which cannot be used to modify the data.
AccessPolicy.ReadOnlyRet - Annotation Type in org.vishia.util
Annotation for an operation which do not modify its instance and which's returned reference is @ReadOnly itself, can only be assigned to a @ReadOnly reference.
accessRight - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Superclass
accLevel - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Description
set in #set_acclevel
accu - Variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Data
The top of stack is the accumulator for the current level of adequate operations, for example all multiplications without stack changing.
action - Variable in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple.Trans
If an action is given, the condition should not contain an action itself.
action(EventObject) - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple.Trans
The non-overridden action executes the StateSimple.Trans.action or returns 0 if it is not given.
activate(int) - Method in class org.vishia.event.TimeOrder
Activate the time order to send the event for the given laps of time.
activate() - Method in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7
activate() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileAccessZip
activate() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteAccessor
Activates working of the devide, thread starting, communication establishing etc.
activateAt(long) - Method in class org.vishia.event.TimeOrder
Enters the TimeEntry to activates the event to the given timestamp.
activateAt(long, long) - Method in class org.vishia.event.TimeOrder
Enters the TimeEntry to activates the event to the given timestamp with a given latest time stamp.
activateCyclic() - Method in class org.vishia.event.TimeOrder
Activate the time order for the first time from the source of the event.
activated - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
Key code for anything activated.
actNr - Variable in class org.vishia.util.ShortenString.StringNr
actNrofListIdents - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgDispatcherCore
List of idents, its current length.
actOperation - Variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.SetExprBase
actualArgs - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.CallStatement
Argument list either actual or formal if this is a subtext call or subtext definition.
add(Class_Jc) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.reflection_Jc.Reflection_Jc
add(String, Object) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ListMap
add(JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine, List<DataAccess.Variable<Object>>) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdThreadQueue
Add a subroutine to the queue.
add(File) - Method in interface org.vishia.util.FileFunction.AddFileToList
add(File) - Method in interface org.vishia.util.FileFunctions.AddFileToList
add(File) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FileFunctions.FilesWithBasePath
Implements interface method.
add(File) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FileFunctions.ListWrapper
add(File) - Method in interface org.vishia.util.FilesToList.AddFileToList
add(Key, Type) - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable
Adds the (key - value) pair to the container.
add(Type) - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable.IteratorImpl
add(Object) - Method in class org.vishia.util.SortedList
Adds an Object independend from the existence of a object with the same key in list.
add(int, Object) - Method in class org.vishia.util.SortedList
This Method throws a RuntimeException because the adding to the list at a specified position is not concept of the SortedList.
add(String, Type) - Method in class org.vishia.util.SortedTreeNode
adds a child.
add(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringAdd
Adds a String.
add(char) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringAdd
Adds a Character.
add(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
Adds on the current position a string.
add(String) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
Adds at the current position a string.
add(char) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
add(char[]) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
Adds at the current position a char[].
add(String, ZbnfSyntaxPrescript, ZbnfSyntaxPrescript, CharSequence, int, long, long, int, int, String, ZbnfParseResultItem) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParserStore
Adds a new item If this is a components item, on end ZbnfParserStore.setAlternativeAndOffsetToEnd(int, int) should be called.
add2List(JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine, int) - Method in interface org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.AddSub2List
add2List(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdClass, int) - Method in interface org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.AddSub2List
add_abstractMethod(CheaderParser.MethodDef) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_actualArgument(JZtxtcmdScript.Argument) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.CallStatement
Set from ZBNF: \<*subtext:name: { ?
add_actualArgument(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.CmdInvoke
Set from ZBNF: \<*subtext:name: { ?
add_actualParameter(CheaderParser.Value) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.MethodCall
add_addFileset(String) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.UserFileset
add_addOperation(CalculatorExpr.SetExprBase.SetExpr) - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.SetExprBase.SetExpr
Designates the end of an add operation.
add_alternative(EBNFread.EBNFexpr) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFread.EBNFalt
add_alternative(EBNFread.EBNFexpr) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFread.EBNFexpr
add_AndCondition(CheaderParser.ConditionDef) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ConditionBlock.OrCondition
add_appendTextOut(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_argList(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdDataAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.CmdInvoke
add_argument(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdDatapathElement
For ZbnfJavaOutput: Adds argument to JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdDatapathElement.fnArgsExpr.
add_argument(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdDatapathElementClass
For ZbnfJavaOutput: Adds argument to JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdDatapathElementClass.fnArgsExpr.
add_ARRAY(CheaderParser.ClassC) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ZbnfResultFile
add_arraysize(CheaderParser.Arraysize) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Arraysize
add_assign(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdDataAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.AssignExpr
add_assign(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdDataAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.TextOut
add_assignExpr(JZtxtcmdScript.AssignExpr) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_assignment(CheaderParser.Assignment) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.StatementBlock
add_assignment(CheaderParser.Assignment) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Value
add_assignThreadVar(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdDataAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.ThreadBlock
add_attribMacro(CheaderParser.AttribAsMacro) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.StructDefinition
add_attribute(CheaderParser.AttributeOrTypedef) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ClassDefinition
Adds the attribute in the struct additional to CheaderParser.HeaderBlock.entries.
add_attribute(CheaderParser.AttributeOrTypedef) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_attribute(CheaderParser.AttributeOrTypedef) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.StructDefinition
Adds the attribute in the struct additional to CheaderParser.HeaderBlock.entries.
add_auxDescription(CheaderParser.ParamDescription) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Description
add_boolAndOperation(CalculatorExpr.SetExprBase.SetExpr) - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.SetExprBase.SetExpr
Designates the end of a AND operation.
add_boolExpr(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdCalculatorExpr) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem
add_boolOrOperation(CalculatorExpr.SetExprBase.SetExpr) - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.SetExprBase.SetExpr
Designates the end of a multiplication operation.
add_call(JZtxtcmdScript.CallStatement) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_cd(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_checkJZcmdFile(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.ZbnfJZcmdScript
add_checkXmlFile(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.ZbnfJZcmdScript
add_CLASS_C(CheaderParser.ClassC) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ZbnfResultFile
add_CLASS_CPP(CheaderParser.ClassC) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ZbnfResultFile
add_Class_Var(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdDataAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdDatapathElementClass
add_classDecl(CheaderParser.StructClassDecl) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_classDef(CheaderParser.ClassDefinition) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_Classpath_Var(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdDataAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdDatapathElementClass
For ZbnfJavaOutput: Sets the datapath for a specific ClassLoader.
add_classVisibilityBlock(CheaderParser.ClassDefinition) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ClassDefinition
add_cmdStart(JZtxtcmdScript.CmdInvoke) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_cmdWait(JZtxtcmdScript.CmdInvoke) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_cmpOperation(CalculatorExpr.SetExprBase.SetExpr) - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.SetExprBase.SetExpr
add_condition(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdCalculatorExpr) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.CondStatement
add_condition(CheaderParser.Value) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ConditionDef
add_conditionalArgument(CheaderParser.AttributeOrTypedef) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.MethodDef
add_conditionBlock(CheaderParser.ConditionBlock) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_const_initializer(CheaderParser.DefineDefinition) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_constDef(CheaderParser.AttributeOrTypedef) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_Constructor(CheaderParser.Constructor) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ClassDefinition
add_copy(JZtxtcmdScript.FileOpArg) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_createTextOut(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_dataAccess(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdDataAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdCalculatorExpr
add_dataAccess(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdDataAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem
add_dataAccess(DataAccess.DataAccessSet) - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.SetExprBase.SetExpr
add_dataPath(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdDataAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdDatapathElement
add_datapathElement(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdDatapathElement) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdDataAccess
For ZbnfJavaOutput: It should add a type JZcmdDatapathElement instead DataAccess.DataAccessSet#add_datapathElement(DatapathElement).
add_datapathElement(DataAccess.DatapathElement) - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operation
add_datapathElement(DataAccess.DatapathElement) - Method in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess
Sets the datapath while adding one element after another.
add_datapathElement(DataAccess.SetDatapathElement) - Method in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess.DataAccessSet
add_datapathElementClass(DataAccess.DatapathElementClass) - Method in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess.DataAccessSet
add_dataSet(JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.DefListElement
add_dataStruct(JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem
add_dataText(JZtxtcmdScript.DataText) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
Set from ZBNF: (\?
add_debug(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
Defines or changes an environment variable with value. set NAME = TEXT; Handle in the same kind like a String variable but appends a '$' to the first name.
add_debugOp(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
Defines or changes an environment variable with value. set NAME = TEXT; Handle in the same kind like a String variable but appends a '$' to the first name.
add_DefBoolVar(JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_DefBoolVar(JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine
add_DefClasspath(JZtxtcmdScript.DefClasspathVariable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_DefClassVar(JZtxtcmdScript.DefClassVariable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_DefClassVar(JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine
add_DefFilepath(JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_DefFilepath(JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine
add_DefFileset(JZtxtcmdScript.UserFileset) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_DefFileset(JZtxtcmdScript.UserFileset) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine
add_DEFINE_C(CheaderParser.ClassC) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ZbnfResultFile
add_defineDefinition(CheaderParser.DefineDefinition) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.EnumDefinition
add_defineDefinition(CheaderParser.DefineDefinition) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_DefMapVar(JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_DefMapVar(JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine
add_DefNumVar(JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_DefNumVar(JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine
add_DefObjVar(JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_DefObjVar(JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine
add_DefSubtext(JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.DefContainerVariable
add_DefSubtext(JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_defThreadVar(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdDataAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.ThreadBlock
add_defVariable(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdDataAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable
add_del(JZtxtcmdScript.FileOpArg) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_description(CheaderParser.Description) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.AttributeOrTypedef
add_Destructor(CheaderParser.Destructor) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ClassDefinition
add_divOperation(CalculatorExpr.SetExprBase.SetExpr) - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.SetExprBase.SetExpr
Designates the end of a multiplication operation.
add_document(DocuGen.Document) - Method in class org.vishia.docuGen.DocuGen.ZbnfDocuGenCtrl
add_dowhileCtrl(JZtxtcmdScript.CondStatement) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_EBNFdef(EBNFread.EBNFdef) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFread
add_element(JZtxtcmdScript.DefListElement) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.DefContainerVariable
add_element(Bin2Data.ZbnfResultDescrElement) - Method in class org.vishia.zcmd.Bin2Data.ZbnfResultDescr
add_elif(CheaderParser.ConditionBlock) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ConditionBlock
add_elseBlock(JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.IfStatement
add_elseConditionBlock(CheaderParser.HeaderBlock) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ConditionBlock
add_enumDecl(CheaderParser.StructClassDecl) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_enumDefinition(CheaderParser.EnumDefinition) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_enumElement(CheaderParser.EnumElement) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.EnumDefinition
add_Filepath(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem
add_filePath(String) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FileSet
add_filesetAccess(JZtxtcmdScript.AccessFilesetname) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.DefClasspathVariable
add_filesetAccess(JZtxtcmdScript.AccessFilesetname) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem
add_filesetAccess(JZtxtcmdScript.AccessFilesetname) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.Zmake
add_fnPointer(CheaderParser.FnPointer) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_forContainer(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdDataAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.ForStatement
add_forCtrl(JZtxtcmdScript.ForStatement) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_formalArgument(JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine
Set from ZBNF: \<*subtext:name: { ?
add_friendClassDef(CheaderParser.FriendClass) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_hasNext(JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_HeaderBlock(CheaderParser.HeaderBlock) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ClassC
add_HyperlinkAssociation(DocuGen.HyperlinkAssociation) - Method in class org.vishia.docuGen.DocuGen.Document
add_HyperlinkAssociation(DocuGen.HyperlinkAssociation) - Method in class org.vishia.docuGen.DocuGen.ZbnfDocuGenCtrl
add_if_statement(CheaderParser.ConditionalStatement) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.StatementBlock
add_ifBlock(JZtxtcmdScript.IfCondition) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.IfStatement
add_ifCtrl(JZtxtcmdScript.IfStatement) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_iferrorlevel(JZtxtcmdScript.Onerror) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_implementDescription(CheaderParser.Description) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_implementDescription(CheaderParser.Description) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlockEntry
add_include(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdInclude) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.ZbnfJZcmdScript
add_includeDef(CheaderParser.IncludeDef) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_includeDef(CheaderParser.IncludeDef) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ZbnfResultFile
add_initialization(CheaderParser.InitializationInCtor) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Constructor
add_INLINE(CheaderParser.ClassC) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ZbnfResultFile
add_inlineMethod(CheaderParser.MethodDef) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_innerStructAttribute(CheaderParser.StructDefinition) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.StructDefinition
Called from ZBNF: structContent:: ... struct\W <structDefinition?
add_innerUnionAttribute(CheaderParser.StructDefinition) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.StructDefinition
An innerUnionAttribute is a fully parsed union with or without a name.
add_input(DocuGen.DocuInput) - Method in class org.vishia.docuGen.DocuGen.Document
add_inset(DocuGen.Inset) - Method in class org.vishia.docuGen.DocuGen.Document
add_instanceof(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdInstanceofExpr) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdCalculatorExpr
add_invalidBlock(CheaderParser.HeaderBlock) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_List(JZtxtcmdScript.DefContainerVariable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_List(JZtxtcmdScript.DefContainerVariable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine
add_loader(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdDataAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.DefClassVariable
add_mainRoutine(JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.ZbnfJZcmdScript
add_methodCall(CheaderParser.MethodCall) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Value
add_methodDef(CheaderParser.MethodDef) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_methodPtrTypedef(CheaderParser.MethodTypedef) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_methodTypedef(CheaderParser.MethodTypedef) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_minSpaces(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdCalculatorExpr) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.TextColumn
add_mkdir(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_move(JZtxtcmdScript.FileOpArg) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_multOperation(CalculatorExpr.SetExprBase.SetExpr) - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.SetExprBase.SetExpr
Designates the end of a multiplication operation.
add_newJavaClass(DataAccess.DatapathElementClass) - Method in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess.DataAccessSet
add_null_initializer(CheaderParser.DefineDefinition) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_number(CheaderParser.Number) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Value
add_numExpr(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdCalculatorExpr) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem
add_objElement(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.DefContainerVariable
add_onerror(JZtxtcmdScript.Onerror) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_Openfile(JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_operator(CheaderParser.Operator) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ClassDefinition
add_operator(CheaderParser.Operator) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Operator
add_option(EBNFread.EBNFexpr) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFread.EBNFexpr
add_OrCondition(CheaderParser.ConditionBlock.OrCondition) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ConditionBlock
add_outside(CheaderParser.ClassC) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ZbnfResultFile
add_paramDescription(CheaderParser.ParamDescription) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Description
add_parameter(CheaderParser.DefineParameter) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.DefineDefinition
add_parenthesis(EBNFread.EBNFexpr) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFread.EBNFexpr
add_parenthesisExpr(CalculatorExpr.SetExprBase.SetExpr) - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.SetExprBase.SetExpr
Closes an parenthesis expression.
add_Pipe(JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_refCastingValue(CheaderParser.RefCastingValue) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Value
add_referenceAddress(CheaderParser.Value) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Value
add_Refvariable(CheaderParser.Variable) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Assignment
add_relocateAddr(int) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.ExtReflection_Insp_h.ExtReflection_Insp
add_repetition(EBNFread.EBNFexpr) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFread.EBNFexpr
add_returnAssignment(CheaderParser.Value) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.StatementBlock
add_returnDescription(CheaderParser.ParamDescription) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Description
add_setColumn(JZtxtcmdScript.TextColumn) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_setEnvVar(JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
Defines or changes an environment variable with value. set NAME = TEXT; Handle in the same kind like a String variable but appends a '$' to the first name.
add_setEnvVar(JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine
Defines or changes an environment variable with value. set NAME = TEXT; Handle in the same kind like a String variable but appends a '$' to the first name.
add_simpleMethodCall(CheaderParser.MethodCall) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.MethodCall
add_simpleMethodCall(CheaderParser.MethodCall) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.StatementBlock
add_startDatapath(DataAccess.SetDatapathElement) - Method in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess.DataAccessSet
add_statement(CheaderParser.StatementBlock) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.StatementBlock
add_statementBlock(JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem
add_statementBlock(JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_statementBlock(CheaderParser.StatementBlock) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.MethodDef
add_statementBlock(CheaderParser.StatementBlock) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.StatementBlock
add_staticJavaMethod(DataAccess.DatapathElementClass) - Method in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess.DataAccessSet
add_staticMethod(CheaderParser.MethodDef) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_Stringjar(JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_structContentInsideCondition(CheaderParser.ConditionBlock) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_structDecl(CheaderParser.StructClassDecl) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_structDefinition(CheaderParser.StructDefinition) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_subClass(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdClass) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdClass
add_subOperation(CalculatorExpr.SetExprBase.SetExpr) - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.SetExprBase.SetExpr
Designates the end of an add operation.
add_subroutine(JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdClass
add_superclass(CheaderParser.Superclass) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ClassDefinition
add_textExpr(JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem
add_textExpr(JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_textExprTEST(JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_textOut(JZtxtcmdScript.TextOut) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_textVariable(JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.DefContainerVariable
add_textVariable(JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_textVariable(JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine
add_threadBlock(JZtxtcmdScript.ThreadBlock) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_throw(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_topic(DocuGen.Topic) - Method in class org.vishia.docuGen.DocuGen.Document
add_topictree(DocuGen.Topic) - Method in class org.vishia.docuGen.DocuGen.Document
add_typedef(CheaderParser.AttributeOrTypedef) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_typedParameter(CheaderParser.AttributeOrTypedef) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.MethodDef
add_typeRefModifier(CheaderParser.Type) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.VariableDefinition
add_undefDefinition(CheaderParser.Define) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_unionDefinition(CheaderParser.StructDefinition) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_value(CheaderParser.Value) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Value
add_varg(CheaderParser.AttributeOrTypedef) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Description
add_variable(ByteDataSymbolicAccess.Variable) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataSymbolicAccessReadConfig.ZbnfResult
Set from ZBNF-component:
add_variable(CheaderParser.Variable) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Value
add_variabledefinition(CheaderParser.VariableDefinition) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.StatementBlock
add_virtualMethod(CheaderParser.MethodDef) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
add_virtualOperator(CheaderParser.Operator) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ClassDefinition
add_whileCtrl(JZtxtcmdScript.CondStatement) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_zmake(JZtxtcmdScript.Zmake) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
add_zmakeFilesetVariable(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdDataAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.AccessFilesetname
add_zmakeOutput(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.Zmake
addAboutInfo(String) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd
Adds a about info-line to the internal list.
addAll(Collection) - Method in class org.vishia.util.SortedList
addAll(int, Collection) - Method in class org.vishia.util.SortedList
This Method throws a RuntimeException because the adding to the list at a specified position is not concept of the SortedList.
addAllParentDependency(InfoFileDependencies, ObjectFileDeps, int) - Method in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.InfoFileDependencies
Recursive call of adding the dependency.
addArg(Arguments.Argument) - Method in class org.vishia.util.Arguments
addArgument(MainCmd.Argument[]) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd
Adds arguments inclusively help info for this application.
addAttribStorePath(String, String) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlCfg.XmlCfgNode
This method is invoked from the xml configuration reader to create a new attribute entry for the found attribute.
addAttribute(String, String) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlReader.ZmlReader.ZmlNode
It is invoked via reflection from XmlJzCfgAnalyzer.newCfgReadStruct()
addAttributeUnnamed(String) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlReader.ZmlReader.ZmlNode
Adds a value String found in the data presentation, which is not designated by a name.
addBefore(Key, Type, Type) - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable
Adds the (key - value) pair to the container.
addBinary(int, String, String, String) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
Adds a number containing in a long variable in hexa form
addBool(boolean, String) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
Adds one character for a boolean value.
addBufferPos(char) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
addBufferPos(char) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFunctions_C.PrepareAppendablePos
Append the character.
addBufferPos(char) - Method in interface org.vishia.util.StringFunctions_C.PrepareBufferPos
Adds a character either on end (Appendable#append) or on a defined position
addChapterNrToChapterLink(String) - Method in class
Searches whether the line contains "<<#label>>" for a linked chapter and pads it with the chapter number.
addChild(ByteDataAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
adds an child Element after the current child or as first child after head.
addChild(ByteDataAccessBase, int) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
Adds a child Element after the current child or as first child after head.
addChild(ByteDataAccessBase) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
Adds a child with its given head size without additional data space.
addChild(ByteDataAccessOld) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
adds an child Element after the current child or as first child after head.
addChildAt(int, ByteDataAccessBase, int) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
Adds a child at any position.
addChildAt(int, ByteDataAccessBase) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
Adds a child at any position with its head size.
addChildEmpty(ByteDataAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
Adds a child Element at current end of data to write data.
addChildEmpty(ByteDataAccessBase) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
addChildEmpty(ByteDataAccessBase, int) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
addChildEmpty(ByteDataAccessOld) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
Adds a child Element at current end of data to write data.
addChildFloat(float) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
Adds a child for 1 integer value without a child instance, and sets the value as integer.
addChildFloat(float) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
Adds a child for 1 float value without a child instance, and sets the value as float.
addChildFloat(float) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
Adds a child for 1 integer value without a child instance, and sets the value as integer.
addChildInt(int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
Adds a child for 1 integer value without a child instance, and sets the value as integer.
addChildInteger(int, long) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
Adds a child for 1 integer value without a child instance, and sets the value as integer.
addChildInteger(int, long) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
Adds a child for 1 integer value without a child instance, and sets the value as integer.
addChildInteger(int, long) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
Adds a child for 1 integer value without a child instance, and sets the value as integer.
addChildString(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
Adds a child with String value.
addChildString(CharSequence, String) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
Adds a child with String value.
addChildString(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
Adds a child with String value.
addChildString(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
Adds a child with String value.
addChildString(CharSequence, String) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
Adds a child with String value.
addChildString(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
Adds a child with String value.
addChildString(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
Adds a child with String value.
addChildString(String) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
Adds a child with String value.
addChildString(CharSequence, String) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
Adds a child with String value.
addChildString(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
Adds a child with String value.
addClass(String, String) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutPrep
Adds a ClassJc-entry in the bin Data.
addCmd(String, String, Appendable, File, CmdExecuter.ExecuteAfterFinish) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter
addCmd(String[], String, List<Appendable>, List<Appendable>, File, CmdExecuter.ExecuteAfterFinish) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter
addCmd(JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine, List<DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, Appendable, File) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter
addCmd(JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine, List<DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, Appendable, File, CmdExecuter.ExecuteAfterFinish) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter
Adds a Subroutine of an jzTc script to execute.
addCmd(String, int, int, OutTextPreparer.ECmd, String, Class<?>) - Method in class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer
Explore the sDatapath and adds the proper Cmd
addCmdLineProperties() - Method in class org.vishia.xmlReader.GenXmlCfgJavaData.CmdLine
addCmdLineProperties() - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.GenZbnfJavaData.CmdLine
addCmdLineProperties() - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.Zbnf2Xml.CmdLine
addCmdSimpleVar(String, int, int, OutTextPreparer.ECmd, String, Class<?>) - Method in class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer
Called if a simple <&name> is detected.
addCmdSp(String, int, int, OutTextPreparer.ECmd, StringPartScan, Class<?>) - Method in class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer
Explore the sDatapath and adds the proper Cmd
addConstantSyntax(ZbnfSyntaxPrescript, String, long, long, int, int, String, ZbnfParseResultItem) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParserStore
addContent(String) - Method in interface org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlNode
Adds textual content.
addContent(XmlNode) - Method in interface org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlNode
Adds a child node.
addContent(String) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlNodeSimple
addContent(XmlNode) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlNodeSimple
addContentToSelectContainer(JZtxtcmdScript.AddSub2List) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript
Adds the content of the translated script to any list or map which contains all subroutines of the script, maybe a list for selection.
addDataReplace(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface org.vishia.util.ReplaceAlias_ifc
It supports usage of an alias in the data path.
addDataReplace(String, String) - Method in interface org.vishia.util.ReplaceAlias_ifc
It supports usage of an alias in the data path.
addDate(Date, SimpleDateFormat) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
addDependency(InfoFileDependencies, ObjectFileDeps) - Method in interface org.vishia.checkDeps_C.AddDependency_InfoFileDependencies
addDependency(InfoFileDependencies, ObjectFileDeps) - Method in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.InfoFileDependencies
Adds a depending file.
AddDependency_InfoFileDependencies - Interface in org.vishia.checkDeps_C
addElement(String) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlJzCfgAnalyzer.XmlStructureNode
Returns an instance to store the occurrence of a XML-element.
addEntry(CheaderParser.Value) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ExternObject
addError(String) - Method in class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer
addField(String, int, String, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutPrep
addFieldHead() - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutPrep
Adds space for the fields to BinOutPrep.binOutRefl as child BinOutPrep.binFieldArray and clears the child.
addfields(ObjectArray_Jc) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.reflection_Jc.Reflection_Jc
adds fields founded via a ObjectArray_Jc with the type-ident of Field_Jc.OBJTYPE_Field_Jc.
addFilesWithBasePath(File, String, List<FileFunctions.FileAndBasePath>) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.FileFunctions
Fills the list with found files to sPath.
addFileToList(File, String, FileFunction.AddFileToList) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.FileFunction
Add files.
addFileToList(String, List<File>) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.FileFunctions
Adds Files with the wildcard-path to a given list.
addFileToList(String, FileFunctions.AddFileToList) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.FileFunctions
Adds Files with the wildcard-path to a given list.
addFileToList(File, String, List<File>) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.FileFunctions
Add files.
addFileToList(FileFunctions.AddFileToList, File, String, int, FilenameFilter, FilenameFilter, int) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.FileFunctions
Executes adding file to the given list.
addFileToList(File, String, FileFunctions.AddFileToList) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.FileFunctions
Add files
addFileToList(File, String, FilesToList.AddFileToList) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.FilesToList
Add files
addFloat(double, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
adds a double value in a fix point representation without exponent.
addFloatNumber(String, ZbnfSyntaxPrescript, double, ZbnfParseResultItem) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParserStore
addFloatPicture(float, String) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
Writes a float value in technical representation with exponent as short char a..T NOTE: This algorithm is taken over from C++ routines in strpict.cpp written by JcHartmut in 1993..1999.
addFromSubtree(XmlCfg.XmlCfgNode) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlCfg.XmlCfgNode
addGenOut(String, String) - Method in class org.vishia.zcmd.Zbnf2Text.Args
Adds a pair of JZcmd generation files.
addHelpInfo(String) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd
Adds a help info-line to the internal list.
addHex(long, int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
Adds a number containing in a long variable in hexa form
addHex44(long) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
Adds a number in form 12ab'cd34, it is typical to show 4-byte-values at example addresses.
addHexBlock(byte[], int, int, short, short) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
Writes a block in hex.
addHexLine(byte[], int, int, short) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
Adds at the current position a line of hex numbers.
addHexLn(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
Adds a line with representation of byte content in a fixed nice format.
addHexWord(byte[], int, short) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
Adds a number as one word readed from data in hexa form
addHexWord_(byte[], int, short) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
Adds a number as one word readed from data in hexa form, internal routine without prepareBufferPos
addIdentifier(String, ZbnfSyntaxPrescript, String, ZbnfParseResultItem, int, int, String) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParserStore
addInnerChildren() - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.SuperclassIfc_idxMtblJc_ByteDataAccess
assigns data to inner accesses
addInputFilemask(String) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection
Adds a path/file or path/mask to the Header2Reflection.listFileIn.
addInstr(Execode.EInstruction, String) - Method in class org.vishia.execode.Execode
addInstr(Execode.EInstruction) - Method in class org.vishia.execode.Execode
addInstrVariable(Execode.EInstruction, int, String) - Method in class org.vishia.execode.Execode
addint(long, String) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
Sets a integer value at current position, use the picture to determine the number of characters etc.
addIntegerNumber(String, ZbnfSyntaxPrescript, long, String[], ZbnfParseResultItem) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParserStore
addIntPicture(long, String) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
additionalSemantic - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.Zbnf2Xml.Args
addLeaf(Data) - Method in class org.vishia.util.TreeNodeBase
addLocalName(StringBuilder) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Adds the local dir and the name, not the extension
addLocalName(StringBuilder, FilePath.FilePathEnvAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Adds the local dir and the name, not the extension
addLocals - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine
If set the subroutine gets all local variables as copy.
addMsgConfig(String) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd
addNamespace(String, String) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlJzCfgAnalyzer.XmlStructureNode
addNamespaceDeclaration(String, String) - Method in interface org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlNode
Adds namespace declaration on the specified node.
addNamespaceDeclaration(String, String) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlNodeSimple
addNew(Object) - Method in class org.vishia.util.SortedList
Adds only an Object if the key is not already content in list, returns false otherwise.
addNewNode(String, String) - Method in interface org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlNode
adds and returns a new child node.
addNewNode(String) - Method in interface org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlNode
adds and returns a new child node.
addNewNode(String, String) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlNodeSimple
addNewNode(String) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlNodeSimple
addNode(String, Data) - Method in interface org.vishia.util.TreeNode_ifc
addNode(DerivedNode) - Method in interface org.vishia.util.TreeNode_ifc
addNode(String, Data) - Method in class org.vishia.util.TreeNodeBase
create a child node and adds it.
addNode(DerivedNode) - Method in class org.vishia.util.TreeNodeBase
Adds a given child node.
addNodeFirst(DerivedNode) - Method in interface org.vishia.util.TreeNode_ifc
addNodeFirst(DerivedNode) - Method in class org.vishia.util.TreeNodeBase
addNodeKeyed(DerivedNode, TreeNodeBase<DerivedNode, Data, IfcType>) - Method in class org.vishia.util.TreeNodeBase
Adds the child node in the index of nodes with key of this parent and set the parent of child.
addOperation(CalculatorExpr.Operation) - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr
Adds the given operation to the list of operations.
addOperation - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operators
Adds the arg to the accu.
addPosition - Variable in class org.vishia.zcmd.Bin2Data.ZbnfResultDescrElement
addr - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.AttributeOrTypedef
Not parsed but possible for postprocessing.
addr - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StdHexFormatWriter
addRepetition(int, String, ZbnfSyntaxPrescript, long, long, int, int, String, ZbnfParseResultItem) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParserStore
Sets the src of the parsing.
addRepetitionRepeat(int, String, ZbnfSyntaxPrescript, long, long, int, int, String, ZbnfParseResultItem) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParserStore
addReplaceLinefeed(CharSequence, CharSequence, int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
Adds the given str at the current position but replaces line feed characters by given one.
Address_InterProcessComm - Interface in org.vishia.communication
This interface is only defined as a type to commit to a method of InterProcessCommunication.
Address_InterProcessComm_Socket - Class in org.vishia.communication
Implementation of Adress_InterProcessComm represents a for socket communication.
Address_InterProcessComm_Socket() - Constructor for class org.vishia.communication.Address_InterProcessComm_Socket
Empty constructor to call setLocalHostPort later
Address_InterProcessComm_Socket(String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.vishia.communication.Address_InterProcessComm_Socket
Constructor with full destination address given as 32-bit-integer value.
Address_InterProcessComm_Socket(String) - Constructor for class org.vishia.communication.Address_InterProcessComm_Socket
Constructor with address given as String.
Address_InterProcessComm_Socket(String, String, int) - Constructor for class org.vishia.communication.Address_InterProcessComm_Socket
Constructor with type, address and port.
addResultOrSubsyntax(CharSequence, long, int, int, String, String, ZbnfParserStore.ParseResultItemImplement, ZbnfSyntaxPrescript) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParser.PrescriptParser.SubParser
addrHiWritten - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StdHexFormatWriter
addSemantic(String, ZbnfSyntaxPrescript, ZbnfParseResultItem, int, int, String) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParserStore
addSiblingNext(DerivedNode) - Method in interface org.vishia.util.TreeNode_ifc
addSiblingNext(DerivedNode) - Method in class org.vishia.util.TreeNodeBase
Adds a new node behind the given node as sibling of this respectively child of this parent.
addSiblingPrev(DerivedNode) - Method in class org.vishia.util.TreeNodeBase
Adds a new node before the given node as sibling of this respectively child of this parent.
addSizeAll(int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable_Table
Change the size in this table and in all parents.
addSource(String) - Method in class
Adds a source file or some files designated with wildcards
addSource(File, String) - Method in class
Adds a source file or some files designated with wildcards
addSrc(String, String) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Args
addStandardHelpInfo() - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd
Adds the help info for standard arguments.
addState(int, StateSimple) - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateCompositeFlat
It is called from outside if the state machine is build other than with Reflection.
addState(int, StateSimple) - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateParallel
Special method to build a state machine from other data.
addString(StringPart, String, ZbnfSyntaxPrescript, ZbnfParseResultItem) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParserStore
Adds a founded string to the parsers store.
addString(CharSequence, String, ZbnfSyntaxPrescript, StringPart, ZbnfParseResultItem, int, int, String) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParserStore
Adds a founded string to the parsers store.
addStringLine(byte[], int, int, String) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
Adds a line of ascii representation of bytes.
addStructureNodeOccurence(XmlJzCfgAnalyzer.XmlStructureNode) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlJzCfgAnalyzer.XmlStructureData
Adds the occurrence of a sub node in the struct data.
addSubnode(String, XmlCfg.XmlCfgNode) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlCfg.XmlCfgNode
addSubOfJZcmdClass(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdClass, JZtxtcmdScript.AddSub2List, int) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript
Core and recursively called routine.
addSubTree(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlCfg
Invoked from XmlCfg.XmlCfgNode.addSubTree(CharSequence) to execute for the whole configuration.
addSubTree(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlCfg.XmlCfgNode
Invoked via reflection from XmlCfg.newCfgCfg()-given configuration.
addSuperclass(String) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutPrep
Adds the bin data for a ObjectArrayJc of SuperclassIfc_idxMtblJc_ByteDataAccess with the given super field.
addText(String) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
addTextFile(File, Class) - Method in class org.vishia.util.SortedList
it is from the old implementation ... TODO
addTimeEntry(TimeOrder) - Method in class org.vishia.event.EventTimerThread
addTimeEntry(TimeOrder) - Method in interface org.vishia.event.EventTimerThread_ifc
Adds a timeout event or a time order with given execution time.
addToOperations() - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.SetExprBase.SetExpr
addToParentList(int, XmlNode) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.WikistyleTextToSimpleXml
Adds either into the iterator or in the topLevel element if the level is <0 or add to the xmlNesting[level]
addToXmlNode(ZbnfParseResultItem, XmlNode) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfXmlOutput
adds the content of the parse result item to the xml tree or creates the toplevel element.
addToXmlNodeFinal(String, ZbnfParseResultItem, XmlNode) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfXmlOutput
adds the content of the parse result item to the xml tree or creates the toplevel element.
addTrack(String, char) - Method in class org.vishia.util.TimedValues
addTransition(StateSimple.Trans) - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple.PlugStateSimpleToGenState
Adds a transition.
addUnaryOperator(CalculatorExpr.Operator) - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operation
Sets one of some unary operators.
addUnaryOperator(String) - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operation
addUnaryToOperations() - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.SetExprBase.SetExpr
Adds the #actUnaryOperation to the expression statements.
addVariable(String, ByteDataSymbolicAccess.Variable) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataSymbolicAccess
addWrNode(XmlNode, XmlJzCfgAnalyzer.XmlStructureNode, int) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlJzCfgAnalyzer
Adds the node and recursively all sub nodes from XmlJzCfgAnalyzer.XmlStructureNode It is invoked after a XML file war read with XmlCfg#newCfgReadStruct()
adjust() - Method in class org.vishia.util.MinMaxTime
adjust2(String, int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.ShortenString
adjustLength(String) - Method in class org.vishia.util.ShortenString
adjustNonBool(int) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.PositionElementInStruct
Adjusts the position if the next element has a size, which requests a new align.
adjustParent(FileCompare.Result, int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FileCompare.Result
aFilterChild - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FilepathFilterM
This is the next part in the original path between /child/
aKeys - Variable in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable_Table
Array of all keys.
aliases - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.Xsltpre
allArgNames - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlCfg.XmlCfgNode
Argument names from attributes which are used for the new_<&element> but also 4 possible standard argument names: tag, name, value, text.
allClasses - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.reflection_Jc.Reflection_Jc
allClasses - Static variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser
All yet parsed struct or class.
allClassesByMemAddr - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.reflection_Jc.Reflection_Jc
allClassesByName - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.reflection_Jc.Reflection_Jc
allElementTypes - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlJzCfgAnalyzer.XmlStructureData
Stores all node types per tagName, with its occurrence in the structure file.
allElementTypes2 - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlJzCfgAnalyzer.XmlStructureData
Stores all node types with occurrence more as one time, with tag name but with extra entry for any different content (really different type with same tag).
allFieldArraysByMemAddr - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.reflection_Jc.Reflection_Jc
allInputFiles() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.ZmakeTarget
allInputFilesExpanded() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.ZmakeTarget
Prepares all files which are given with a parameter.
allInstances - Variable in class org.vishia.util.ObjectId
allInstances() - Method in class org.vishia.util.ObjectId
Returns a list which contains all instances in order of registration with #instanceId(Object).
allInstancesHash2Id - Variable in class org.vishia.util.ObjectId
allInstancesInOrder - Variable in class org.vishia.util.ObjectId
allInstancesPerHash - Variable in class org.vishia.util.ObjectId
allInstancesPerId - Variable in class org.vishia.util.ObjectId
alloc(int) - Static method in class org.vishia.bridgeC.MemC
allocByteArray(Object, int) - Static method in class org.vishia.bridgeC.AllocInBlock
allocCharArray(Object, int) - Static method in class org.vishia.bridgeC.AllocInBlock
allocDoubleArray(Object, int) - Static method in class org.vishia.bridgeC.AllocInBlock
allocFloatArray(Object, int) - Static method in class org.vishia.bridgeC.AllocInBlock
AllocInBlock - Class in org.vishia.bridgeC
This class supports allocation in a given block with equal size.
AllocInBlock() - Constructor for class org.vishia.bridgeC.AllocInBlock
allocIntArray(Object, int) - Static method in class org.vishia.bridgeC.AllocInBlock
allocLongArray(Object, int) - Static method in class org.vishia.bridgeC.AllocInBlock
allocObjectArray(Object, int) - Static method in class org.vishia.bridgeC.AllocInBlock
allocShortArray(Object, int) - Static method in class org.vishia.bridgeC.AllocInBlock
allocStringBuffer(Object, int) - Static method in class org.vishia.bridgeC.AllocInBlock
allTree() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdFilepath
Returns true if the local path contains (ends with) "/**"
allTree - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Set to true if a "*" was found in any directory part.
allTree() - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Return true if the local path contains a "/** /" which means, all files in the directory tree should be used.
alone - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FileCompare.Result
alphanum - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
Alpha-numeric keys in KeyCode.mSpecialKeys.
alreadyParsedCmpn - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParser
Already parsed components with the same input text which should be requested in another context.
alsoEmptyOption - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript
If it is true, it is also matching if no prescript matches to the parsed input.
alt - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
altDigit - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
andConditions - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ConditionBlock.OrCondition
Answer() - Constructor for enum org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteProgressEvData.Answer
answer() - Method in class org.vishia.inspcComm.InspcDatagram.SeqEntrant
answerToCmd - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteProgressEvData
The original command which this is answer to.
anytime - Static variable in interface org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmdLogging_ifc
use instead Report.error or Report.errorDisplay
aParallelstates - Variable in class org.vishia.states.StateParallel
Array of all composite states which are executed parallel if this state is active.
app - Variable in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmdLoggingStream
app - Variable in class org.vishia.util.Writer_Appendable
append(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd
append(char) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd
append(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd.LogMessageImplConsole
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd.LogMessageImplConsole
append(char) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd.LogMessageImplConsole
append(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd.LogMessageImplErrConsole
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd.LogMessageImplErrConsole
append(char) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd.LogMessageImplErrConsole
append(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd.LogMessageImplFile
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd.LogMessageImplFile
append(char) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd.LogMessageImplFile
append(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmdLoggingStream
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmdLoggingStream
append(char) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmdLoggingStream
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.PrintStreamAdapter
append(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.PrintStreamAdapter
This method is called if was invoked
append(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.ReportWrapperLog
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.ReportWrapperLog
append(char) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.ReportWrapperLog
append(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageFile
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageFile
append(char) - Method in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageFile
append(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageStream
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageStream
append(char) - Method in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageStream
append(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgDispatcherCore
TODO yet message nr 0 is created, get the message from the start text...
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgDispatcherCore
append(char) - Method in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgDispatcherCore
This is more formally, only one char is nonsense for the MsgDispatcher.
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgPrintStream.PrintStreamAdapter
append(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgPrintStream.PrintStreamAdapter
This method is called if was invoked
append(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FileAppend
In opposite to the original Writer.append(CharSequence) this operation does not throw.
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FileAppend
append(char) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FileAppend
append(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FileAppend.Wr
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FileAppend.Wr
append(char) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FileAppend.Wr
append(Key, Type) - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable
Appends the (key - value) pair to the container.
append(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.util.OutputTwice
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.OutputTwice
append(char) - Method in class org.vishia.util.OutputTwice
append(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.util.PipeRingBuffer
append(char) - Method in class org.vishia.util.PipeRingBuffer
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.PipeRingBuffer
append(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
It invokes StringFormatter.append(char) for any char.Therewith a \n and \r is handled specially.
append(char) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
Appends one character and flushes a line on end-line character.
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
It invokes StringFormatter.append(char) for any char.Therewith a \n and \r is handled specially.
append(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter.Appendable_Intern
Not implemented, do not call
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter.Appendable_Intern
Not implemented, do not call
append(char) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter.Appendable_Intern
Appends to internal buffer on StringFormatter.pos_++.
append(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringPartAppend
append(char) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringPartAppend
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringPartAppend
appendable - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
See StringFormatter.Appendable_Intern, only internal usage.
Appendable_Intern() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter.Appendable_Intern
appendContent(Object, Appendable) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.DataShow
appendExpr(JZtxtcmdScript.AssignExpr) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Executes a appendExpr::= [{ < datapath?
appendHex(Appendable, long, int) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.StringFunctions_C
Append a value in hexa with given number of digits.
appendHexLine(Appendable, int[], int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.StringFunctions_C
Appends some lines with hex numbers
appendIntPict(Appendable, long, String) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.StringFunctions_C
Appends a long value with a dedicated outfit
ApplMain - Class in org.vishia.util
This is a new replacement for the org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd which is now deprecated.
ApplMain() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.ApplMain
arg - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.PrepareCmd.CmdReplace
arg - Variable in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd.Argument
argData - Variable in class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd.CmdLine
argData - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.GenXmlCfgJavaData.CmdLine
argData - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.GenZbnfJavaData.CmdLine
argData - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.Zbnf2Xml.CmdLine
argList - Variable in class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd.CmdLine
argList - Variable in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd
argList - Variable in class org.vishia.util.Arguments
arglist1 - Variable in class org.vishia.docuGen.DocuGen.CmdLine
argName(int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess.DatapathElement
Returns the name for the argument start variable.
args - Variable in class org.vishia.bridgeC.VaArgBuffer
Args() - Constructor for class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDeps.Args
args - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDeps_Old
Aggregation to arguments.
Args() - Constructor for class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDeps_Old.Args
args - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDeps_Old.Cmdline
The only one dependency to the main class: The arguments.
args - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter.CmdQueueEntry
args - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdThreadQueue.SubArg
args - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.PrepareCmd.FileParts
Reference set on clean.
Args() - Constructor for class org.vishia.docuGen.DocuGen.Args
Args() - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Args
args - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.DefineDefinition
args - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.MethodCall
args - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.MethodDef
Args() - Constructor for class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd.Args
Args() - Constructor for class org.vishia.mainCmd.SampleCmdLine.Args
Args() - Constructor for class
args - Variable in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess.DatapathElement
It is is a method call, contains the argument calculation rules.
args - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FileList
Args() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.FileList.Args
args - Variable in class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.CallCmd
The data to get actual arguments for this call.
args - Variable in class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.DataTextPreparer
Array of all arguments.
Args() - Constructor for class org.vishia.zbnf.Zbnf2Xml.Args
args - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParser
Args(int) - Constructor for class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParser.Args
Args() - Constructor for class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParser.Args
args - Variable in class org.vishia.zcmd.Bin2Data
Args() - Constructor for class org.vishia.zcmd.Bin2Data.Args
Args() - Constructor for class org.vishia.zcmd.Csv2Data.Args
args - Variable in class org.vishia.zcmd.Csv2Data.CmdHandler
Args() - Constructor for class org.vishia.zcmd.Zbnf2Text.Args
Args() - Constructor for class
ArgsBase(String, String) - Constructor for class
argSub - Variable in class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.DataTextPreparer
Any <call in the pattern get the data for the called OutTextPreparer, but only ones, reused.
argsx - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.Zbnf2Xml
Arguments from main of this class.
Argument(JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList) - Constructor for class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.Argument
Set whether the argument is a filepath.
Argument(String, String, MainCmd.SetArgument) - Constructor for class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd.Argument
Argument(String, String) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.Arguments.Argument
Ctor for an instance which holds the argument value, stored as string.
Argument(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.Arguments.Argument
Ctor for an instance which holds the argument value, stored as string and given as default.
Argument(String, String, Arguments.SetArgument) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.Arguments.Argument
Ctor with a specific set operation, the argument value us not used here.
Argument(OutTextPreparer, String, int, String, Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.Argument
Argument(String, int, Object, DataAccess, String) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.Argument
Arguments - Class in org.vishia.util
This is a base class for simple argument handling of main(...) arguments.
Arguments() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.Arguments
arguments - Variable in class org.vishia.zcmd.Csv2Data.CmdHandler
Arguments.Argument - Class in org.vishia.util
Class to describe one argument.
Arguments.SetArgument - Interface in org.vishia.util
Interface for implementation of setting arguments.
argumentsZbnf2Text - Variable in class org.vishia.zcmd.Zbnf2Text.CmdLineText
argumentsZbnf2Xml - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.Zbnf2Xml.CmdLine
array - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataVariable.Int32Array
The array can be inspect in debug view.
array - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataVariable.Uint16Array
array - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataVariable.Uint32Array
array - Variable in class org.vishia.util.IntegerBlockArray
array - Variable in class org.vishia.util.IteratorArrayMask
array - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringArray
Arraysize() - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Arraysize
arraysize - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.AttributeOrTypedef
arraysize - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.StructDefinition
Used in an innerStructAttribute.
arraysize - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.VariableDefinition
ascii - Static variable in interface org.vishia.charset.CodeCharset
ASCII7bit - Class in org.vishia.charset
ASCII7bit() - Constructor for class org.vishia.charset.ASCII7bit
assembleDstState(StringBuilder, StateSimple) - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateComposite
Assert - Class in org.vishia.util
Assert() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.Assert
assert1(boolean) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable_Table
assert1(boolean) - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTableInteger
assertCheckNr(List<TestConditionCombi.NumString[]>, boolean) - Method in class org.vishia.testutil.TestConditionCombi
Checks whether the nr in each item element is the same as position in array as expected.
assertion(boolean) - Method in class org.vishia.util.ExcUtil
This routine can handle a assertion to support debugging or reporting.
assertion(boolean, String) - Method in class org.vishia.util.ExcUtil
This routine can handle a assertion to support debugging or reporting.
assertMsg(boolean, CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.util.ExcUtil
Assert the condition, writes a message to System.err if it is false.
assertNotExpandable() - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
assertNotExpandable() - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
assertObject - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.ExcUtil
assign(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
Assigns new data to this element at given index in data.
assign(byte[], int) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
Assigns data with a given length.
assign(byte[]) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
Assigns the given data with its given length to read the data.
assign(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringPart
Sets the content to the given string, forgets the old content.
assign(StringPart) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringPart
Sets the StringPart with the same String object as the given StringPart, forgets the old content.
assignAllElementsToClasses() - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.reflection_Jc.Reflection_Jc
assignAsChild(ByteDataAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
use addChild()
assignAsChild(ByteDataAccessOld) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
use addChild()
assignAt(int, int, ByteDataAccessBase) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
assigns the element to the given position of the parents data to present a child of the parent with a defined length.
assignAt(int, ByteDataAccessBase) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
assigns the element to the given position of the parents data to present a child of the parent.
assignAtIndex(int, int, ByteDataAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
assigns the element to the given position of the parents data to present a child of the parent with a defined length.
assignAtIndex(int, ByteDataAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
assigns the element to the given position of the parents data to present a child of the parent.
assignAtIndex(int, int, ByteDataAccessOld) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
assigns the element to the given position of the parents data to present a child of the parent with a defined length.
assignAtIndex(int, ByteDataAccessOld) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
assigns the element to the given position of the parents data to present a child of the parent.
assignCasted(ByteDataAccessBase, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
it is confuse. Use
assignCasted_i(ByteDataAccess, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
Assigns this element to the same position in data, but it is another view.
assignCasted_i(ByteDataAccessOld, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
Assigns this element to the same position in data, but it is another view.
assignClear(byte[]) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
Initializes a top level instance, the data will be cleared, set to 0, overall.
assignData(byte[], int, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
Assigns new data to this element at given index in data.
assignData(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
Assigns data without a given length of head.
assignData(byte[], int) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
Assigns new data to this element.
assignData(byte[], int) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
Assigns new data to this element.
assignData(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
Assigns new data to this element at given index in data.
assignData(byte[], long) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataSymbolicAccess
assignData(byte[], int, int, long) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataSymbolicAccess
Assigns new data which are filled with byte before, often from a received socket telegram
assignDataToFixChildren() - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
This method can be overridden by Java applications for derived instances which contains elements of this class assigned at defined positions in data.
assignDataToFixChilds() - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
This method is called inside all assign...() methods.
assignDataToFixChilds() - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
This method is called inside all assign...() methods.
assignDataUpcast(Object_Jc) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.Class_Jc
assigns data from a given Object_Jc instance which is assigned to a byte[] via ByteDataAccessBase superclass of Object_Jc.
assignDataUpcast(Object_Jc) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ObjectArray_Jc
assigns data from a given Object_Jc instance which is assigned to a byte[] via ByteDataAccessBase superclass of Object_Jc.
assignDowncast_i(ByteDataAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
Older form, see protected method assignCasted_i(ByteDataAccess, int ) If a cast is possible, it should be programmed in the derivated class.
assignDowncast_i(ByteDataAccessOld) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
Older form, see protected method assignCasted_i(ByteDataAccessOld, int ) If a cast is possible, it should be programmed in the derivated class.
assignEmpty(byte[]) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
Initializes a top level, the data are considered as non initalized.
assignEmpty(byte[]) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
Initializes a top level, the data are considered as non initalized.
AssignExpr(JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList, char) - Constructor for class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.AssignExpr
assignFromEnd(StringPart) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringPart
Sets the content of the StringPart , forgets the old content.
Assignment() - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Assignment
assignObj(JZtxtcmdScript.AssignExpr, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Executes a assignment::= [{ < datapath?
assignObjs - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.AssignExpr
Any variable given by name or java instance which is used to assign to it.
assignOperation - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operators
Assign the current value to the left variable.
assignOperator - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Assignment
assignOperator - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Operator
assignReplaceEnv(StringBuilder) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringPart
Sets the content to the given string, forgets the old content.
assignStatement(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
aSubstates - Variable in class org.vishia.states.StateCompositeFlat
List of all sub states of this composite state.
aTransitions - Variable in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple
This array contains all transitions to handle it commonly.
AttribAsMacro(String) - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.AttribAsMacro
AttribAsMacro() - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.AttribAsMacro
AttribDstCheck(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlCfg.AttribDstCheck
attribNameVale - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlCfg
AttribRead() - Constructor for class org.vishia.xmlReader.ZmlReader.AttribRead
attribs - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.StructOrClassDef
attribs - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlCfg.XmlCfgNode
Key (attribute name with xmlns:name) and reflection path to store the attribute value.
attribs - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.ZmlReader.ZmlNode
Found attributes.
attribsForCheck - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlCfg.XmlCfgNode
If not null, contains attribute names which's name and value are used to build the key to found the proper xml noce in the config file.
attribsUnnamed - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.ZmlReader.ZmlNode
attribsUnspec - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlCfg.XmlCfgNode
If set, the attrib dst for not found attributes to store in a common way.
AttribToStore(DataAccess.DatapathElement, String, String) - Constructor for class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlJzReader.AttribToStore
attribute(String, String) - Static method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.SimpleXmlOutputter
attributeNames - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlJzCfgAnalyzer.XmlStructureData.CfgSubtreeType2
AttributeOrTypedef(String) - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.AttributeOrTypedef
AttributeOrTypedef() - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.AttributeOrTypedef
attributes - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript
If not null, than attributes of this item.
auxDescriptions - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Description
auxInfo - Variable in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple
Any additional information.
auxInfo() - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple
Gets the auxiliary information to that state which is set with StateSimple.setAuxInfo(Object).
available() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileAccessZip.FileZipInputStream
aValues - Variable in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable_Table
Array of objects appropriate to the keys.
await(int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.MessageQueue
awaitcmd(int) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdThread
Waits for a command which can be sent by another thread using JZtxtcmdThread.sendcmd(String, Object)
awaitExecution(long, boolean) - Method in class org.vishia.event.EventConsumerAwait
Awaits for execution till "done" was set by the event which uses this destination or till the timeout is expired.
awaitmsg(int) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdThread


b1 - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPart.Part
Absolute positions of part of chars
bAbort - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteProgressEvData
These are bits for communication from set from the application.
bAccessPrivate - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.JzTcMain
Set it to true if private and protected fields and methods should be used by data access.
back - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
backward - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript.RepetitionSyntax
Syntax of the repetition path
bAddOuterResults - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript
see quest method.
bAll - Variable in class org.vishia.genJavaOutClass.GenJavaOutClass.CmdArgs
bAllTree - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FilepathFilter
If set then the path contains path/before/** /path/after.
bAllTree - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FilepathFilterM
True if the filter path on ctor has contained "**".
bAllTree - Variable in class org.vishia.util.PathCheck
bAlltree1 - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FilepathFilter.PathFilter
bAlltree2 - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FilepathFilter.PathFilter
bAnyFile - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteWalkerCallbackLog
bAppendToFile - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable
Base() - Constructor for class org.vishia.inspcComm.InspcDatagram.Base
Base(int) - Constructor for class org.vishia.inspcComm.InspcDatagram.Base
Constructor only for derived head structures of a datagram
base_localdir() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdFilepath
Assembles and returns the designated part from this Filepath as String or StringBuilder: <&data.base_localdir()>.
base_localdir(FilePath.FilePathEnvAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Returns the base path and the local dir like given with ':' as separator between both parts.
base_localdirW() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdFilepath
base_localdirW(FilePath.FilePathEnvAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Returns the base path and the local dir like given with ':' as separator between both parts for Windows environment with backslash as separator.
base_localfile() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdFilepath
Assembles and returns the designated part from this Filepath as String or StringBuilder: <&data.base_localfile()>.
base_localfile(FilePath.FilePathEnvAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Returns the base path and the local file like given with ':' as separator between both parts.
base_localfileW() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdFilepath
base_localfileW(FilePath.FilePathEnvAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Returns the base path and the local file like given with ':' as separator between both parts for Windows environment with backslash as separator.
baseName(String...) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.AttributeOrTypedef
baseName(String...) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ClassDefinition
Should be offered, as for struct, but no content.
baseName(String...) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.StructDefinition
basename - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Type
It is the name without forward suffix (_, _T, _t or _* admissible, * = any char) or the name witout "_s" for struct type definitions.
baseName(String, String) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Type
Returns the base name of the type.
basepath() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdFilepath
Assembles and returns the designated part from this Filepath as String or StringBuilder: <&basepath()>.
basePath - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FileFunctions.FileAndBasePath
basepath - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Base path-part before a ':' in String-given path.
basepath(FilePath.FilePathEnvAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Returns the base path part like given, either as absolute path or relative path.
basepath(StringBuilder, FilePath, FilePath, FilePath.FilePathEnvAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Gets the base path part of this.
basepath(StringBuilder, FilePath, FilePath, Object, FilePath.FilePathEnvAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Same as FilePath.basepath(StringBuilder, FilePath, FilePath, FilePathEnvAccess) but the scriptvariable may be given immediately.
basepath1 - Variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileCallbackLocalCmp
basepath1 - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCallbackSearch
basepathW() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdFilepath
basepathW(FilePath.FilePathEnvAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Returns the base path part like given for Windows environment with backslash as separator.
bAssignIntoNextComponent - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript
if it is set, the semantic of this component should be assigned into the next component of the outer prescript.
bAwaiting - Variable in class org.vishia.event.TimeOrder
Set if #awaitExecution(int, int) is called.
bAwaitReserve - Variable in class org.vishia.event.EventWithDst
bBigEndian - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
Flag is set or get data in big endian or little endian (if false)
bBigEndian - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
Flag is set or get data in big endian or little endian (if false)
bBigEndian - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
Flag is set or get data in big endian or little endian (if false)
bCheckAttributeNode - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlCfg.XmlCfgNode
The first node in some equal nodes in cfg, which determines the attributes used for check.
bChecked - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFread.EBNFdef
bChecking - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFread.EBNFdef
bCheckNewness - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection
If true, generate only if at least one of the header files are newer then the generate.
bChildSyntaxAreAlternatives - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript
If it is set, the childSyntaxPrescripts contains some alternative syntax prescripts, otherwise childSyntaxPrescripts contain the items one after another of this syntax prescript.
bClassBasedOnObjectJc - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection.ConverterClass
Inheritance situation.
bCmdCheck - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.CmdInvoke
bConst - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable
bConstantSyntaxAsParseResult - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParser
Set if constant syntax (terminate morphems) also should stored.
bContainsVariableDef - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
True if the block JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem.statementlist contains at least one variable definition.
bCurrentOk - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPart
false if current scanning is not match
bCyclic - Variable in class org.vishia.event.TimeOrder
If this bit is set, TimeOrder.repeatCyclic() activates again.
bDebugParsing - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript
Set to stop parsing on this item.
bDependencyChecked - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlJzCfgAnalyzer.XmlStructureNode
bDone - Variable in class org.vishia.event.EventConsumerAwait
It is set in EventConsumerAwait.setDone(String), should be called if the event was received with the "done" information.
bDone - Variable in class org.vishia.event.PayloadBack
This bit should be set if the back event should notify that the task is done with or without error.
bDoNotStoreData - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParser.PrescriptParser.SubParser
bDonotStoreData - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript
If set the parse result and all sub results are not stored as data.
begiMin - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPart
The most left possible start position.
begin - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPart
The actual start position of the valid part.
beginLast - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPart
Borders of the last part before calling of scan__(), seek__(), lento__().
beginScan - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPartScan
Position of scanStart() or after scanOk() as begin of next scan operations.
beginScanLast - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPartScan
Position of last scanStart() after scanOk().
bElementStart - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlSequWriter
bElse - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.IfCondition
bEnablePrintfOnComm - Variable in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessCommRxThread
bEntryComponentContainer - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript
If it is set this result is stored in a container (List).
bEof - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPartFromFile
bEof - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPartFromFileLines
bEof - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlBeautificator
bEqu - Variable in class org.vishia.util.PathCheck
bEventException - Variable in class org.vishia.event.TimeOrder
bEventExecuted - Variable in class org.vishia.event.TimeOrder
bExc - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
If false then never an exception is thrown, Instead the work is done as soon as possible.
bExc - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDependencyFile
If true then an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown instead text return.
bExceptionIfnotFound - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfJavaOutput
If it is set, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown, if a matching field or method are not found.
bExecHasNext - Variable in class org.vishia.util.IterableIndirect
bExecHasNext - Variable in class org.vishia.util.IteratorArrayMask
bExecHasNext - Variable in class org.vishia.util.IteratorMask
bExecute - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.Filecmd.Cargs
bExpand - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
True if the ByteDataAccess.idxEnd should be increment on adding children.
bExpand - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
True if the ByteDataAccessBase.ixEnd should not be set to the ByteDataAccessBase.sizeHead on removing children.
bExpand - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
True if the ByteDataAccessOld.idxEnd should be increment on adding children.
bFirst - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.DefContainerVariable
bFirst - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection.ConverterClass
bFirst - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPart.Iter
bForHasNext - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Used while a for-container loop runs.
bFound - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPart
True if the last operation of lento__(), seek etc. has found anything.
bFullEncoding - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlSequWriter
true then no reason to output transcription characters.
bGenerateOnlyifNecessary - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.Xsltpre
If false than generate fOut always, if true than generate only if the fIn is newer.
bHasNext - Variable in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTableInteger.IteratorImpl
True if hasNext.
bHasNextCalled - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPart.Iter
bHasNextProcessed - Variable in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTableInteger.IteratorImpl
true if hasnext-test is done.
bHelpIswritten - Variable in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd
bHoldTimeorder - Variable in class org.vishia.event.TimeOrder
If true then the current active time order should not be send as event if the time is expired, because some data are changed.
Bin2Data - Class in org.vishia.zcmd
This class reads a regular binary file which contains data records with equal length into a container of signals.
Bin2Data(Bin2Data.Args) - Constructor for class org.vishia.zcmd.Bin2Data
Bin2Data() - Constructor for class org.vishia.zcmd.Bin2Data
Bin2Data.Args - Class in org.vishia.zcmd
Bin2Data.CmdLine - Class in org.vishia.zcmd
Bin2Data.DescrData - Class in org.vishia.zcmd
Bin2Data.DescrDataElement - Class in org.vishia.zcmd
Bin2Data.ZbnfResultDescr - Class in org.vishia.zcmd
Bin2Data.ZbnfResultDescrElement - Class in org.vishia.zcmd
binaryOperator - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Operator
binarySearch(int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.IntegerBlockArray
Searches the value in the arrays and returns the index of that value, which is equal or near lesser than the requested one.
binarySearchFirstKey(Comparable<Key>[], int, int, Object) - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable_Table
Binary search of the element, which is the first with the given key.
binarySearchFirstKey(int[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTableInteger
Binary search of the element, which is the first with the given key.
binarySearchFirstKey(int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.IntegerBlockArray
Searches the value in the arrays and returns the index of the first occurence of that value, which is equal or near lesser than the requested one.
binClass - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutPrep
binClass - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutShow
bIndented - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlSequWriter.ElementInfo
binField - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutPrep
binField - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutShow
binFieldArray - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutPrep
binFieldArray - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutShow
binOutClassArray - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutPrep
Access to binary class Array data for fileBin.
binOutClassArray - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutShow
Access to binary class Array data for fileBin.
binOutClassArrayData - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutPrep
Binary data for fileBin.
binOutData - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutPrep
Binary data for fileBin.
binOutHead - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutPrep
Access to binary head data for fileBin.
binOutHead - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutShow
Access to binary head data for fileBin.
binOutHeadData - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutPrep
Binary data for fileBin.
BinOutPrep - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
This class prepares the binary output.
BinOutPrep(String, String, boolean, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutPrep
Constructor to create a binary reflection file.
binOutPrep - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection
BinOutPrep.TypeBinPosition - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
BinOutPrep.TypeNeedInBinOut - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
Position and type of a usage of type in a field.
binOutRefl - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutPrep
Access to binary data for fileBin.
binOutRefl - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutShow
Access to binary data for fileBin.
BinOutShow - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
BinOutShow(byte[], int) - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutShow
binOutSuperArray - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutPrep
binRefl - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutShow
The array with the binary data, read from file or immediately on creation.
bInsert - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
True than add inserts, false than it overwrites.
binSuperClass - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutPrep
binSuperClass - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutShow
binSuperClassArray - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutShow
bIsNotified - Variable in class org.vishia.util.ThreadRun
bit - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.VariableAccessWithBitmask
The position of the last significant bit if the value of the variable is placed in some bits or specially in only one bit, a boolean value. 0 per default.
bit - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.VariableAccessWithIdx
The position of the last significant bit if the value of the variable is placed in some bits or specially in only one bit, a boolean value. 0 per default.
bit1 - Variable in class org.vishia.util.IntegerBlockArray
bit2 - Variable in class org.vishia.util.IntegerBlockArray
bitField - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.AttributeOrTypedef
bitField - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.VariableDefinition
bitfieldByte - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection.ConverterClass
The byte-number of more bitfields.
bitfieldPos - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection.ConverterClass
Current Bit position in Bitfield.
bitMask - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataSymbolicAccess.Variable
bitMode - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPart
Some mode bits.
bitNotOperation - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operators
Negates all bits from a given integer type value or negates a boolean in the accu.
bJop - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdInclude
True then & given as path.
bLast - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FilepathFilterM
bLastWasNext - Variable in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable.IteratorImpl
bLesserReadAsExpected - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPartFromFileLines
bList - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlCfg.XmlCfgNode
true then this element is stored with more as one instance.
bLittleEndianBig2 - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
Flag is set or get data in little endian but 2 Bytes as 16 bit word in big endian.
blocks - Variable in class org.vishia.util.IntegerBlockArray
bMarkCheck - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteAccessor.FileWalkerThread
bMkdirAll - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteProgressEvData
These are bits for communication from set from the application.
bNewAttributes - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.ZmlReader.ZmlNode
Set if new attributes are found.
bNewFile - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageFile
bNewFileReflectionTypesOut - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection
True if a new file for types should be created, false if append.
bNewFromType - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfJavaOutput
True then create a dst instance of a component only from the given type name and the found instance class.
bNewTimestamp - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.FileOpArg
bNext - Variable in class org.vishia.util.TreeNodeBase.IteratorOneNode
bNotBegin - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FilepathFilterM
up to 32 bit for negation of variants, bit 0 for first text etc.
bNotifyAlsoOnException - Variable in class org.vishia.event.TimeOrder
bNoWildcard - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FilepathFilterM
bObjectifcBaseJcpp - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection.ConverterClass
Inheritance situation.
bObjectJcpp - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection.ConverterClass
Inheritance situation.
body - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.MethodDef
If empty then this is a declaration.
bOk - Variable in class org.vishia.util.TestOrg
bOnlyFields - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfJavaOutput
If it is set, only fields are accepted, no methods.
bOnlyMethods - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfJavaOutput
If it is set, only set_ or add_-methods and new_-methods are accepted, no fields and no inner classes as container.
bOnlyOneEach - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript
Used in a repetition: The sub syntax is expected only one time though it is possible in the repetition.
bOnlyOneEachOption - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript.RepetitionSyntax
Set on {| not tested in zbnf, only for Store in Java
bOnlyText - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFread.EBNFdef
bOnlyTextInExpr - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFread.EBNFexpr
Set false on evaluation if other than literal are stored here.
boolAndOperation - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operators
Ands the arg with the accu.
boolCheckAndOperation - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operators
Ands the arg with the accu.
boolCheckOrOperation - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operators
Ors the arg with the accu.
booleanExpr - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.ExprTypes
The current expression type is boolean.
booleanValue() - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Value
Returns a boolean value.
boolNotOperation - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operators
Converts the accu (val) to a boolean and negates it.
boolOperation - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operators
Converts the accu (val) to a boolean.
boolOrOperation - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operators
Ors the arg with the accu.
boolVal - Variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Value
bOS_HandlePointer - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.AttributeOrTypedef
bOutput - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.AttributeOrTypedef
Not parsed but possible for postprocessing.
bOverwrite - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.FileOpArg
bOverwrite - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteProgressEvData
These are bits for communication from set from the application.
bOverwriteAll - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteProgressEvData
These are bits for communication from set from the application.
bOverwriteAll() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteProgressEvData
Quest from executer.
bOverwriteReadonly - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.FileOpArg
bParam - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.AttributeOrTypedef
Not parsed but possible for postprocessing.
bPause - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteProgressEvData
True then the application will be stop the execution.
bPointerType - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.MethodTypedef
bPrev - Variable in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable.IteratorHelper
Dedication whether it is the instance for previous or for next.
bProcessIsRunning - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter.OutThread
Set to true before a process is started, set to false if the process has finished.
bQuest - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteProgressEvData
True then the service has stopped execution (thread is in wait) for an answer.
bRefresh - Variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7.WalkFileTreeVisitor
bRefresh - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteAccessor.FileWalkerThread
bRun - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdThreadQueue
bRun - Variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7.WalkerThread
bRunExec - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter.InThread
bRunThreads - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter
True for ever so long this class is used, it maybe so long this application runs.
bSet - Variable in enum org.vishia.execode.Execode.EXXXInstruction
bSetSkipSpaces - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
Set with <:s> in a textExpression to enforce skipping white spaces.
bShouldLineoutClose - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
bShouldNotWait - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.CmdInvoke
bSkipSpacesAndComment - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParser.ForkPoint
bSort - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlJzCfgAnalyzer.XmlStructureData.CfgSubtreeType2
bsort - Variable in class
bStartScan - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPart
If true, than all idxLastScanned... are set to 0, it is after #scanOk() or after #scanStart
bStoreAsString - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript
If set the parse result for this item is stored as String from the source immediately.
bStoreAttribsInNewContent - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlCfg.XmlCfgNode
True if the value of attributes should be stored in the new content.
bStoreComment - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParser
If it is true, the comment is stored in the ParserStore and is supplied by calling getFirstParseResult() and from there calling next().
bStoreEndlineComment - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParser
If it is true, the end-line-comment is stored in the ParserStore and is supplied by calling getFirstParseResult() and from there calling next().
bStoreInputForComponent - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParser.Args
bStoreNewline - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParser
If it is true, a newline is stored in the ParserStore and is supplied by calling getFirstParseResult() and from there calling next().
bStoreOneSpaceOnWhitespaces - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParser
If it is true, one space is stored on whitespaces in the ParserStore and is supplied by calling getFirstParseResult() and from there calling next().
bStoreWhiteSpaces - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParser
If it is true, the complete white spaces are stored in the ParserStore and is supplied by calling getFirstParseResult() and from there calling next().
bStructHasFirstObjectJc - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection.ConverterClass
Inheritance situation.
bText - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlJzCfgAnalyzer.XmlStructureNode
Set if at least one of the occurrences has a text content.
bThreadRun - Variable in class org.vishia.event.EventTimerThread
bThreadWaits - Variable in class org.vishia.util.ThreadRun
bTimeElapsed - Variable in class org.vishia.event.TimeOrder
bTimeOrderFinished - Variable in class org.vishia.event.TimeOrder
bTitleShown - Variable in class org.vishia.util.TestOrg
bTree - Variable in class org.vishia.docuGen.DocuGen.Topic
bTreeComment - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlSequWriter
bubbleSort(int[]) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.Sort
bubbleSort(long[]) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.Sort
Sorts the input array, returns the index in a new output array.
buffer - Variable in class org.vishia.bridgeC.Va_list
buffer - Variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileCallbackLocalCopy
buffer - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCallbackSearch
buffer - Variable in class org.vishia.util.PipeRingBuffer
buffer - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StdHexFormatWriter
buffer() - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringAdd
Creates or returns the StringBuilder Buffer.
buffer - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
buffer() - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringPartAppend
Returns the internal StringBuilder to use methods of that.
buffer - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPartFromFile
buffer - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlBeautificator
bufferInThreadContext - Static variable in class org.vishia.bridgeC.ThreadContextFW
bufferOffsArray - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection
buildDir(File, String, int) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.FileFunctions
Builds a File which is a directory of
buildDstStates() - Method in class org.vishia.states.PrepareTransition
buildEntryStates() - Method in class org.vishia.states.PrepareTransition
Builds the Trans#entryStates with given found common state and given Trans#dstStates and their StateSimple.statePath.
builderTreeNodeXml - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParser
BuilderTreeNodeXml() - Constructor for class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParserStore.BuilderTreeNodeXml
buildExitPath() - Method in class org.vishia.states.PrepareTransition
buildFoundedInputOnError() - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParser
Returns about 50 chars of the input string founded at the parsing error position.
buildInetAddr(int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.communication.SocketCommSimple
Builds the InetAddr.
buildJoinStates() - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple.TransJoin
buildOffset(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection.ConverterClass
buildStatePath(StateSimple) - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple
Sets the path to the state for this and all #aSubstates, recursively call.
buildStatePathSubstates(StateSimple, int) - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateCompositeFlat
Sets the path to the state for this and all StateCompositeFlat.aSubstates, recursively call.
buildStatePathSubstates(StateSimple, int) - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateParallel
Sets the path to the state for this and all StateParallel.aParallelstates, recursively call.
buildStatePathSubstates(StateSimple, int) - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple
It is overridden package-local in all derived StateComposite, StateParallel.
buildTransitionPath() - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple.Trans
Builds the transition path from given state to all dst states.
buildTreeNodeRepresentation() - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParserStore.ParseResultItemImplement
buildTreeNodeRepresentationXml(XmlNode, ZbnfParserStore.ParseResultItemImplement, boolean) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParserStore.BuilderTreeNodeXml
Builds an XML tree node representation for the current element and its children of a parser result item.
bUseForCheck - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlCfg.AttribDstCheck
Set to true on a "!
bUseResultlet - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParser.Args
True than a repeated usage of the same syntax component on the same source position uses the older parsed result.
bUseText - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgDispatcherCore.Output
Bit which indicates that the text information field of #sendMsgVaList(int, OS_TimeStamp, String, Va_list) is used.
bUseThreadContextBufferForToString - Variable in class org.vishia.bridgeC.ThreadContextFW
bWait - Variable in class org.vishia.event.EventConsumerAwait
Marker that Object.wait() was called in EventConsumerAwait.awaitExecution(long, boolean).
bWriteErrorInOutput - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Flag, write error in the current output if set to true.
bXmlSrcline - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParserStore.BuilderTreeNodeXml
bXmlSrctext - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParserStore.BuilderTreeNodeXml
byte2UTF8(byte[], int[]) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.StringFunctions
Converts the current bytes in a byte[] from UTF-8 in a UTF16-character.
ByteDataAccess - Class in org.vishia.byteData
use ByteDataAccessBase for new Algorithm. This is the original code from 2014-01-13, only formally adapted. The ByteDataAccessBase contains the same wideness, but with the concept of prevent using virtual methods and with a given size of head. That is better than the ByteDataAccess.specifyLengthElementHead() as virtual method especially for usage in C.
ByteDataAccess() - Constructor for class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
Constructs a new empty instance.
ByteDataAccess(int, int) - Constructor for class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
Constructs a new empty instance.
byteDataAccess - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataSymbolicAccess.Variable
ByteDataAccessBase - Class in org.vishia.byteData
This class is a base class to control the access to binary data.
ByteDataAccessBase(int) - Constructor for class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
Any instance of ByteDataAccessBase is associated to a determined derived instance which has defined head size.
ByteDataAccessBase(int, int) - Constructor for class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
Remark: Because ByteDataAccessBase.assign(byte[], int) decides on the size of data, and ByteDataAccessBase.addChild(ByteDataAccessBase, int) decides on the size of data of a child, this constructor makes no sense. Jchartmut 2015-04-12
ByteDataAccessDbg - Class in org.vishia.byteData
ByteDataAccessDbg() - Constructor for class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessDbg
ByteDataAccessOld - Class in org.vishia.byteData
since 2012, use ByteDataAccessBase
ByteDataAccessOld() - Constructor for class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
Constructs a new empty instance.
ByteDataAccessSimple - Class in org.vishia.byteData
This class helps to access to binary data without any given structure or without a head of data.
ByteDataAccessSimple(byte[], boolean) - Constructor for class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessSimple
Constructs a new instance which is assigned to an empty buffer.
ByteDataAccessSimple(boolean) - Constructor for class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessSimple
Constructs a new instance not assigned, to read several buffers.
ByteDataAccessSimple(byte[], boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessSimple
Constructs a new instance which is assigned to an filled buffer.
ByteDataAccessSimple(byte[], boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessSimple
Constructs a new instance which is assigned to an filled buffer.
ByteDataSymbolicAccess - Class in org.vishia.byteData
This class supports the access to binary data with some variable which describes parts of data.
ByteDataSymbolicAccess() - Constructor for class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataSymbolicAccess
Creates with its own internal (not visible) ByteDataAccessSimple access operations.
ByteDataSymbolicAccess(Map<String, VariableAccess_ifc>) - Constructor for class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataSymbolicAccess
ByteDataSymbolicAccess(ByteDataAccessSimple) - Constructor for class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataSymbolicAccess
Works with a given ByteDataAccess which can be additional touched with the ByteDataAccessBase or ByteDataAccessSimple operations.
ByteDataSymbolicAccess.Variable - Class in org.vishia.byteData
An instance can be created and filled from ZBNF-parser using reflection or also programmatically created using .
ByteDataSymbolicAccessReadConfig - Class in org.vishia.byteData
ByteDataSymbolicAccessReadConfig() - Constructor for class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataSymbolicAccessReadConfig
ByteDataSymbolicAccessReadConfig(ByteDataSymbolicAccess) - Constructor for class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataSymbolicAccessReadConfig
ByteDataSymbolicAccessReadConfig.ZbnfResult - Class in org.vishia.byteData
ByteDataVariable - Class in org.vishia.byteData
This class contains some static sub classes for Variable with primitive types inside a ByteDataAccessBase-derived access class.
ByteDataVariable() - Constructor for class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataVariable
ByteDataVariable.Int16 - Class in org.vishia.byteData
ByteDataVariable.Int32 - Class in org.vishia.byteData
Documentation adequate valid for other sub classes.
ByteDataVariable.Int32Array - Class in org.vishia.byteData
Documentation adequate valid for other array sub classes.
ByteDataVariable.Uint16 - Class in org.vishia.byteData
ByteDataVariable.Uint16Array - Class in org.vishia.byteData
ByteDataVariable.Uint32 - Class in org.vishia.byteData
ByteDataVariable.Uint32Array - Class in org.vishia.byteData
bytePos - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataSymbolicAccess.Variable
bytesInteger() - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.reflection_Jc.Reflection_Jc.Field
Returns the nrof bytes if it is an integer type or 0 if it isn't.
bytesScalarType - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection.FieldTypeInfos
Information about scalar basic types.


C2DataDeps - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
This class is able to parse C-language files (header, implementation) and outputs all dependencies of variables.
C2DataDeps(String[]) - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.C2DataDeps
Constructor of the main class.
c_only - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection
Parse only struct, no class.
calc(double) - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr
Calculates the expression with only one input.
calc(float) - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr
Calculates the expression with only one input.
calc(Object...) - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr
Calculates the expression with some inputs, often only 1 input.
calc(Map<String, DataAccess.IntegerIx>, Object[]) - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operand
Accesses and returns the value of this operand.
calcDataAccess(Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, Object...) - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr
Creates new CalculatorExpr.Data for calculation and calls CalculatorExpr.calcDataAccess(Data, Map, Object...), see there
calcDataAccess(CalculatorExpr.Data, Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, Object...) - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr
Calculates the expression with possible access to any stored object data with access via reflection.
calcExprData - Variable in class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.DataTextPreparer
Set on first usage.
calcKey(String, String) - Static method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlNodeSimple
calcLong(long) - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr
Calculates the expression with only one input.
calcLong(int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr
Calculates the expression with only one input.
calctime() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.JzTcMain
calcTime() - Method in class org.vishia.util.MinMaxTime
Call it at end of the cyclically operation.
calculateArguments(DataAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
calculateExpression(CalculatorExpr) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
This routine invokes CalculatorExpr.calcDataAccess(Map, Object...), but before the arguments of all operations will be calculated if necessary.
CalculatorExpr - Class in org.vishia.util
This class provides a calculator for expressions.
CalculatorExpr() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr
Map of all available unary operators associated with its String expression.
CalculatorExpr(String, Map<String, DataAccess.IntegerIx>, Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr
it should be possible to use #CalculatorExpr(StringPartScan, Map, Class) in all cases.
CalculatorExpr(StringPartScan, Map<String, DataAccess.IntegerIx>, Class<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr
Constructs an String given expression with some variables.
CalculatorExpr.Data - Class in org.vishia.util
It is the data instance for the caluclation.
CalculatorExpr.ExpressionType - Interface in org.vishia.util
Common interface to check and maybe change the type of expression.
CalculatorExpr.ExprTypes - Class in org.vishia.util
CalculatorExpr.Operand - Class in org.vishia.util
Operand for a part of the expression, refer from CalculatorExpr.Operation.
CalculatorExpr.Operation - Class in org.vishia.util
An Operation in the list of operations.
CalculatorExpr.Operator - Class in org.vishia.util
An operator for the current value (accu), the given second value maybe the operand from the CalculatorExpr.Operation, or for some additional values in stack.
CalculatorExpr.Operators - Class in org.vishia.util
This class contains all Operators as static references.
CalculatorExpr.SetExprBase - Class in org.vishia.util
This class and its inner class CalculatorExpr.SetExprBase.SetExpr is a helper class which contains a CalculatorExpr as composite.
CalculatorExpr.SetExprBase.SetExpr - Class in org.vishia.util
Instances of this inner class are created with parenthesis expressions and for the whole expression.
CalculatorExpr.Value - Class in org.vishia.util
A value, maybe a constant, any given Object or an access description to a java program element.
calcValue2int - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess.Conversions
call_Name - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.CallStatement
callback - Variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7.WalkFileTreeVisitor
callback - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteAccessor.FileWalkerThread
callback - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCmdEventData
callback() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCmdEventData
callback - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteWalker
CallbackEvent(String, EventConsumer, EventTimerThread, EventSource) - Constructor for class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote.CallbackEvent
CallbackTemplate<DerivedNode extends TreeNodeBase<DerivedNode,?,?>> - Class in org.vishia.util
CallbackTemplate() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.CallbackTemplate
callbackTemplate - Static variable in interface org.vishia.util.SortedTreeWalkerCallback
Use this as template for anonymous implementation.
callbackUser - Variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileCallbackLocalCmp
Event to walk through the second tree.
callbackUser - Variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileCallbackLocalCopy
callbackUser - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCallbackSearch
CallCmd(OutTextPreparer, StringPartScan, Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.CallCmd
CallCmd(OutTextPreparer, String, Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.CallCmd
CallStatement(JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList, char) - Constructor for class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.CallStatement
callWithoutArguments() - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.C2DataDeps
Invoked from parseArguments if no argument is given.
callWithoutArguments() - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CmdHeader2Reflection
Invoked from parseArguments if no argument is given.
callWithoutArguments() - Method in class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd.CmdLine
callWithoutArguments() - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd
Invoked from parseArguments if no argument is given.
callWithoutArguments() - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.SampleCmdLine.CmdLine
Invoked from parseArguments if no argument is given.
callWithoutArguments() - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.Zmake.CmdLine
Invoked from parseArguments if no argument is given.
canConvert(Object) - Method in interface org.vishia.util.DataAccess.Conversion
Checks whether the value of source allows the conversion.
canExecute() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
true if due to Java orientation to the file system the file is executable.
canRead() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
true if due to Java orientation to the file system the file is readable (visible).
canWrite() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
true if due to Java orientation to the file system the file is not read only.
capacityToSendWithoutBlocking(int) - Method in interface org.vishia.communication.InterProcessComm
Tests wether a next send is done without blocking.
capacityToSendWithoutBlocking(int) - Method in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessComm_SocketImpl
cargs - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.Filecmd
Cargs() - Constructor for class org.vishia.cmd.Filecmd.Cargs
cargs - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.Filecmd.Cmdline
castFromBase(InspcDatagram.Base) - Method in class org.vishia.inspcComm.InspcDatagram.SeqEntrant
Cast from an instance of type InspcDatagram.Base which is checked for the InspcDatagram.Base.cmdDatagram() and therefore the cast is proper.
castFromBase(Inspcitem.Head) - Method in class org.vishia.inspcComm.Inspcitem.HeadOrder
Cast from an instance of type Inspcitem.Head which is checked for the Inspcitem.Head.cmd() and therefore the cast is proper.
castToRawDataAccess(RawDataAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.Object_Jc
assign the data at position of Object_Jc to a RawDataAccess to access data described by positions and types getted from reflection.
cBuffer - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPartFromFileLines
cCmd - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FileList.Args
cDecimalSep - Variable in class org.vishia.zcmd.Csv2Data
'.' if the Csv2Data.separator is ',', elsewhere ','.
cDecimalSeparator - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
cEndOfText - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.StringFunctions
The char used to code end of text.
cExpectedSesoncNl - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPartFromFileLines
The second newline character set if the first nl was read.
cfg - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlCfg.XmlCfgNode
Back reference to the whole config.
cfg - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlJzReader
To store the last used configuration, for parsing with the same config.
cfgCfg - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlJzReader
Configuration to read a config file.
CfgData - Class in org.vishia.checkDeps_C
Contains the data read from the config file.
CfgData() - Constructor for class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CfgData
cfgData - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckAllDepFile
cfgData - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDependencyFile
Some paths etc.
cfgData - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDeps_Old
Data from the config file.
cfgSubtreeByName - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlJzCfgAnalyzer.XmlStructureData
Stores all node types for cfg subtree with the subtree name as key.
cfgSubtreeList - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlJzCfgAnalyzer.XmlStructureData
Stores the cfg subtree in the usage order.
cfgSubtreeName - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlCfg.XmlCfgNode
If not null, this element refers its XmlCfg.XmlCfgNode.attribs and XmlCfg.XmlCfgNode.subnodes in a config-subtree.
CfgSubtreeType() - Constructor for class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlJzCfgAnalyzer.XmlStructureData.CfgSubtreeType
CfgSubtreeType2(XmlJzCfgAnalyzer.XmlStructureNode) - Constructor for class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlJzCfgAnalyzer.XmlStructureData.CfgSubtreeType2
change(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringSeq
changeCurrDir(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Executes the cd command: changes the directory in this execution level.
changeIt() - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringSeq
Returns a StringBuilder instance which allows the content to change.
charAt(int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringArray
charAt(int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringPart
This method returns the characters of the current part.
charAt(int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringPart.Part
charAt(int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringPartFromFileLines.CharSq
charAt(int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringSeq
charSeq2char - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess.Conversions
CharSequence to Character.
charSequence2String - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess.Conversions
CharSequence to String.
charset - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
The charset.
charset - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
The charset to build Strings.
charset - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
The charset.
charset - Variable in class org.vishia.charset.ASCII7bit
charset - Variable in class org.vishia.charset.ISO8859_1
charset - Variable in class org.vishia.charset.ISO8859_2
charset - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPartFromFileLines
charsetCmd - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter
A maybe special charset for Input and output stream.
charsetInput - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParser
charsets - Static variable in interface org.vishia.charset.CodeCharset
charsFormatTimestampFilename - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageFile
CharSq(int, int) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.StringPartFromFileLines.CharSq
chartable - Static variable in class org.vishia.charset.ISO8859_2
chartableSorted - Static variable in class org.vishia.charset.ISO8859_2
CheaderParser - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
This class parses C-files and builds a result tree, which can be proceed especially with a JZcmd script.
CheaderParser(MainCmd_ifc) - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser
CheaderParser.Args - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.Arraysize - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.Assignment - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.AttribAsMacro - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
An attribute in a struct (variable definition).
CheaderParser.AttributeOrTypedef - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
An attribute in a struct (variable definition) or in an argument list.
CheaderParser.ClassC - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.ClassDefinition - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.ConditionalStatement - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.ConditionBlock - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.ConditionBlock.OrCondition - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.ConditionDef - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.Constructor - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.Define - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.DefineDefinition - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.DefineParameter - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.Description - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.Destructor - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.EnumDefinition - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.EnumElement - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.ExternObject - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.FnPointer - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
A C like funktion pointer definition.
CheaderParser.FriendClass - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.HeaderBlock - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.HeaderBlockEntry - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.IncludeDef - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.InitializationInCtor - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.MethodCall - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.MethodDef - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.MethodTypedef - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.Number - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.Operator - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.ParamDescription - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.Pointer - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
Designation whether a type is a pointer type.
CheaderParser.RefCastingValue - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.SizeofDescription - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.SrcFile - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.Statement - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.StatementBlock - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
A StatementBlock contains statements.
CheaderParser.StructClassDecl - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.StructDefinition - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.StructOrClassDef - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.Superclass - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
Form parsing it is only an entry with given name.
CheaderParser.Type - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
This class presents the properties of a type.
CheaderParser.Value - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
A value is syntactically an expression.
CheaderParser.ValueEntry - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.Variable - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.VariableDefinition - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.ZbnfResultData - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
CheaderParser.ZbnfResultFile - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
check(String, String, FileRemoteProgressEvData) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
check(boolean) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.ExcUtil
Checks whether an assertion is met.
check(boolean) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.FilepathFilter
check(String, boolean) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilepathFilterM
Checks the given name against the current Level of this FilepathFilterM.
check() - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable_Table
check() - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTableInteger
check(String, boolean) - Method in class org.vishia.util.PathCheck
Checks whether the name matches.
check - Variable in class org.vishia.util.TreeWalkerPathCheck
checkAllCmpn(EBNFread) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFconvert
Checks for identifier definition: If a EBNFdefinition is written as syntaxdefXYZ ::= <identifier> then the syntaxdef is added to the #identifiers.
CheckAllDepFile - Class in org.vishia.checkDeps_C
CheckAllDepFile(CfgData, MainCmdLogging_ifc, CheckData) - Constructor for class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckAllDepFile
checkAndConvertArgTypes(Object[], Class<?>[]) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess
Checks whether the given arguments matches to the necessary arguments of a method or constructor invocation.
checkArg(String, String) - Method in class org.vishia.util.Arguments
Checks whether an option arg is given without argument value.
checkArgTypes(Class<?>, Class<?>, Object) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess
Checks whether the given actType with its value arg matches to the given argType.
checkArgument(CalculatorExpr.Value, CalculatorExpr.Value) - Method in interface org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.ExpressionType
Checks the second argument whether it is matching to the current expression type which matches to the accu.
checkArguments() - Method in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDeps_Old.Cmdline
Checks whether all arguments are matching together, invoked after processing all command line arguments.
checkArguments() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.Filecmd.Cmdline
checkArguments() - Method in class org.vishia.docuGen.DocuGen.CmdLine
Checks the cmdline arguments relation together.
checkArguments() - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.C2DataDeps
Checks the cmdline arguments relation together.
checkArguments() - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CmdHeader2Reflection
Checks the cmdline arguments relation together.
checkArguments() - Method in class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd.CmdLine
checkArguments() - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd
Checks the arguments after parsing from command line, test of consistence.
checkArguments() - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.SampleCmdLine.CmdLine
Checks the cmdline arguments relation together.
checkArguments() - Method in class org.vishia.xmlReader.GenXmlCfgJavaData.CmdLine
Checks the cmdline arguments relation together.
checkArguments() - Method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.Xsltpre.CmdLine
Checks the cmdline arguments relation together.
checkArguments() - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.GenZbnfJavaData.CmdLine
Checks the cmdline arguments relation together.
checkArguments() - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.Zbnf2Xml.CmdLine
Checks the cmdline arguments relation together.
checkArguments() - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.Zmake.CmdLine
Checks the cmdline arguments relation together.
checkArguments() - Method in class org.vishia.zcmd.Bin2Data.CmdLine
checkArguments() - Method in class org.vishia.zcmd.Csv2Data.CmdHandler
checkArguments() - Method in class org.vishia.zcmd.Zbnf2Text.CmdLineText
Checks the cmdline arguments relation together.
checkArgVal(String, String) - Method in class org.vishia.util.Arguments
Check whether an arg with value is given.
checkCfgSubtree() - Method in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlJzCfgAnalyzer.XmlStructureData
checkCharAt(int, String) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringPart
Checks whether the char at pos in the current part is one of chars.
checkCmpn(EBNFread.EBNFdef) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFconvert
checkConnection() - Method in interface org.vishia.communication.InterProcessComm
Checks the connection.
checkConnection() - Method in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessComm_SocketImpl
checkCurrelem(String) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.WikistyleTextToSimpleXml
checkData() - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
Checks == null and gets the data from parent if necessary.
checkData - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckAllDepFile
CheckData - Class in org.vishia.checkDeps_C
This class contains all data which are necessary to process all files.
CheckData() - Constructor for class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckData
Writer for all dependencies, use it if not null.
checkData - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDependencyFile
Contains all dependencies, read from file and processed.
checkData - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDeps_Old
Data from arguments -src=SRCPATH.
checkDefaultAddDstState(StateSimple, int) - Method in class org.vishia.states.PrepareTransition
Checks the given state whether it is a CompositeStateFlat or ParallelState and stores the leaf (only StateSimple) state in PrepareTransition.dstStates.
checkDependenciesInputDepFile(String, ObjectFileDeps, int, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDependencyFile
CheckDependencyFile - Class in org.vishia.checkDeps_C
This class contains the methods to check one source file with its dependencies.
CheckDependencyFile(MainCmdLogging_ifc, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDependencyFile
CheckDependencyFile.NextCodeLine - Class in org.vishia.checkDeps_C
Helper class to get the next line in a source file without comment.
checkDepfile - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDeps
CheckDeps - Class in org.vishia.checkDeps_C
CheckDeps() - Constructor for class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDeps
CheckDeps.Args - Class in org.vishia.checkDeps_C
CheckDeps_Old - Class in org.vishia.checkDeps_C
This is the class for command line invocation for a dependency checker for C-files.
CheckDeps_Old(Report, CheckDeps_Old.Args) - Constructor for class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDeps_Old
Constructor of this class.
CheckDeps_Old.Args - Class in org.vishia.checkDeps_C
CheckDeps_Old.Cmdline - Class in org.vishia.checkDeps_C
Inner Class to handle the command line invocation and the outputs to console.
checkDir(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilepathFilter
Checks whether a given directory path matches to the mask.
checkEmpty() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem
checkerDependencyFile - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDeps_Old
checkEventAndRun() - Method in class org.vishia.event.EventTimerThread
Applies an events from the queue to the destination in the event thread.
checkExpr(EBNFread.EBNFexpr, EBNFread.EBNFdef, int) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFconvert
checkForModification() - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable.IteratorImpl
checkForVariable - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.ForStatement
checkGcBlockFreed - Static variable in class org.vishia.bridgeC.AllocInBlock
checkGcBlockUsed - Static variable in class org.vishia.bridgeC.AllocInBlock
checkGcFinished - Static variable in class org.vishia.bridgeC.AllocInBlock
checkHyperTable() - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable.IteratorHelper
Checks the helper's idx and table.
checkIfcTypes(Class<?>, Class<?>, Object) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess
checkIndex() - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable
Executes a consistency check.
checkInitialize(JZtxtcmdScript, boolean, Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter
checkInitialize(JZtxtcmdScript, boolean, List<DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter
checkInitialize(JZtxtcmdScript, boolean, CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter
checkInitialize(JZtxtcmdScript, boolean, Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, File) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter
checkInsertNesting_div(String, String) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.WikistyleTextToSimpleXml
Processing a paragraph with beginning >
checkInsertNestingTag(String, String) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.WikistyleTextToSimpleXml
Checks whether the given tag is an new tag or it is the same like the last line.
checkIsInSourcePool(String) - Method in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CfgData
Checks whether the given File is in the source pool
checkIsWindows() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.PrepareCmd
checkitem(EBNFread.EBNFitem, EBNFread.EBNFdef, int) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFconvert
checkJZcmdFile - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript
Text expression for a file name where the script content is written to.
checkJZcmdXmlFile - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript
Text expression for a file name where the parsed script in XML is written to.
checkLengthElement(int) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
Checks whether a given size is possible as ByteDataAccessBase.setLengthElement(int) for the given instance.
checkMoreSameChars(CharSequence, CharSequence...) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.StringFunctions_B
checkMsg(boolean, String) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.ExcUtil
Checks whether an assertion is met.
checkName(String) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilepathFilter
Checks whether a given name matches to the mask.
checkName(String) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilepathFilter.NameFilter
checkNameSuffix(String, String...) - Static method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.StructDefinition
Returns name without suffix if a suffix is recognized.
checknew - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.Zbnf2Xml.Args
If true then executes parsing only if the output file does not exist or the input is newer.
checkNewless(File, File, boolean) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.FileFunctions
Checks whether a file is newer as the other, maybe delete dst.
checkOneSameChars(CharSequence, CharSequence...) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.StringFunctions_B
Checks whether any char is existing in at least one given check Strings.
checkPath(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilepathFilter.PathFilter
checkPrintReference(PrintStream, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutShow
checkRepetition(Appendable, String, EBNFread.EBNFexpr, boolean, int) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFconvert
In EBNF a typical repetition is written like COMPONENT { SEPARATOR COMPONENT }.
checkSameChars(CharSequence...) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.StringFunctions_B
Checks whether any char is existing in all given src.
checkSource(File, String, File, TreeMap<String, File>, ObjectFileDeps, int, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDependencyFile
Checks the File for equality and process all include statements, process recursively all included files.
checkStructureNodeOccurence(XmlJzCfgAnalyzer.XmlStructureNode) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlJzCfgAnalyzer.XmlStructureData
Checks whether a element type is already existing with a score. 3/4 of all found attributes and sub elements are identically with another existing element with the same tag name.
checkTable() - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable
Checks the consistency of the table.
checkTable(IndexMultiTable_Table<Key, Type>, Key, int, Key) - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable_Table
Checks the consistency of the table.
checkTimeOrders() - Method in class org.vishia.event.EventTimerThread
Check all time orders whether there are expired, or if not calculate the next time to check.
checkTrans(EventObject) - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple
This method should be overridden by the user to select a transition which should be fire with given conditions.
checkTypes(Class<?>, Class<?>, Object) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess
Checks whether a given type with its value can be converted to a destination type.
checkUsageSubtreenode(XmlJzCfgAnalyzer.XmlStructureData.CfgSubtreeType2, XmlJzCfgAnalyzer.XmlStructureNode, int) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlJzCfgAnalyzer.XmlStructureData
checkVariable(OutTextPreparer, StringPartScan) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.Cmd
checkVariants(String, boolean, int[], int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilepathFilterM
checkVariantsEnd(String, int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilepathFilterM
CheckVs - Class in org.vishia.util
CheckVs() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.CheckVs
chgFile(File, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7
chgFile1(File, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7
chgLevel - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Description
set in #set_acclevel
chgProps(boolean, String, int, int, long, EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
Change the file properties maybe in a remote device.
chgPropsRecursive(File, int, int, boolean, int) - Method in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7
chgPropsRecursive(int, int, long, EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
Change the file properties maybe in a remote device.
child(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
Gets or creates a child with the given name.
child(CharSequence, int, int, long, long, long) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
Returns the instance of FileRemote which is the child of this.
child - Variable in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTableInteger.IteratorHelper
If not null, an either an empty instance for a deeper level of tables is allocated already or the child is used actual.
childNodes() - Method in class org.vishia.util.TreeNodeBase
The List of child nodes in order of adding.
childNodes(TreeNodeBase<DerivedNode, Data, IfcType>) - Method in class org.vishia.util.TreeNodeBase
children - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
The content of a directory.
children() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
Gets the Index of the children sorted by name.
children - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileZip
All files which are contained in that directory if it is a directory entry in the zip file or if it is the top node in zipfile.
children - Variable in class org.vishia.util.TreeNodeBase.MetaNode
childrenZip - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileAccessZip.FileZipData
childsAdd(ZbnfSyntaxPrescript) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript
childsHasSemantic() - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript
Checks whether any child produces data.
childSyntaxPrescripts - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript
Either List of all syntax items one after another of this node or List of all alternatives if this is an alternative syntax node.
choice - Variable in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple.Trans
More as one choice can be given if this transition is a choice-transition.
choice() - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple.TransChoice
This method is used to check all transitions of this choice.
chpLabel - Variable in class
chpNr - Variable in class
cKindOfExecutionDefault - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.PrepareCmd
Kind of the execution as default value given on ctor
cKindOfExecutionPrepared - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.PrepareCmd
Kind of the execution of the prepared command
Class() - Constructor for class org.vishia.byteData.reflection_Jc.Reflection_Jc.Class
class_ - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.MethodTypedef
Class_Jc - Class in org.vishia.byteData
A Class_Jc supports the access to data from a memory image as byte[], with given Reflection Info for this memory image.
Class_Jc() - Constructor for class org.vishia.byteData.Class_Jc
creates an empty not assigned instance.
ClassC() - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ClassC
ClassDefinition(CheaderParser.HeaderBlock, String) - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ClassDefinition
classes - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdClass
Sub classes of this class.
classes() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdClass
classesAll - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript
className - Variable in class org.vishia.genJavaOutClass.GenJavaOutClass.SubClassJava
className - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Destructor
clazz - Variable in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess.DatapathElementClass
clazz - Variable in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess.Variable
A Class which should be base class of the value.
clazz - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfJavaOutput.DstInstanceAndClass
Doc: see constructors args.
clean() - Method in class org.vishia.bridgeC.VaArgBuffer
Cleans the values in Buffer.
clean(CmdGetFileArgs_ifc) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.PrepareCmd.File3Parts
called on new prepareCmd invocation:
clean(CmdGetFileArgs_ifc) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.PrepareCmd.FileParts
called on new prepareCmd invocation:
clean() - Method in class org.vishia.event.EventConsumerAwait
clean() - Method in class org.vishia.event.EventWithDst
clean() - Method in interface org.vishia.event.Payload
Common operation to clean the content.
clean() - Method in class org.vishia.event.PayloadBack
clean() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCmdEventData
clean() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteProgressEvData
clean() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteProgressEventConsumer
clean() - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Data
clean() - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringPart
Cleans the instance.
clean() - Method in class org.vishia.util.Timeshort
clean() - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParser
Cleans used memory after evaluation of the parse result.
clean() - Method in class org.vishia.zcmd.Bin2Data.ZbnfResultDescrElement
cleanAbsolutePath(String) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.FileFunctions
Cleans ".." and "." from an absolute path.
cleanChildren() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
Cleans the children list.
cleanData() - Method in class org.vishia.event.EventWithDst
This is an empty operation for the basic event.
cleandir(File) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.FileFunctions
Removes all files inside the directory and all sub directories with its files.
cleandirForced(File) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.FileFunctions
Removes all files inside the directory and all sub directories with its files.
cleanSetCapacity(int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.TimedValues
Defines the capacity for new tracks and cleans existing tracks.
cleanSetDstDir(FileRemote) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteWalkerCallbackCopy
cleanup() - Method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.WikistyleTextToSimpleXml
clear() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.JZcmdBindings
clear() - Method in interface org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.AddSub2List
clear() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdThread
clear() - Method in class org.vishia.event.TimeOrder
Clears the order, set to 0 all data excluded TimeOrder.timeCycleFirst and TimeOrder.timeCycle and removes the order from the queue and also a pending event from the queue.
clear() - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable
Delete all content.
clear() - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable_Table
Delete all content.
clear() - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTableInteger
Delete all content.
clear() - Method in class org.vishia.util.SortedList
Delegates to List inside, see java.util.List.
clear() - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringPartAppend
Clears the content of the StringBuilder and resets all StringPart length.
clear() - Method in class org.vishia.util.Writer_Appendable
If the Appendable is also a CharSequence, such as StringBuilder, then return it.
clearCmdQueue() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter
clearData() - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
Sets all data of this element to 0.
clearData() - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
Sets all data of this element to 0.
clearHead() - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
Sets all data of the head of this element to 0.
clearHead() - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
Sets all data of the head of this element to 0.
clearRestArray(IndexMultiTable_Table<Key, Type>) - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable_Table
Cleanup the part if IndexMultiTable_Table.aKeys and IndexMultiTable_Table.aValues which are not used.
clone() - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParserStore.ParseResultItemImplement
close() - Method in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDependencyFile
close() - Method in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDependencyFile.NextCodeLine
close() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter
Closes the functionality, finished the threads.
close() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
close() - Method in interface org.vishia.communication.InterProcessComm
Closes the mailbox, only to be called on shutdown of the application.
close() - Method in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessComm_SocketImpl
close() - Method in class org.vishia.communication.SocketCmd_InterProcessComm
close() - Method in class org.vishia.communication.SocketCommSimple
Closes the socket.
close() - Method in class org.vishia.event.EventTimerThread
Should only be called on end of the whole application to finish the timer thread.
close() - Method in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7
close() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileAccessZip
close(FileRemote) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileAccessZip
close() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileAccessZip.FileZipInputStream
close() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteAccessor
close() - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutPrep
close() - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd
A call of this method closes the devices, which processed the message.
close() - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd.LogMessageImplConsole
close() - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd.LogMessageImplErrConsole
close() - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd.LogMessageImplFile
close() - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmdLoggingStream
close() - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.PrintStreamAdapter
close() - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.ReportWrapperLog
A call of this method closes the devices, which processed the message.
close() - Method in interface org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessage
A call of this method closes the devices, which processed the message.
close() - Method in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageFile
Closes the file and forces usage of a new file on next open.
close() - Method in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageStream
close() - Method in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgDispatcher
close and flush forces the dispatching of the messages in the queue.
close() - Method in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgDispatcherCore
This routine may be overridden by the inherited class (usual MsgDispatcher to support closing.
close() - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateMachine
close() - Method in class org.vishia.util.FileAppend
close(Closeable) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.FileFunctions
Close operation without exception.
close() - Method in class org.vishia.util.FileWriter
close() - Method in class org.vishia.util.OutputTwice
close() - Method in class org.vishia.util.StdHexFormatWriter
close() - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
close of StringFormatter stores yet existing text in a aggregated StringFormatter.lineout A lineout is the first argument of ctor StringFormatter.StringFormatter(Appendable, boolean, String, int) Then this Stringformatter is StringFormatter.reset().
close() - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringPart
close() - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringPartAppend.OutputStream_StringPartAppend
close() - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringPartFromFileLines
close() - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringPartScan
Closes the work.
close() - Method in class org.vishia.util.ThreadRun
Closes this thread.
close() - Method in class org.vishia.util.Writer_Appendable
close() - Method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlSequWriter
Writes closing elementsParent if necessary, then close the files.
closeAddClass() - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutPrep
closeChild() - Method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.WikistyleTextToSimpleXml
closeChild(String) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.WikistyleTextToSimpleXml
closeExprPreparation() - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.SetExprBase.SetExpr
This routine must be called at least.
closeOnClose - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageStream
If true than LogMessageStream.close() is effective for all associated channels
closeWrite() - Method in class org.vishia.genJavaOutClass.GenJavaOutClass
clrFlagBit(int) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote.InternalAccess
clrFlagBitChildren(int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote.InternalAccess
clusterOfApplication - Static variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
This cluster is used if a specific cluster should not be used.
cmd - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter.CmdQueueEntry
cmd - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.Filecmd
cmd - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdThread.MsgItem
cmd(boolean, FileRemoteCmdEventData, EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Method in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7
cmd(boolean, FileRemoteCmdEventData, EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileAccessZip
cmd(boolean, FileRemoteCmdEventData, EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteAccessor
Common form of a command with the file.
cmd - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCmdEventData
The command to execute with this cmd event payload.
cmd() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCmdEventData
Cmd() - Constructor for enum org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCmdEventData.Cmd
cmd() - Method in class org.vishia.inspcComm.Inspcitem.Head
Cmd(OutTextPreparer.ECmd, String) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.Cmd
Cmd(OutTextPreparer.ECmd, int, DataAccess, Object, String) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.Cmd
A universal constructor for all which is not an Expression.
Cmd(OutTextPreparer, OutTextPreparer.ECmd, StringPartScan, Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.Cmd
Cmd(OutTextPreparer, OutTextPreparer.ECmd, String, Class<?>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.Cmd
Cmd(OutTextPreparer, OutTextPreparer.ECmd, StringPartScan, Class<?>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.Cmd
cmd - Variable in class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.Cmd
cmd - Variable in enum org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.ECmd
cmd1 - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdThread
A queue for input and a queue for output data.
cmdArgs - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.CmdInvoke
Argument list either actual or formal if this is a subtext call or subtext definition.
cmdArgs - Variable in class org.vishia.genJavaOutClass.GenJavaOutClass
Command line args
CmdArgs() - Constructor for class org.vishia.genJavaOutClass.GenJavaOutClass.CmdArgs
cmdArgs - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.GenZbnfJavaData
Command line args
cmdArgsTemplate - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.PrepareCmd
Command string without placeholder.
cmdData - Variable in class org.vishia.event.EventConsumerAwait
This cmdData are used and reused for calling commands to the FileRemote#device() during walking.
cmdDatagram() - Method in class org.vishia.inspcComm.InspcDatagram.Base
cmdErrorlevel - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
The error level which is returned from an operation system cmd invocation.
CmdErrorLevelException(int) - Constructor for exception org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.CmdErrorLevelException
CmdExecuter - Class in org.vishia.cmd
This class organizes the execution of commands with thread-parallel getting of the process outputs.
CmdExecuter() - Constructor for class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter
Constructs the class and starts the threads to getting output and error stream and putting the input stream to a process.
cmdExecuter - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Initialize firstly on demand.
CmdExecuter.CmdQueueEntry - Class in org.vishia.cmd
CmdExecuter.ExecuteAfterFinish - Interface in org.vishia.cmd
An implementation of this interface can be evaluate the output of the process after finish.
CmdExecuter.InThread - Class in org.vishia.cmd
CmdExecuter.OutThread - Class in org.vishia.cmd
cmdFile(FileRemote, FileRemoteCmdEventData.Cmd, FileRemote, String, long, EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, FileRemoteCmdEventData>) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteAccessor
Command to handle one single file and maybe a destination file for example for rename, copy, mkdir etc.
CmdGetFileArgs_ifc - Interface in org.vishia.cmd
new concept is CmdGetterArguments. This class is too restricted.
CmdGetterArguments - Interface in org.vishia.cmd
CmdHandler(Csv2Data.Args, String[]) - Constructor for class org.vishia.zcmd.Csv2Data.CmdHandler
CmdHeader2Reflection - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
Class for command line invokation.
CmdHeader2Reflection(String[]) - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CmdHeader2Reflection
Constructor of the main class.
CmdInvoke(JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList, char) - Constructor for class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.CmdInvoke
Cmdline(CheckDeps_Old.Args) - Constructor for class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDeps_Old.Cmdline
Cmdline(Filecmd.Cargs) - Constructor for class org.vishia.cmd.Filecmd.Cmdline
CmdLine(DocuGen.Args, String[]) - Constructor for class org.vishia.docuGen.DocuGen.CmdLine
CmdLine(JZtxtcmd.Args, String[]) - Constructor for class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd.CmdLine
CmdLine(String[], SampleCmdLine.Args) - Constructor for class org.vishia.mainCmd.SampleCmdLine.CmdLine
Constructor of the main class.
CmdLine(GenJavaOutClass.CmdArgs, String[]) - Constructor for class org.vishia.xmlReader.GenXmlCfgJavaData.CmdLine
Constructor of the cmdline handling class.
CmdLine(String[]) - Constructor for class org.vishia.xmlSimple.Xsltpre.CmdLine
Constructor of the CmdLine class.
CmdLine(GenJavaOutClass.CmdArgs, String[]) - Constructor for class org.vishia.zbnf.GenZbnfJavaData.CmdLine
Constructor of the cmdline handling class.
CmdLine(Zbnf2Xml.Args, String[]) - Constructor for class org.vishia.zbnf.Zbnf2Xml.CmdLine
Constructor of the cmdline handling class.
CmdLine(String[]) - Constructor for class org.vishia.zbnf.Zmake.CmdLine
Constructor of the CmdLine class.
CmdLine() - Constructor for class org.vishia.zcmd.Bin2Data.CmdLine
cmdlineArgs - Variable in class org.vishia.docuGen.DocuGen.CmdLine
cmdLineArgs - Variable in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd
array of arguments from command line
cmdlineArgs - Variable in class org.vishia.mainCmd.SampleCmdLine.CmdLine
cmdlineErr - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgDispatchSystemOutErr
The output channels to console.
cmdlineErr - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgRedirectConsole
The output channels to console.
cmdlineOut - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgDispatchSystemOutErr
The output channels to console.
cmdlineOut - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgRedirectConsole
The output channels to console.
CmdLineText(Zbnf2Text.Args, String[]) - Constructor for class org.vishia.zcmd.Zbnf2Text.CmdLineText
cmdQueue - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter
CmdQueue - Class in org.vishia.cmd
This class stores some prepared commands for execution and executes it one after another.
CmdQueue() - Constructor for class org.vishia.cmd.CmdQueue
CmdQueueEntry() - Constructor for class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter.CmdQueueEntry
cmdRemote(FileRemoteCmdEventData.Cmd, FileRemote, String, int, int, FileRemoteCmdEventData, EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
This is the basic operation to force execution with this file or dir either on another device or in another thread, depending on its FileRemote.device().
CmdReplace() - Constructor for class org.vishia.cmd.PrepareCmd.CmdReplace
cmds - Variable in class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer
cmdSrc - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.PrepareCmd
The command how it is given with place holder.
CmdStore - Class in org.vishia.cmd
Obsolete because the JZcmdScript is better.
CmdStore() - Constructor for class org.vishia.cmd.CmdStore
CmdString(String) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.CmdString
cmp_content - Static variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileCallbackLocalCmp
cmp_content - Static variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCallbackSearch
cmp_onlyTimestamp - Static variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileCallbackLocalCmp
cmp_onlyTimestamp - Static variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCallbackSearch
cmp_withoutComment - Static variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileCallbackLocalCmp
cmp_withoutComment - Static variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCallbackSearch
cmp_withoutEndlineComment - Static variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileCallbackLocalCmp
cmp_withoutEndlineComment - Static variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCallbackSearch
cmp_withoutLineend - Static variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileCallbackLocalCmp
cmp_withoutLineend - Static variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCallbackSearch
cmpAlone - Static variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileMark
Flags as result of an comparison: the other file does not exist, or any files of an directory does not exists or there are differences.
cmpAndCpy - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDeps.Args
cmpAndCpy - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDeps_Old.Args
cmpContainsOperation - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operators
Check whether the String in accu contains the String in arg.
cmpContentEqual - Static variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileMark
Flags as result of an comparison: the other file does not exist, or exists only with same length or with same time stamp
cmpContentNotEqual - Static variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileMark
Flags as result of an comparison: the other file does not exist, or exists with other length or other timestamp, or with other content also with same length or with same time stamp
cmpCtrl - Variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileCallbackLocalCmp
cmpCtrl - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCallbackSearch
cmpEndsOperation - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operators
Check whether the String in accu ends with the String in arg.
cmpEqOperation - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operators
Compares the arg with the accu.
cmpFileDifferences - Static variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileMark
Flags as result of an comparison: the other file does not exist, or any files of an directory does not exists or there are differences.
cmpGreaterEqualOperation - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operators
Compares the arg with the accu.
cmpGreaterThanOperation - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operators
Compares the arg with the accu.
cmpInstanceofOperation - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operators
Checks whether the accu is a instance of the given class.
cmpLenTimeEqual - Static variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileMark
Flags as result of an comparison: the other file has the same length and same time stamp, it seems it may be equal, but not tested.
cmpLessEqualOperation - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operators
Compares the arg with the accu.
cmpLessThanOperation - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operators
Compares the arg with the accu.
cmpMissingFiles - Static variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileMark
Flags as result of an comparison: the other file does not exist, or any files of an directory does not exists or there are differences.
cmpn - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFread.EBNFitem
cmpnDef - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFread.EBNFexpr
The parent component definition for component global settings.
cmpNeOperation - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operators
Compares the arg with the accu.
cmpnName - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList
cmpnName - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFread.EBNFdef
cmpnName - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFread.XXXXXEBNFmain
cmpnRepl - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFread.EBNFdef
If set this component definition contains only one item as component call.
cmprDirTreeTo(boolean, FileRemote, String, EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
Refreshes a file tree and compare some or all files.
cmpStartsOperation - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operators
Check whether the String in accu starts with the String in arg.
cmpString - Variable in class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.DebugCmd
cNewly - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.InfoFileDependencies
State of the file: ' ' if it is unchanged, and all included files are unchanged.
cnl1 - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.WikistyleTextToSimpleXml
cnl2 - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.WikistyleTextToSimpleXml
cNoCidentifier - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.StringFunctions
The char used to coding any char which is not an identifier character usual in programming languages like C, Java: A..Z a..z 0..9 _.
cntAllNonFlushedWrite - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageFile
Counts all non flushed writes (seconds without flush).
cntCloseError - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageFile.Dbg
cntCreateNewBecauseOpenFailed - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageFile.Dbg
cntFilePathIncorrect - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageFile.Dbg
cntNonFlushedWrite - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageFile
Counts all non flushed writes in a flush period.
cntOpenFailed - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageFile.Dbg
cntWriteError - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageFile.Dbg
co - Variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7.WalkerThread
co - Variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7.WalkFileTreeVisitor
co - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteWalker
code - Variable in class org.vishia.execode.Execode
code() - Method in class org.vishia.execode.Execode
code - Variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
CodeCharset - Interface in org.vishia.charset
Interface to convert UTF-16 to 8-bit-codings.
codeSorted - Static variable in class org.vishia.charset.ISO8859_2
colident - Variable in class org.vishia.zcmd.Csv2Data
Column where the identifier is found.
column - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParserStore
Temporary store for column.
columnError - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParser
The lineError and columnError will be set if the input supports it, see StringPart.getLineAndColumn(int[]).
columns - Variable in class org.vishia.zcmd.Csv2Data
comment - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFread.EBNFitem
comment - Variable in class
commonPath - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FileSet
From ZBNF basepath = <""?!
compare(FileCompare.Result, String[], int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FileCompare
Compares two directory trees.
compare(Comparable<Key>, Object) - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable_Table
Assures that if val1 is a String, the key is converted toString() before comparison.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class org.vishia.util.SortedList
The compare Method requested by interface Comparator.
compare(File, CharSequence, boolean, String[]) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.StringCmp
compare(File, File, boolean, String[]) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.StringCmp
compare(CharSequence, CharSequence, boolean, String[]) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.StringCmp
Compares two Strings with possibility of ignore white spaces and comments
compare(CharSequence, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.StringFunctions
Compares two CharSequence (Strings, StringBuilder-content etc.
compare(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.StringFunctions
Compares two Strings or StringBuilder-content or any other CharSequence.
compareChars(CharSequence, int, int, CharSequence) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.StringFunctions
Compare two character Strings.
CompareCtrl() - Constructor for class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileCallbackLocalCmp.CompareCtrl
CompareCtrl() - Constructor for class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCallbackSearch.CompareCtrl
compareFile(FileRemote, FileRemote) - Method in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileCallbackLocalCmp
Compare two files.
compareFile(FileCompare.Result) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FileCompare
Compare two files.
compareFileContent(FileRemote, FileRemote) - Method in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileCallbackLocalCmp
Compare two files.
compareFileContent(FileRemote, FileRemote) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCallbackSearch
Compare two files.
compareFileContent(FileCompare.Result) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FileCompare
Compare two files.
comparePos(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.StringFunctions
Compares two CharSequence (Strings, StringBuilder-content etc.
comparePos(CharSequence, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.StringFunctions
Compares two CharSequence (Strings, StringBuilder-content etc.)
compareTo(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringPart
Compares the current part with the given str2
compareTo(int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringSeq
compareWhSpacePos(CharSequence, int, int, CharSequence, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.StringFunctions
Compare two Strings whereby white spaces are ignored.
compile(File, File) - Method in class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd
compile(StringPartScan, File, File) - Method in class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd
compile(String) - Method in class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd
JSR-223-conform method to compile.
compile(Reader) - Method in class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd
JSR-223-conform method to compile.
compiledScript - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.ZbnfJZcmdScript
compilerError - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
completeConstruction() - Method in interface org.vishia.util.CompleteConstructionAndStart
This routine should be called after all instances were created.
CompleteConstructionAndStart - Interface in org.vishia.util
This interface supports a building and startup-process of static instances in three stage.
completeDispatchInThreadBits(int) - Method in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgDispatcher
Completes a destination bit mask with the information, whether any destinations are used in the calling thread or in the dispatcher thread.
completeFilePath(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7
Returns a unique absolute path for the file regarding maybe tmp, home, environment variables etc.
completeFilePath(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileAccessZip
Returns a unique absolute path for the file regarding maybe tmp, home, environment variables etc.
completeFilePath(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteAccessor
Returns a unique absolute path for the file regarding maybe tmp, home, environment variables etc.
ComplexDouble - Class in org.vishia.math
ComplexDouble(double, double) - Constructor for class org.vishia.math.ComplexDouble
ComplexSyntax(ZbnfSyntaxPrescript, LogMessage, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript.ComplexSyntax
componentsWhileParsing - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParser.LogZbnfParser
componentSyntax() - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParserStore.ParseResultItemImplement
componentSyntax - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript
This element is only set for component syntax call and also on {<?
compositeState - Variable in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple
The state which is the composite state for this.
compositeState() - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple
Returns that state which is the composite state which controls the activity of that independent part of the StateMachine.
compress - Variable in class
ConcurrentLinkedQueue<EntryType> - Class in org.vishia.bridgeC
This version of ConcurrentLinkedQueue extends the original java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue without any other extensions or overload methods else ConcurrentLinkedQueue.shareNodePool(ConcurrentLinkedQueue) and ConcurrentLinkedQueue.initNodePool(MemC).
ConcurrentLinkedQueue() - Constructor for class org.vishia.bridgeC.ConcurrentLinkedQueue
Same as original: Creates a ConcurrentLinkedQueue that is initially empty.
ConcurrentLinkedQueue(Collection<? extends EntryType>) - Constructor for class org.vishia.bridgeC.ConcurrentLinkedQueue
Same as original: Creates a ConcurrentLinkedQueue initially containing the elements of the given collection, added in traversal order of the collection's iterator.
ConcurrentLinkedQueue(boolean) - Constructor for class org.vishia.bridgeC.ConcurrentLinkedQueue
Creates a ConcurrentLinkedQueue without initialization of the nodes.
ConcurrentLinkedQueue(MemC) - Constructor for class org.vishia.bridgeC.ConcurrentLinkedQueue
Creates an empty LinkedQueue, but with memory to save nodes.
ConcurrentLinkedQueue(ConcurrentLinkedQueue<EntryType>) - Constructor for class org.vishia.bridgeC.ConcurrentLinkedQueue
Additional for C-Using in embedded systems: Creates an empty LinkedQueue, but with shared nodes with another LinkedQueue
condition - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.CondStatement
condition - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ConditionalStatement
ConditionalStatement(char) - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ConditionalStatement
ConditionBlock(CheaderParser.HeaderBlock) - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ConditionBlock
conditionDef - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.AttributeOrTypedef
Used only on conditionArgument.
conditionDef - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ConditionBlock
conditionDef(String) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ConditionBlock
conditionDef - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ConditionBlock.OrCondition
ConditionDef() - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ConditionDef
conditionDef - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ConditionDef
conditionDef - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.StatementBlock
conditionDef - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.StructDefinition
If set the struct is conditionally defined in the header file.
conditionDef - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Value
conditionDefNot - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.StructDefinition
If set the struct is conditionally defined in the header file.
conditionValue - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ConditionDef
CondStatement(JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList, char) - Constructor for class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.CondStatement
console - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckAllDepFile
console - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDependencyFile
console - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDeps_Old
Aggregation to any console or log output.
console - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.InfoFileDependencies
console - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.ParserConfigFile
Aggregation to any console or log output.
console - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript
console - Variable in class org.vishia.docuGen.DocuGen
Aggregation to the Console implementation class.
console - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.C2DataDeps
Aggregation to the Console implementation class.
console - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser
console - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CmdHeader2Reflection
Aggregation to the Console implementation class.
console - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection
Aggregation to the Console implementation class.
console - Variable in class org.vishia.mainCmd.SampleCmdLine.UserMain
Aggregation to the Console implementation class.
console - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.Xsltpre
console - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.Zmake
Aggregation to the Console implementation class.
console - Variable in class org.vishia.zcmd.Zbnf2Text
Aggregation to the Console implementation class.
consoleErr(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.ExcUtil
Output to the original System.err channel though System.setErr(PrintStream) was invoked with another channel after first usage of this class.
consoleOut - Variable in class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmdUtil
consoleOut(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.ExcUtil
Output to the original System.out channel though System.setOut(PrintStream) was invoked with another channel after first usage of this class.
Constant(String) - Constructor for class org.vishia.execode.Execode.Constant
constant - Variable in class org.vishia.execode.Execode.Instruction
constPointer - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Pointer
constPointer - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Type
constPointer() - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Type
constPointer2 - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Type
Constructor() - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Constructor
constVar - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Type
containerElementType - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Description
containerType - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Description
contains(Object) - Method in class org.vishia.util.SortedList
Delegates to List inside, see java.util.List.
contains(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.StringFunctions
Returns true if s2 is contained in s1.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class org.vishia.util.SortedList
Delegates to List inside, see java.util.List.
containsInfo() - Method in class org.vishia.genJavaOutClass.SrcInfo
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.JZcmdBindings
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTableInteger
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.JZcmdBindings
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable
containsValue(Object) - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTableInteger
Content() - Constructor for class org.vishia.docuGen.DocuGen.Content
content - Variable in class org.vishia.docuGen.DocuGen.Document
content - Variable in class org.vishia.docuGen.DocuGen.HyperlinkAssociation
content - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.FileCompare
content - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPart
The referenced string.
contentEqual - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FileCompare.Result
contentEqualWithoutEndline - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FileCompare.Result
contentStorePath - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlCfg.XmlCfgNode
Reflection path to store the content as String.
contentTillSpaceEndOrQuotation(String, char) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringPart
Sets the current part either to the whole quotation if it it starts with the quotation char, or sets it till the first space, or till end if the space is not found.
conv(Tsrc) - Method in class org.vishia.util.IterableIndirect
Converts with given element to the expected result element.
conversion - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem
Designation of a conversion from given value to a destination instance.
Conversion - Class in org.vishia.util
This class contains some conversion routine.
Conversion() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.Conversion
Conversions() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.DataAccess.Conversions
convert(int) - Static method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.Stringc
convert(Object) - Method in interface org.vishia.util.DataAccess.Conversion
Executes the conversion
convert(String) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
convert(StringBuilder[], String[], int, char, String) - Static method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.SimpleXmlOutputter
convert(EBNFread, Appendable) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFconvert
Invoked from a JZtxtcmd script.
convert2FilePath(Object) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Check whether osrc is a filepath, or create one.
convert2String(int) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.Field_Jc
convert2String(double) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.Field_Jc
convert3Chars(CharSequence, byte[], int) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.ReadChars3Stream
convertAssociatedSemantic(StringPartScan) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript
Converts a associated semantic to the current syntax component.
convertAttribute(boolean, String, String, String, String, ZbnfParseResultItem, StringBuffer, StringBuffer, boolean) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection.ConverterClass
converts a attribute from parsed header.
convertBackslashChars(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.StringFunctions_B
Converts a backslash sequence to a appropriate character.
convertClass(String, String, String, String, ZbnfParseResultItem, String, boolean) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection.ConverterClass
convertElement(ZbnfParseResultItem, String) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection.ConverterClass
Convert 1 element in a class or struct or inner part (visibility-block).
convertElementsInClass(ZbnfParseResultItem, String) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection.ConverterClass
Convert all element in a class or struct or inner part (visibility-block).
ConverterClass(TreeMap<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection.ConverterClass
convertExpr(Appendable, EBNFread.EBNFexpr, int) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFconvert
convertInnerClassAndStruct(String, String, ZbnfParseResultItem, TreeMap<String, String>, String, boolean) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection.ConverterClass
called inside convertClass to detect inner classes.
convertItem(Appendable, String, EBNFread.EBNFitem, EBNFread.EBNFdef, boolean, int) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFconvert
Converts one item from the read EBNF.
convertLine(String, XmlNode, String, String) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.WikistyleTextToSimpleXml
converts a line
convertObj(CalculatorExpr.Value, Object) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr
convertOptionSyntax(StringPartScan, boolean, CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript
convertRepetitionSyntax(StringPartScan, boolean, CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript
convertString(String) - Static method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.SimpleXmlOutputter
Replaces XML special character.
convertSyntaxComponent(StringPartScan) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript.ComplexSyntax
Sets the content of the syntax prescript for a Syntax Component with a string given syntax.
convertSyntaxComponent(StringPartScan) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript
Reads the syntax of an <action>.
convertSyntaxDefinition(StringPartScan) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript
Converts the whole syntax definition from identifier to the end point.
convertTheStringGivenSyntax(StringPartScan, String, boolean, CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript
Converts a part of a ZBNF string to given and chars.
convertTimestampToday(long) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
Converts a timestamp in a String representation with StringFormatter.dateFormatToday etc.
convertToMsg(String, CharSequence, Object...) - Method in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgPrintStream
convertToNormalExpression() - Method in class org.vishia.execode.Execode
Returns the given Expression as a non-ReversPolishNotation.
convertTransliteration(CharSequence, char) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.StringFunctions
Resolves the given String containing some transcription chars (usual backslash) to a string with the appropriate character codes.
convertWikiformat - Static variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParserStore
The index to read out the parse results.
ConvertWikiStyle() - Constructor for class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParserStore.ConvertWikiStyle
convertWikiStyle - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfXmlOutput
ConvertWikiStyle() - Constructor for class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfXmlOutput.ConvertWikiStyle
copy(CalculatorExpr.Value) - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Value
Copy all content from src to this.
Copy - Class in org.vishia.util
Copy() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.Copy
copy(IndexMultiTable.IteratorHelper<Key, Type>) - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable.IteratorHelper
copyChecked(FileRemote, String, String, int, FileRemoteWalkerCallback, FileRemoteProgressEvData) - Method in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7
copyChecked(FileRemote, String, String, int, FileRemoteWalkerCallback, FileRemoteProgressEvData) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileAccessZip
copyChecked(String, String, int, FileRemoteWalkerCallback, FileRemoteProgressEvData) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
Copies all files which are checked before.
copyChecked(FileRemote, String, String, int, FileRemoteWalkerCallback, FileRemoteProgressEvData) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteAccessor
Copies all files which are checked before.
copyData(int[]) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
copies some data to a int[], primarily to debug a content.
copyData(int[]) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
copies some data to a int[], primarily to debug a content.
copyData(int[]) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
copies some data to a int[], primarily to debug a content.
copyDataFrom(ByteDataAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
Copies the data into a byte[]
copyDataFrom(ByteDataAccessBase) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
copies the data from another references data into this data.
copyDataFrom(ByteDataAccessOld) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
Copies the data into a byte[]
copyDir(File, File) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.FileFunctions
Removes all files inside the directory and all sub directories with its files.
copyDirTreeTo(boolean, FileRemote, int, String, EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
copyDirTreeTo(boolean, FileRemote, int, int, int, String, int, EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
copyFile(FileRemoteCmdEventData, EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Static method in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7
copyFile(File, File) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.FileFunctions
Copy a file.
copyFile(File, File, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.FileFunctions
Copy a file.
copyFrom(CharSequence, Va_list) - Method in class org.vishia.bridgeC.VaArgBuffer
Copies values from a source variable argument list.
copyNewData(byte[], int, int, long) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataSymbolicAccess
Replace the data bytes in the buffer.
copyStdValues(ByteDataAccessBase) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
copyTo(FileRemote, EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
copyTo(FileRemote, EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>, int) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
Copies a file or directory tree to another file in the same device.
copyToBuffer(String, byte[], Charset) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.StringFunctions
Copies the content of a String in the given byte buffer with the requested encoding.
copyToBuffer(String, char[]) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.StringFunctions
Copies the content of a String in the given char buffer.
copyToBuffer(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringPart.Part
Copy to any other buffer to build persistent data.
copyToMirror(File, File, String) - Method in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDependencyFile
Copies the original source file to the build box, saves the last file if such parameters are given.
correctCurrentChildEnd(int) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
Increments the idxEnd and the idxCurrentChildEnd if a new child is added.
correctCurrentChildEnd(int) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
Increments the idxEnd and the idxCurrentChildEnd if a new child is added.
correctIdxChildEnd(int) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
Increments the idxEnd if a new child is added.
correctKey0InParents() - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable_Table
Correct the key in the parent if the key on aKeys[0] was changed.
countAllFileLength(EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
Count the sum of length of all files in this directory tree.
counterMultifile - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageFile
Actual counter of multiFile.
countLengthDir(File, long, int) - Method in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7
Uses the
cppClass - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection.ConverterClass
cppRef - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Pointer
crc - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FileList.Args
crcCalculator - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FileList
create(String, int) - Method in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessCommFactory
Creates a InterProcessComm from a parameter String.
create(String) - Method in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessCommFactory
Creates an instance of the InterProcessComm for the given communication implementation.
create(Address_InterProcessComm) - Method in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessCommFactory
Creates an instance of the InterProcessComm for the given communication implementation.
create(String) - Method in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessCommFactorySocket
create(String, int) - Method in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessCommFactorySocket
Creates a InterProcessComm from a parameter String.
create(Address_InterProcessComm) - Method in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessCommFactorySocket
create(String, InterProcessCommRx_ifc) - Static method in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessCommRxThread
Static method to create invokes the constructor.
create(FileDescriptor) - Static method in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageStream
create(String, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgDispatchSystemOutErr
Creates a static instance to redirect System.err and System.out
create(CharSequence, boolean) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.StringSeq
An instance of this class can only build by this create method.
create(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.StringSeq
An instance of this class can only build by this create method.
createAddress() - Method in interface org.vishia.communication.InterProcessComm
Creates an empty instance for a address information, especially for the sender.
createAddress(int, int) - Method in interface org.vishia.communication.InterProcessComm
createAddress(String, int) - Method in interface org.vishia.communication.InterProcessComm
createAddress(String) - Method in interface org.vishia.communication.InterProcessComm
createAddress() - Method in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessComm_SocketImpl
createAddress(int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessComm_SocketImpl
createAddress(String, int) - Method in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessComm_SocketImpl
createAddress(String) - Method in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessComm_SocketImpl
createAddress(String, int) - Method in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessCommFactory
Creates an address for a specific communication channel.
createAddress(String) - Method in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessCommFactory
Creates an address for a specific communication channel.
createAddress(String, int) - Method in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessCommFactorySocket
Creates an address information for the InterProcessComm from a parameter String.
createAddress(String) - Method in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessCommFactorySocket
Creates an address for InterProcesscommunication with given description.
createAddressSocket(String, String, int) - Static method in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessCommFactorySocket
createArgumentDataObj() - Method in class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer
Returns an proper instance for argument data for a OutTextPreparer.exec(Appendable, DataTextPreparer) run.
createBindings() - Method in class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd
createCfgSubtree(XmlJzCfgAnalyzer.XmlStructureNode, char) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlJzCfgAnalyzer.XmlStructureData
createChildrenList() - Static method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
Method to create a children list.
createColumns(String) - Method in class org.vishia.zcmd.Csv2Data
The first line should contain the identifier for the columns.
createDescrDataElement() - Method in class org.vishia.zcmd.Bin2Data.ZbnfResultDescrElement
createDstAddr(String) - Method in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessCommRxThread
Create any destination address for the given InterprocessComm implementation.
createJoinTransitionInTheFirstJoinState() - Method in class org.vishia.states.PrepareTransition
Completes a join transition with the found in a StateParallel with all necessary exit states from all join source states and enters the instance of a join transition in all join source state's StateSimple#transJoins.
createNewFile(FileRemote, EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Method in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7
createNewFile(FileRemote, EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileAccessZip
createNewFile() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
createNewFile(FileRemote, EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteAccessor
createNewNode(String, String) - Static method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlNodeSimple
Creates an independent new XmlNode without data.
createNode(String, String) - Method in interface org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlNode
creates a XmlNode from the same implementation type as this, but without adding to the XML-tree.
createNode(String, String) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlNodeSimple
createObjDir(MainCmdLogging_ifc) - Method in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.ObjectFileDeps
createOrReplaceVariable(Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, String, char, Object, boolean) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess
Creates or replaces a variable with a simple name in the given container.
createScriptFromFile(File, LogMessage, File) - Static method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript
Translates with given script in text format.
createScriptFromString(StringPartScan, LogMessage, File, File) - Static method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript
Translates with given script in text format.
createSortKeyArray(int) - Method in interface org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable.Provide
Creates an array of the Key type with given size.
createThread_() - Method in class org.vishia.event.EventTimerThread
This operation can be overridden if another thread organization, especially another EventTimerThread.stepThread() should be used.
createTransitionList(Object, StateSimple.Trans, int) - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple
Creates the list of all transitions for this state, invoked one time after constructing the statemachine.
createTransitionListSubstate(int) - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateCompositeFlat
Create all transition list for this state and all StateCompositeFlat.aSubstates, recursively call.
createTransitionListSubstate(int) - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateParallel
Create all transition list for this state and all StateParallel.aParallelstates, recursively call.
createTransitionListSubstate(int) - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple
Create all transition list for this state and all #aSubstates, recursively call.
createTransitions(int) - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple.PlugStateSimpleToGenState
Creates the empty yet array of transitions.
createWildcardFilter(String) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.FilepathFilterM
Creates a FilepathFilterM with given mask.
createWildcardFilter(String, FilepathFilterM) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.FilepathFilterM
createWithSyntax(StringPartScan, String, String, LogMessage) - Static method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript
Creates an tree of instance with the given syntax.
createXmlNode(XmlNode, ZbnfParserStore.ParseResultItemImplement) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParserStore.BuilderTreeNodeXml
createXmlNodeIntern(String, XmlNode, ZbnfParserStore.ParseResultItemImplement) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParserStore.BuilderTreeNodeXml
creationTime() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
Returns the creation time of the file if the file system supports it.
crossRef - Variable in class org.vishia.docuGen.DocuGen.Document
cs - Variable in class org.vishia.mainCmd.PrintStreamBuffer.InStream
cs - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringAdd
cs - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringSeq
csBuffer - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlBeautificator
csIn - Variable in class
csOut - Variable in class
cssHtml - Variable in class org.vishia.docuGen.DocuGen.Document
cStartOfText - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.StringFunctions
The char used to code start of text.
Csv2Data - Class in org.vishia.zcmd
This class can parse an Excel file given in the textual csv format and translate it either to XML or to internal Java data.
Csv2Data(MainCmdLogging_ifc) - Constructor for class org.vishia.zcmd.Csv2Data
Csv2Data() - Constructor for class org.vishia.zcmd.Csv2Data
Csv2Data.Args - Class in org.vishia.zcmd
Csv2Data.CmdHandler - Class in org.vishia.zcmd
ctCall - Variable in class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer
ctConsumed - Variable in class org.vishia.event.EventWithDst
ctConsumed - Variable in class org.vishia.event.TimeOrder
ctEntry - Variable in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple
Debug helper.
ctErrorTelg - Variable in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessCommRxThread
ctIdent - Static variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
Counter, any instance has an ident number.
ctLostMessages - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgDispatcherCore
ctNesting - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Counts nesting of #execute(org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList, StringFormatter, int, boolean, Map, int) 1->0: leaf execution of this level, close JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel.cmdExecuter
ctrl - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
ctrlAlt - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
Use the 7.6. digit looks line "ca" for "control alt".
ctrlDigit - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
ctTimeoverflow - Variable in class org.vishia.util.ThreadRun
ctUnifiedImplicitelyStructName - Static variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.StructDefinition
ctWaitEmptyQueue - Variable in class org.vishia.event.EventTimerThread
curDir - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.Zmake
String path to the current dir from calling.
curr - Variable in class org.vishia.util.TreeWalkerPathCheck
currChild - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
The last added child, null either if a child is not added or a child was added but the instance is used meanwhile otherwise.
currdir - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDeps.Args
The currdir which is valid to search header etc.
currdir - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.ParserConfigFile
currdir - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
The current directory of this level.
currdir() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Returns the absolute canonical path of the currdir variable. currdir is a File.
currdir() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.JzTcMain
currDir - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteProgressEvData
Current processed file.
currdir - Variable in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd
currdir() - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd
Returns that current directory which is given by argument "--currdir=value" or which was MainCmd.setcurrdir(String).
currdir() - Method in interface org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd_ifc
Returns a local valid current directory.
CurrDirChildren(String, PathCheck, TreeWalkerPathCheck.CurrDirChildren) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.TreeWalkerPathCheck.CurrDirChildren
currElem - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.WikistyleTextToSimpleXml
currentChild - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
The child on end to add() something
currentDir - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter.CmdQueueEntry
currentLengthMultifileNr - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageFile
currentNode - Variable in class org.vishia.util.TreeNodeBase.IteratorDerivedImpl
currentNode - Variable in class org.vishia.util.TreeNodeBase.IteratorDerivedNode
currentNode - Variable in class org.vishia.util.TreeNodeBase.IteratorImpl
currentNode - Variable in class org.vishia.util.TreeNodeBase.IteratorMetaNode
currentNode - Variable in class org.vishia.util.TreeNodeBase.IteratorOneNode
currEntry - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
The last created entry in entries, to set something in.
currentThreadContext - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.ThreadContext
The thread-specific ThreadContext.
currFile - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteProgressEvData
Current processed file.
currKey - Variable in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable.IteratorHelper
The current key and value which will be returned from following next() or prev().
currValue - Variable in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable.IteratorHelper
CurveInterpolation - Class in org.vishia.math
This class contains some static methods for curve interpolation with given setting points.
CurveInterpolation() - Constructor for class org.vishia.math.CurveInterpolation
CurveInterpolation.Get - Interface in org.vishia.math
cycleMillisec - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgDispatcher.DispatcherThread
cycleProgress - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCmdEventData
Milliseconds for cycle or specific determined progress event:
0= progress event for any file and directory entry.
cycleProgress() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCmdEventData
cycletime - Variable in class org.vishia.util.ThreadRun
cyclTime() - Method in class org.vishia.util.MinMaxTime
Call it at start of the cyclically operation.


d - Variable in class org.vishia.event.EventWithDst
All data to this event, should be transferred via InterProcessComm.
daccess - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlCfg.AttribDstCheck
If given, the data access to store the value. null if not to store in the users instance immediately
daccess - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlJzReader.AttribToStore
The data access to store the value.
data - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
The array containing the binary data.
data - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
The array containing the binary data.
data() - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
Returns the data buffer itself.
data - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
The array containing the binary data.
data - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataSymbolicAccess
data - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.ParserConfigFile
data - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdFilepath
data - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdFileset
data - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdThread.MsgItem
data - Variable in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessCommRx_ifc
This data pointer can be set by any application.
data() - Method in class org.vishia.event.EventWithDst
data - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ValueEntry
Data() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Data
data - Variable in class org.vishia.zcmd.Bin2Data
data_rxBuffer - Variable in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessCommRxThread
Use a static receive buffer.
dataAccess - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataSymbolicAccess
The basically access to data.
dataAccess(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdDataAccess, Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, boolean, boolean, boolean, DataAccess.Dst) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Accesses the data.
dataAccess - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem
Any access to an Object, maybe content of a variable, maybe access to any Java data, maybe invocation of a Java routine.
dataAccess - Variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operand
Set if the value uses reflection.
DataAccess - Class in org.vishia.util
This class contains methods to access and set data and invoke methods with symbolic access using reflection mechanism.
DataAccess(String) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.DataAccess
Creates a Datapath with given String.
DataAccess(String, char) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.DataAccess
Creates a Datapath with given String.
DataAccess(StringPartScan, Map<String, DataAccess.IntegerIx>, Class<?>, char) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.DataAccess
Creates a Datapath with given StringPartScan.
DataAccess() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.DataAccess
Empty constructor.
DataAccess.Conversion - Interface in org.vishia.util
Interface to convert between data.
DataAccess.Conversions - Class in org.vishia.util
This inner class contains all possible automatic special conversions.
DataAccess.DataAccessSet - Class in org.vishia.util
This class extends its outer class and provides the capability to set the data path especially from a ZBNF parser result.
DataAccess.DatapathElement - Class in org.vishia.util
Class holds one element for access to data.
DataAccess.DatapathElementClass - Class in org.vishia.util
Variant of a DatapathElement which can contain a ClassLoader for a new Java class or a static method invocation or a Class which's field, method or constructor should access.
DataAccess.Dst - Class in org.vishia.util
Result of an DataAccess#access(List, Object, Map, boolean, boolean, boolean, Dst) to store a value.
DataAccess.IntegerIx - Class in org.vishia.util
Wrapper around the index as integer.
DataAccess.ObjMethod - Class in org.vishia.util
DataAccess.SetDatapathElement - Class in org.vishia.util
This class extends a DataAccess.DatapathElement and provides the capability to set the data path especially from a ZBNF parser result, see ZbnfJavaOutput.
DataAccess.Test - Class in org.vishia.util
DataAccess.Variable<T> - Class in org.vishia.util
This class wraps any Object which is used for a variable.
DataAccessSet() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.DataAccess.DataAccessSet
Invoked if an access to an existing variable is stored.
dataAvailable() - Method in interface org.vishia.communication.InterProcessComm
Tests wether data are available to receive.
dataAvailable() - Method in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessComm_SocketImpl
dataConst - Variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operand
Set for constant data.
dataFormat - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection
dataHtml(Object, JZtxtcmdFilepath, boolean) - Static method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdTester
Generates a html file which contains the description of all data contained in referred in the given data instance.
dataHtml(Object, JZtxtcmdFilepath) - Static method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdTester
Same as JZtxtcmdTester.dataHtml(Object, JZtxtcmdFilepath, boolean) but with default arg bNoHash = true.
dataHtml(Object, File, boolean) - Static method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdTester
Generates a html file which contains the description of all data contained in referred in the given data instance.
dataHtml(Object, File) - Static method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdTester
Same as JZtxtcmdTester.dataHtml(Object, File, boolean) but with default arg bNoHash = true.
dataHtmlNoExc(Object, File, boolean) - Static method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdTester
Same as JZtxtcmdTester.dataHtml(Object, JZtxtcmdFilepath, boolean) but writes to System.err instead Exception.
dataMap - Variable in class org.vishia.zcmd.Csv2Data
datapath() - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operation
Returns the datapath of this operation or null if the operator is not a datapath.
datapath - Variable in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess
The description of the path to any data if the script-element refers data.
datapath() - Method in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess
Returns the datapath of this access to check details.
DatapathElement() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.DataAccess.DatapathElement
Creates an empty element.
DatapathElement(String) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.DataAccess.DatapathElement
Creates a datapath element.
DatapathElement(StringPartScan, Map<String, DataAccess.IntegerIx>, Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.DataAccess.DatapathElement
Creates a datapath element. see DataAccess.DatapathElement.set(String)
DatapathElementClass() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.DataAccess.DatapathElementClass
DataShow - Class in org.vishia.util
This class supports output of the content of any instance maybe with associated other Objects.
DataShow() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.DataShow
DataShow.ExcludeShowContent - Annotation Type in org.vishia.util
If a Field is designated with this annotation then the content is not shown.
DataText(JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList) - Constructor for class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.DataText
DataTextPreparer(OutTextPreparer) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.DataTextPreparer
Package private constructor invoked only in OutTextPreparer.createArgumentDataObj()
dataTree(Object, Appendable, int) - Static method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdTester
dataTree(Object, Appendable, int) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.DataShow
dataTreeXml(Object, Appendable, int) - Static method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdTester
dataTreeXml(Object, Appendable, int) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.DataShow
date - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
Timestamp of the file.
date - Variable in class org.vishia.util.DateOrder
date_Format - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FileList
The data format is ISO 8601 but without 'T' as separator between date and time, a space is better readable.
dateCreate - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteProgressEvData
dateCreation - Variable in class org.vishia.event.EventWithDst
Timestamp of the request.
dateCreation() - Method in class org.vishia.event.EventWithDst
Returns the time stamp of creation or occupying the event.
dateCreation - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
Timestamp of the file.
dateFileMirror - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.InfoFileDependencies
dateFileSrc - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.InfoFileDependencies
The timestamp of the file (lastModified).
dateFormat - Variable in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd.LogMessageImplFile
dateFormat - Variable in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmdLoggingStream
dateFormat - Static variable in interface org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessage
It should be implemented especially for a File-Output to flush or close the file in a raster of some seconds.
dateFormat - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageFile
The date format is fix.
dateFormat - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageStream
dateFormat - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FileList
The data format is ISO 8601 but without 'T' as separator between date and time, a space is better readable.
dateFormatMsg - Variable in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd
dateFormatNewer - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
dateFormatOlder - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
dateFormatToday - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
dateFormatYear - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
dateFromGPS(long) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.LeapSeconds
Returns a Date object from given GPS-seconds.
dateLastAccess - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
Timestamp of the file.
dateLastAccess - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteProgressEvData
dateLastEntry - Variable in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple
Debug helper.
dateNow - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection
The time-stamp of calling conversion.
dateOrder - Variable in class org.vishia.event.EventWithDst
Order of time stamps created in the same millisec of #dateCreation.
DateOrder - Class in org.vishia.util
This class contains the current time stamp of creation and a counted number of instances which are created in the same millisecond.
DateOrder() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.DateOrder
DateTime - Class in org.vishia.checkDeps_C
DateTime() - Constructor for class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.DateTime
dbg - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageFile
Dbg() - Constructor for class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageFile.Dbg
dbgctWindup - Variable in class org.vishia.event.TimeOrder
It is counted only.
dbgLineSyntax - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParser
dbgParent - Variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.SetExprBase
dbgParent - Variable in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess.SetDatapathElement
dbgPosFrom - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParser
dbgPosTo - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParser
dConst - Variable in class org.vishia.execode.Execode.Constant
deactivate() - Method in class org.vishia.event.TimeOrder
Remove this from the queue of timer events and orders
debug(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
debug() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
debug - Static variable in interface org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessage
report level to indicate the report should be written to detect problems in software.
debug() - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr
debug() - Static method in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess
Set a breakpoint here to edit a DataAccess.debugIdent(String)
debug() - Method in class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer
debug_dataAccessArguments - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
debug_dataAccessArguments() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
debugAdd0() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdTester
This method is only intend to set a breakpoint into it.
DebugCmd(OutTextPreparer, StringPartScan, Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.DebugCmd
DebugCmd(OutTextPreparer, String, Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.DebugCmd
debugData(Object) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdTester
debugEntryExit - Variable in class org.vishia.states.StateMachine
debugFalse() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdTester
This method is only intend to set a breakpoint into it.
debugField(String) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdTester
debugIdent - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess
Can be set immediately for debug approach.
debugIdent(String) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess
A debug helper: Set this ident to any String, which is expected for access.
debugIxCmd - Variable in class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.DataTextPreparer
debugMethod(String) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdTester
debugMethod - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess
debugMethod(String) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess
A debug helper: Set this identifier to any String, which is expected for invocation of a method.
debugMult1() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdTester
This method is only intend to set a breakpoint into it.
debugOtx - Variable in class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.DataTextPreparer
debugOut - Variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7.WalkFileTreeVisitor
Can be used internally to control outputs for debugging (printf).
debugOut - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteAccessor.FileWalkerThread
debugPrint - Variable in class org.vishia.event.EventTimerThread
Bit variable to control some System.out.printf debug outputs.
debugPrintViewDelayed - Variable in class org.vishia.event.EventTimerThread
Only for inspector or debug access: Use it to show delaying.
debugState - Variable in class org.vishia.states.StateMachine
If set true, then any state transition is logged with System.out.printf("...").
debugStopLine - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlJzReader
debugStopLineXmlInp - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlJzCfgAnalyzer
debugString() - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringPart
Returns a debug information of the content of the StringPart.
debugTag - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlJzReader
debugTrans - Variable in class org.vishia.states.StateMachine
debugTrue() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdTester
This method is only intend to set a breakpoint into it.
Debugutil - Class in org.vishia.util
Debugutil() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.Debugutil
declaration - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.MethodDef
If true then body==null;
deepnessList - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.WikistyleTextToSimpleXml
If ** was written before, it is 2: List in list.
defArguments - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.GenXmlCfgJavaData.CmdLine
defArguments - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.GenZbnfJavaData.CmdLine
defaultBlockUserSize - Static variable in class org.vishia.bridgeC.AllocInBlock
The used size for Java.
defaultSelect - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
Determines that a line of a table is selected per default.
defaultValue - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.AttributeOrTypedef
defaultValue - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.VariableDefinition
DefClasspathVariable(JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList) - Constructor for class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.DefClasspathVariable
DefClassVariable(JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList) - Constructor for class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.DefClassVariable
DefContainerVariable(JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList, char) - Constructor for class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.DefContainerVariable
DefFilepath(JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList) - Constructor for class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.DefFilepath
Define() - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Define
DefineDefinition() - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.DefineDefinition
defineExpr(Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Executes a DefObjVar::= < variable?
DefineParameter() - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.DefineParameter
defines - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.EnumDefinition
Defines inside an enum definition block are defines for the enum.
DefListElement() - Constructor for class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.DefListElement
From Zbnf: stores the name for an element.
DefVariable(JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList, char) - Constructor for class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable
defVariable - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable
The variable which should be created.
del - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
delayMax - Variable in class org.vishia.event.EventTimerThread
The delay [ms] for one step if nothing is to do.
delete(FileRemote, EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Method in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7
delete(FileRemote, EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileAccessZip
delete() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
Deletes this file, correct the parent's children list, remove this file.
delete(EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
Deletes a file maybe in a remote device.
delete(FileRemote, EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteAccessor
Try to delete the file.
delete(String) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.FileFunctions
delete(int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable_Table
Deletes the element on ix in the current table.
deleteFilesDirTree(boolean, int, String, EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
deleteResultFile(String) - Method in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDependencyFile
dependings - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlJzCfgAnalyzer.XmlStructureData.CfgSubtreeType2
depth - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteAccessor.FileWalkerThread
depthWalk - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCmdEventData
Depths to walk in dir tree, 0: all.
depthWalk() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCmdEventData
descrData - Variable in class org.vishia.zcmd.Bin2Data
DescrData() - Constructor for class org.vishia.zcmd.Bin2Data.DescrData
DescrDataElement() - Constructor for class org.vishia.zcmd.Bin2Data.DescrDataElement
description - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.AttributeOrTypedef
description - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.DefineDefinition
Description(String) - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Description
Description() - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Description
description - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlockEntry
description - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.VariableDefinition
deserialize(byte[]) - Method in interface org.vishia.event.Payload
Opposite operation, reads the serialized content and restore the Java content.
deserialize(byte[]) - Method in class org.vishia.event.PayloadBack
Deserialize is not supported by this implementation.
deserialize(byte[]) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCmdEventData
deserialize(byte[]) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteProgressEvData
Destructor() - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Destructor
detach() - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
Remove all connections.
detach() - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessBase
Remove all connections.
detach() - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
Remove all connections.
detach() - Method in interface org.vishia.util.TreeNode_ifc
detach() - Method in class org.vishia.util.TreeNodeBase
Detaches the node from its tree.
device - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
The device which manages the physical files.
device() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
dir() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdFilepath
Assembles and returns the designated part from this Filepath as String or StringBuilder: <&path.dir()>.
dir - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteWalker.WalkInfo
The directory of the level.
dir(FilePath.FilePathEnvAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Returns the directory part like given, either as absolute path or relative path.
dir - Variable in class org.vishia.util.TreeWalkerPathCheck.CurrDirChildren
The directory of the level.
dir - Variable in class
dir1 - Variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileCallbackLocalCmp
dir1 - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCallbackSearch
dir2 - Variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileCallbackLocalCmp
dirCurr - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCallbackSearch
dirDst - Variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileCallbackLocalCopy
dirJava - Variable in class org.vishia.genJavaOutClass.GenJavaOutClass.CmdArgs
dirObjRoots - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDependencyFile
dirSrcBase - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.InputSrc
The directory which is designated by the argument -src=PATH.
dirSrcMirrorRoot - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDependencyFile
The dirSrcMirror refers to the build root directory.
dirW() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdFilepath
dirW(FilePath.FilePathEnvAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Returns the directory part like given for Windows environment with backslash as separator.
dirWrk - Variable in class
DispatcherThread(int) - Constructor for class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgDispatcher.DispatcherThread
Initializes the Thread for dispaching messages.
dispatchMsg(int, boolean, boolean, int, OS_TimeStamp, CharSequence, Va_list) - Method in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgDispatcherCore
Dispatches a message.
dispatchQueuedMsg() - Method in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgDispatcherCore
Dispatches all messages, which are stored in the queue.
DivideJc - Class in org.vishia.bridgeC
This class supports some special division algorithm for processors which have not a division hardware on chip.
DivideJc(int, int) - Constructor for class org.vishia.bridgeC.DivideJc
divLess2pow(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.vishia.bridgeC.DivideJc
This algorithm can be used if a number should be divide by a divisor which is near but less a power of 2 value and the divisor is build in a special simple form.
divOperation - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operators
Divides the accu with the arg .
dn - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
doAction(EventObject, int) - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple.Trans
Processes the action of the transition.
Docu_UML_simpleNotation - Class in org.vishia.util
This is a only-documentation class for simple UML notation.
Docu_UML_simpleNotation() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.Docu_UML_simpleNotation
DocuGen - Class in org.vishia.docuGen
DocuGen(MainCmd_ifc) - Constructor for class org.vishia.docuGen.DocuGen
DocuGen.Args - Class in org.vishia.docuGen
DocuGen.CmdLine - Class in org.vishia.docuGen
DocuGen.Content - Class in org.vishia.docuGen
DocuGen.DocuInput - Class in org.vishia.docuGen
DocuGen.Document - Class in org.vishia.docuGen
DocuGen.HyperlinkAssociation - Class in org.vishia.docuGen
DocuGen.Inset - Class in org.vishia.docuGen
DocuGen.Target - Class in org.vishia.docuGen
DocuGen.Topic - Class in org.vishia.docuGen
DocuGen.ZbnfDocuGenCtrl - Class in org.vishia.docuGen
This is the root class for the Zbnf parsing result for the docuGenCtrl script file.
DocuInput() - Constructor for class org.vishia.docuGen.DocuGen.DocuInput
Document() - Constructor for class org.vishia.docuGen.DocuGen.Document
documents - Variable in class org.vishia.docuGen.DocuGen.ZbnfDocuGenCtrl
doEntry(EventObject) - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple.Trans
Entry in all states for this transition maybe with history entry.
doEntryDeepHistory(StateSimple, EventObject) - Static method in class org.vishia.states.StateComposite
Execution routine of enter the deep history.
doExit() - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple.Trans
Executes the exit from this state and all enclosing States to fire the transition.
done() - Method in class org.vishia.event.EventConsumerAwait
Quest whether done was coming.
done() - Method in class org.vishia.event.PayloadBack
done(FileRemoteCmdEventData.Cmd, String) - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteProgressEvData
Set the event to the done() state, all is done maybe with error.
done() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteProgressEvData
doneAction - Variable in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple.Trans
Set it to false on start of check this transition.
doneEntry - Variable in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple.Trans
Set it to false on start of check this transition.
doneExit - Variable in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple.Trans
Set it to false on start of check this transition.
double2float - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess.Conversions
Double to Float.
doubleExpr - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.ExprTypes
The current expression type is double.
doubleVal - Variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Value
doubleValue() - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Value
dpathClass - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdDatapathElementClass
Access to data which describes the class. null if not used.
dpathLoader - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdDatapathElementClass
The name of that variable which is used as Loader for classes. null if not used (it is optional).
dragFiles - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
dragText - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
drive - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
The drive letter if a drive is given.
dropFiles - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
dropText - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
dst - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.FileOpArg
dst - Variable in class org.vishia.docuGen.DocuGen.HyperlinkAssociation
dst - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgDispatcherCore.Entry
The bits of destination dispatching are ascertained already before it is taken in the queue.
dst - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgText_ifc.MsgConfigItem
Some chars which can specify the destination (output) for the message.
dst - Variable in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple.Trans
All destination classes from constructor.
Dst() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.DataAccess.Dst
dstAddr - Variable in class org.vishia.communication.SocketCommSimple
dstAddress - Variable in class org.vishia.communication.SocketCmd_InterProcessComm
dstChar - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgConfig.FileOutput
dstClassName - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlCfg.XmlCfgNode
dstDir - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteWalkerCallbackCopy
dstElement - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.WikistyleTextToSimpleXml
dstInDispatcherThread - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgDispatcherCore.Output
true if this output is processed in the dispatcher thread, false if the output is called immediately in the calling thread.
DstInstanceAndClass(ZbnfJavaOutput.DstInstanceAndClass, String, Object, Class<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfJavaOutput.DstInstanceAndClass
All elements are final and set one time on creation.
dstNamespace - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.WikistyleTextToSimpleXml
dstRootDir - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteWalkerCallbackCopy
dstStates - Variable in class org.vishia.states.PrepareTransition
The destination states filled with PrepareTransition.buildDstStates() with the length of #dst.
durationLast - Variable in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple
Debug helper.


e - Variable in enum org.vishia.byteData.Field_Jc.EModifier
e1 - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPart.Part
Absolute positions of part of chars
EBNFalt(EBNFread.EBNFdef, char) - Constructor for class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFread.EBNFalt
EBNFconvert - Class in org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert
This class writes zbnf syntax from read EBNF.
EBNFconvert() - Constructor for class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFconvert
EBNFdef() - Constructor for class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFread.EBNFdef
EBNFexpr(EBNFread.EBNFdef, EBNFread.EBNFexpr, char) - Constructor for class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFread.EBNFexpr
EBNFitem(char) - Constructor for class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFread.EBNFitem
EBNFread - Class in org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert
This class is the destination to storing parse results with ebnf.zbnf, the interpretation of EBNF sources.
EBNFread() - Constructor for class org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert.EBNFread
EBNFread.EBNFalt - Class in org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert
It is either the whole syntax of a component without toplevel alternatives or one alternative on toplevel.
EBNFread.EBNFdef - Class in org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert
An instance of this contains a EBNF component definition like name::=SYNTAX.
EBNFread.EBNFexpr - Class in org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert
EBNFread.EBNFitem - Class in org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert
A non derived item has no sub items.
EBNFread.XXXXXEBNFmain - Class in org.vishia.zbnf.ebnfConvert
echoCmd - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter
Can be set especially for debug the commands.
ECmd(char, String) - Constructor for enum org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.ECmd
Ecmp() - Constructor for enum org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote.Ecmp
EInstruction(int, int) - Constructor for enum org.vishia.execode.Execode.EInstruction
elem - Variable in class org.vishia.util.IteratorMask
elementAt(int) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
Counts the idxChild by given index, idxChild is ByteCount from idxBegin
elementAt(int) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
Counts the idxChild by given index, idxChild is ByteCount from idxBegin
elementCurr - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlSequWriter
Info of the current element.
elementEnd(String) - Static method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.SimpleXmlOutputter
elementFinishPath - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlCfg.XmlCfgNode
Reflection path of usual an operation which is called on end of the node.
ElementInfo(String, XmlSequWriter.ElementInfo) - Constructor for class org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlSequWriter.ElementInfo
elementShortEnd() - Static method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.SimpleXmlOutputter
elementsParent - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlSequWriter
Store all parent elements, necessary for close etc.
elementStart(String) - Static method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.SimpleXmlOutputter
elementStorePath - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlCfg.XmlCfgNode
Reflection path either to store the content of the node or also to get an instance as "sub node" to store the content.
elementsWithAttrib - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.WikistyleTextToSimpleXml
treemap of elements for attributes
elementSyntax - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParserStore.ParseResultItemImplement
Reference to the syntax which has determined this element, used for semantic naming etc.
elementTagEnd() - Static method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.SimpleXmlOutputter
elementType - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem
Designation what presents the element.
elementType() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem
elifBlocks - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ConditionBlock
elseBlock - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ConditionBlock
EModifier(int) - Constructor for enum org.vishia.byteData.Field_Jc.EModifier
emptyParent - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
An empty file path which is used as argument if a common base path is not given.
enclState - Variable in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple
Reference to the enclosing state.
enclState() - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple
Returns that state which is the enclosing state.
encoding - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageStream
encoding - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlSequWriter
encoding - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.Zbnf2Xml.Args
Encoding given from cmdline argument -x, -y or -z
encodingCode - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlSequWriter
It is null for UTF encoding
encodingIn - Variable in class
encodingOut - Variable in class
encryption() - Method in class org.vishia.inspcComm.InspcDatagram.SeqEntrant
end - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
end() - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringFormatter
Sets the current position to the end of the string.
end - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPart
The actual exclusive end position of the valid part.
end - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPartFromFileLines.CharSq
end - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.WikistyleTextToSimpleXml
The end of the last line, starts with -1, the position before 0.
end - Variable in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlBeautificator
end - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParserStore.ParseResultItemImplement
The position from-to of the associated input
endExecution() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
endIxLinePosition - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPartFromFileLines
After the last used position in the StringPartFromFileLines.linePositions array.
endLast - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPart
Borders of the last part before calling of scan__(), seek__(), lento__().
endline(String) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.WikistyleTextToSimpleXml
It sets end and startNext.
endMax - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPart
The most right possible exclusive end position.
endPosText - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfParser.ParseResultlet
endsWith(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.StringFunctions
Checks whether the given CharSequence ends with a CharSequence.
enter - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
Entered - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
Determines that a menu item is entered.
entrant() - Method in class org.vishia.inspcComm.InspcDatagram.SeqEntrant
entries - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ExternObject
entries - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.HeaderBlock
entries - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Value
Entry() - Constructor for class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgDispatcherCore.Entry
entry - Variable in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple
Action for entry and exit.
entry(EventObject) - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple
This method may be overridden for a entry action.
Entry(Key, Type) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable.Entry
entry1 - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Value
The current entry used for some post-information.
entryDeepHistory(EventObject) - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateComposite
This method is called from StateSimple.Trans.doEntry(EventObject) if the history state should be entered and all history states should be entered in sub states.
entryDefaultState() - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateCompositeFlat
This method is used to entry the default state of this composite if the actual state is null (first invocation).
entryMsgBufferOverflow - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgDispatcherCore
entrySet() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.JZcmdBindings
entrySet - Variable in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable
entrySet() - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable
entrySet() - Method in class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTableInteger
EntrySetIterator() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.IndexMultiTable.EntrySetIterator
entryShallowHistory(EventObject) - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateComposite
This method should be called from outside if the history state should be entered but the default state of any sub state should be entered.
entryStates - Variable in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple.Trans
All states which's StateSimple#entry(EventMsg2) have to be processed if the transition is fired.
entryTheState(EventObject, boolean) - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple
Executes enter in this state.
EnumDefinition() - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.EnumDefinition
EnumElement() - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.EnumElement
envar - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.JzTcMain
possible environment variables from a calling Java environment.
environment() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter
Returns the environment map for the internal ProcessBuilder.
envVar - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdInclude
If given name of an environment variable for the path.
EOperand(int) - Constructor for enum org.vishia.execode.Execode.EOperand
equal - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FileCompare.Result
equalDaylightSaved - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FileCompare.Result
equals(Address_InterProcessComm, Address_InterProcessComm) - Method in interface org.vishia.communication.InterProcessComm
Compare the address to another address, returns true if it is the same address.
equals(Address_InterProcessComm, Address_InterProcessComm) - Method in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessComm_SocketImpl
equals(CharSequence, int, int, CharSequence) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.StringFunctions
Compares two charsequences.
equals(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.StringFunctions
Compares two Strings or StringBuilder-content or any other CharSequence.
equals(CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringPart
Compares the Part of string with the given string
equals(Object) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringPart.Part
err - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter.CmdQueueEntry
err - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.ExcUtil
The System.err and System.out standard console outputs are copied to this class able to use in its original output.
errCmdline - Variable in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd
Preserve the original System.out and System.err on construction.
errConsole - Variable in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd
Channels for output and error output of the main program.
errMsg(int, StringPartScan, CharSequence...) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlReader.XmlJzReader
error - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdThreadData
Exception text.
error() - Method in class org.vishia.event.PayloadBack
error - Static variable in interface org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessage
report level to indicate the report should be written anytime and anyway.
error - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FileAppend
error - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FileAppend.Wr
errorCmd - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter.CmdQueueEntry
errorLevel - Variable in exception org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.CmdErrorLevelException
errorLevel - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.Onerror
From ZBNF.
errorPipe - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.CmdInvoke
The variable which should be created or to which a value is assigned to.
errorPipes - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.CmdInvoke
Any variable given by name or java instance which is used to assign to it.
errors - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfJavaOutput
Buffer to note errors during working.
errorText - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.DataText
errorType - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.Onerror
'n' for notfound 'f' file error 'i' any internal exception.
errThread - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter
Both thread instances runs for ever so long bRunThreads is true.
esc - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
etype - Variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Value
The expression type to check the second operand.
eType - Variable in class org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript
Kind of syntay type of the item
EType(int, char) - Constructor for enum org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript.EType
EType(int) - Constructor for enum org.vishia.zbnf.ZbnfSyntaxPrescript.EType
ev - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote.CallbackEvent
eval(ScriptContext) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript
Executes the main routine of the script.
eval(String) - Method in class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd
eval(Reader) - Method in class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd
eval(String, ScriptContext) - Method in class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd
eval(Reader, ScriptContext) - Method in class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd
eval(String, Bindings) - Method in class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd
eval(Reader, Bindings) - Method in class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd
evalCondition(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
evalDatapathOrExpr(JZtxtcmdScript.Argument) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
evalDeps - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDeps.Args
evalDeps - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDeps_Old.Args
evalFiles(List<String>, File, Appendable) - Static method in class org.vishia.testutil.EvalTestoutfiles
Checks given files for test outputs.
evalLineIndices(int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.StringPartFromFileLines
evalObject(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem, boolean) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Gets the value of the given Argument.
evalString(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
evalSub(File, String, Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel) - Method in interface org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdEngine
Executes a sub routine in a given script, which should be translated firstly.
evalSub(File, String, Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel) - Method in class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd
Executes a sub routine in a special script, but uses a given execution environment.
evalSubroutine(JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine, Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, StringFormatter, int) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
This routine is called only from org.vishia.zcmd.JZcmd#evalSub(....) which may be not used in praxis?.
EvalTestoutfiles - Class in org.vishia.testutil
This class contains on static operation to eval result files of compilation and test.
EvalTestoutfiles() - Constructor for class org.vishia.testutil.EvalTestoutfiles
evaluateChildren(XmlCfg.XmlCfgNode, GenXmlCfgJavaData.SubClassXml, boolean, int) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlReader.GenXmlCfgJavaData.WrClassXml
evaluateChildSyntax(List<ZbnfSyntaxPrescript>, GenZbnfJavaData.SubClassZbnf, boolean, int) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.GenZbnfJavaData.WrClassZbnf
An syntax item can have an inner syntax tree.
evaluateContent() - Method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlBeautificator
Looks for textual content between tag elements and writes the close if found.
evaluateElement(int) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlBeautificator
Evaluate one element and recursively all nested ones.
evaluateStartTag() - Method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlBeautificator
Reads first the content with XmlBeautificator.len character.
evaluateSubCmpn(XmlCfg.XmlCfgNode, boolean, int) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlReader.GenXmlCfgJavaData.WrClassXml
This routine is called for <cmpnSyntax...
evaluateSubCmpnCall(ZbnfSyntaxPrescript, GenZbnfJavaData.SubClassZbnf, boolean, int) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.GenZbnfJavaData.WrClassZbnf
This routine is called for <cmpnSyntax...
evaluateSyntax(ZbnfSyntaxPrescript) - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.GenZbnfJavaData
evalValue(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem, boolean) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Gets the value of the given Argument.
evBack - Variable in class org.vishia.event.EventConsumerAwait
Back event with the evCmd as opponent.
evBack - Variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7.RunRefresh
evBack - Variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7.WalkerThread
evBack - Variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7.WalkFileTreeVisitor
It is also aggregated in #ev
evBack - Variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileCallbackLocalCmp
Event instance for user callback.
evBack - Variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileCallbackLocalCopy
Event instance for user callback.
evBack - Variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileCallbackLocalDelete
evBack - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCallbackSearch
Event instance for user callback.
evBack - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteWalker
evDst - Variable in class org.vishia.event.EventWithDst
The destination instance for the Event.
evDst() - Method in class org.vishia.event.EventWithDst
This method should only be called if the event should be processed.
evDstThread - Variable in class org.vishia.event.EventWithDst
The queue for events of the EventThread_ifc if this event should be used in a really event driven system (without directly callback).
event - Variable in class org.vishia.event.TimeOrder
event() - Method in class org.vishia.event.TimeOrder
eventConsumed() - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple.Trans
Set the state of transition execution to EventConsumer.mEventConsumed and return this.
EventConsumer - Interface in org.vishia.event
This interface describe the access to consumers for events.
EventConsumerAwait<T_PayloadBack extends PayloadBack,T_Payload extends Payload> - Class in org.vishia.event
Base class for all event consumer, same as implementation of the simple EventConsumer interface, but the EventConsumer#awaitExecution(long) is already implemented here.
EventConsumerAwait(String, T_PayloadBack, EventThread_ifc, T_Payload, EventThread_ifc) - Constructor for class org.vishia.event.EventConsumerAwait
Called from the inherit class.
eventDebug(EventObject) - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateMachine
This method can be overridden if applying an event should be debugged or for example logged in the derived class.
eventOrder - Static variable in interface org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmdLogging_ifc
use instead or Report.infoDisplay
eventProcessor - Variable in class org.vishia.event.EventTimerThread
EventSource - Class in org.vishia.event
Access to the current source of a event.
EventSource(String) - Constructor for class org.vishia.event.EventSource
EventThread_ifc - Interface in org.vishia.event
EventTimerThread - Class in org.vishia.event
This class stores events, starts the processing of the events in one thread and manages and executes time orders in the same thread.
EventTimerThread(String) - Constructor for class org.vishia.event.EventTimerThread
Creates the Manager for time orders.
EventTimerThread_ifc - Interface in org.vishia.event
This interface should only be used for an alternative implementation of a event thread.
EventWithDst<T_Payload extends Payload,T_PayloadOpp extends Payload> - Class in org.vishia.event
This class is a universal basic for all events in the vishia Java source suite.
EventWithDst(String, T_Payload) - Constructor for class org.vishia.event.EventWithDst
Creates an event as a static object for re-usage.
EventWithDst(String, T_Payload, EventWithDst<T_PayloadOpp, T_Payload>) - Constructor for class org.vishia.event.EventWithDst
EventWithDst(String, Object, T_Payload) - Constructor for class org.vishia.event.EventWithDst
EventWithDst(String, Object, T_Payload, EventWithDst<T_PayloadOpp, T_Payload>) - Constructor for class org.vishia.event.EventWithDst
EventWithDst(String, EventSource, EventConsumer, EventThread_ifc, T_Payload) - Constructor for class org.vishia.event.EventWithDst
Creates an event as static or dynamic object for usage.
EventWithDst(String, EventSource, EventConsumer, EventThread_ifc, T_Payload, T_PayloadOpp) - Constructor for class org.vishia.event.EventWithDst
Creates an event as static or dynamic object for usage with its opponent event.
EventWithDst(String, EventSource, EventConsumer, EventThread_ifc, T_Payload, EventWithDst<T_PayloadOpp, T_Payload>) - Constructor for class org.vishia.event.EventWithDst
EventWithDst(String, EventSource, EventConsumer, EventThread_ifc, T_Payload, String, EventSource, EventConsumer, EventThread_ifc, T_PayloadOpp) - Constructor for class org.vishia.event.EventWithDst
Creates an event as static or dynamic object for usage with its opponent event with a given opponent event.
evOpp - Variable in class org.vishia.event.EventWithDst
This is an associated event which can be used for the back direction.
evOwner - Variable in class org.vishia.event.EventWithDst
evSourceTimeout - Variable in class org.vishia.states.StateMachine
The event source for timeout events is the statemachine itself.
evSrc - Variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7
The state machine for executing over some directory trees is handled in this extra class.
evSrc - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
evThread() - Method in interface org.vishia.event.EventConsumer
This operation should return that thread, which is associated to this consumer.
evThread - Variable in class org.vishia.event.EventConsumerAwait
This reference should be used if the Consumer implementor (the inherit class) should offer a specific thread where the events are intermediately stored before execution in this consumer.
evThread() - Method in class org.vishia.event.EventConsumerAwait
If the inherit consumer defines a specific thread, get it here.
evThread() - Method in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7
evThread() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileAccessZip
evThread() - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateMachine
evTimeout - Variable in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple
The timeout event for this state stored also in the top state or a StateParallel.
examineZipFile(FileRemote) - Static method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileAccessZip
It examines a zip file.
exampleObjectSize - Static variable in class org.vishia.bridgeC.AllocInBlock
In C all methods to allocate arrays may called with an object which should use the same block.
ExampleTestFloat - Class in org.vishia.bridgeC
ExampleTestFloat() - Constructor for class org.vishia.bridgeC.ExampleTestFloat
excColumn - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdThreadData
exception - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdThreadData
The exception with them the thread was finished or null.
exception(Exception) - Method in class org.vishia.util.TestOrg
Shows a proper text on an non expected exception, sets the internal TestOrg.bOk to false Note: An exception aborts the normal execution.
ExceptionInfo - Class in org.vishia.msgDispatch
see org.vishia.util.Assert#exceptionInfo(String, Throwable, int, int)
ExceptionInfo() - Constructor for class org.vishia.msgDispatch.ExceptionInfo
exceptionInfo(CharSequence, Throwable, int, int) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.ExcUtil
Prepares an exception information inclusively some levels of stack trace in a short (one line) form.
exceptionInfo(CharSequence, Throwable, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.ExcUtil
Prepares an exception information inclusively some levels of stack trace in a short (one line) form.
exceptionMsg1(Exception) - Static method in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.ExceptionInfo
excLine - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdThreadData
excMsg - Variable in class org.vishia.util.ThreadContext
String Buffer to store a thread local exception message for throw operations.
excSrcfile - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdThreadData
excStacktraceinfo() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Returns a one-line-information about the last Exception with Stacktrace information (max 20 levels).
excStatement - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdThreadData
ExcUtil - Class in org.vishia.util
ExcUtil() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.ExcUtil
exec(CheckDeps.Args) - Method in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDeps
exec(int, Appendable, Appendable) - Method in interface org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter.ExecuteAfterFinish
Gets the Appendable given by the execute invocation.
exec(EventObject) - Method in interface org.vishia.states.StateAction
exec(Appendable, OutTextPreparer.DataTextPreparer) - Method in class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer
Executes preparation of a pattern with given data.
exec(File) - Method in class org.vishia.xmlReader.GenXmlCfgJavaData
exec(File, int, String, long) - Method in class
Executes the creation of zip or jar with the given source files to a dst file.
exec(Zip.Args) - Method in class
Executes Zip with given arguments.
exec_addClassLoader(JZtxtcmdScript.DefClasspathVariable, Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
exec_Call(JZtxtcmdScript.CallStatement, List<DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, StringFormatter, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
exec_ChangeCurrDir(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
exec_CmdError(JZtxtcmdScript.Onerror, StringFormatter, int) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
exec_cmdline(JZtxtcmdScript.CmdInvoke) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
exec_Copy(JZtxtcmdScript.FileOpArg) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
exec_createFilepath(Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
exec_createFileSet(Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, JZtxtcmdScript.UserFileset) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
exec_Datatext(JZtxtcmdScript.DataText, StringFormatter, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Inserts <&a_Datapath> in the out.
exec_DebugOp(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
exec_DefClassVariable(JZtxtcmdScript.DefClassVariable, Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
exec_DefCodeblockVariable(Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine, boolean) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
It defines a variable type 'X' and stores the given subroutine reference to execute that statements on evaluating the variable
exec_DefList(JZtxtcmdScript.DefContainerVariable, Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
exec_DefMapVariable(JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable, Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
exec_DefVariable(Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable, char, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
exec_Delete(JZtxtcmdScript.FileOpArg) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
exec_dowhileStatement(JZtxtcmdScript.CondStatement, StringFormatter, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Executes a dowhile statement.
exec_forContainer(JZtxtcmdScript.ForStatement, StringFormatter, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
exec_hasNext(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem, StringFormatter, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Executes the statements or output the text if in textArg if a for-container has a next element.
exec_IfStatement(JZtxtcmdScript.IfStatement, StringFormatter, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
it contains maybe more as one if block and else.
exec_MkDir(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
exec_Move(JZtxtcmdScript.FileOpArg) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
exec_NestedLevel(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem, StringFormatter, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Executes an internal statement block.
exec_Openfile(Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, JZtxtcmdScript.DefVariable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Creates a new FileWriter with the given name #evalString(org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.Argument) of the statement.
exec_OpenTextOut(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem, StringFormatter, boolean) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Closes an existing text out and opens a new one with the given name in the current directory.
exec_SetColumn(JZtxtcmdScript.TextColumn, StringFormatter) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
exec_Subroutine(JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine, Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, StringFormatter, int) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Executes a subroutine invoked from user space, with given JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel as this.
exec_Subroutine(JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine, List<DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, StringFormatter, int) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Executes a subroutine invoked from user space, with given JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel as this.
exec_Subroutine(JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine, JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel, List<JZtxtcmdScript.Argument>, List<DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, StringFormatter, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Core routine to execute a sub routine.
exec_Text(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem, Appendable, int) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Outputs the given constant text
exec_TextAppendToOut(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem, StringFormatter, int) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Invocation for <:>text<.+>.
exec_TextAppendToVar(JZtxtcmdScript.TextOut, int) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Invocation for <+name>text<.+>.
exec_Thread(Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, JZtxtcmdScript.ThreadBlock) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
executes statements in another thread.
exec_Throw(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
exec_Throwonerror(JZtxtcmdScript.Onerror) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Throws an JZtxtcmdExecuter.CmdErrorLevelException if the errorlevel is >= statement.errorLevel.
exec_whileStatement(JZtxtcmdScript.CondStatement, StringFormatter, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Executes a while statement.
exec_zmake(JZtxtcmdScript.Zmake, StringFormatter, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Executes a Zmake subroutine call.
execCall(Appendable, OutTextPreparer.CallCmd, OutTextPreparer.DataTextPreparer, OutTextPreparer) - Method in class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer
Executes a call
execChgProps(FileRemoteCmdEventData, EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Method in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7
execChgPropsRecurs(FileRemoteCmdEventData, EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Method in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7
execClass - Variable in class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer
This is only stored as info, not used in this class.
execCmd(FileRemoteCmdEventData, EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Method in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7
ExecCmd(OutTextPreparer, StringPartScan, Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.ExecCmd
ExecCmd(OutTextPreparer, String, Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.ExecCmd
execCommission(EventWithDst<FileRemoteCmdEventData, FileRemoteProgressEvData>) - Method in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7
Executes the given event as commission.
execCountLength(FileRemoteCmdEventData, EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Method in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7
execDel(FileRemoteCmdEventData, EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Method in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7
Executes delete file maybe in an extra thread or really remote
execFor(Appendable, OutTextPreparer.ForCmd, int, Object, OutTextPreparer.DataTextPreparer) - Method in class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer
Executes a for loop
execIf(Appendable, OutTextPreparer.IfCmd, int, Object, OutTextPreparer.DataTextPreparer) - Method in class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer
Executes a if branch
execObj - Variable in class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.DataTextPreparer
The instance where the <:exec:operation...> are located. null if not necessary.
Execode - Class in org.vishia.execode
It is similar but not equivalent to The primary difference is: It stores string sources used for example for code generation.
Execode() - Constructor for class org.vishia.execode.Execode
Execode.Constant - Class in org.vishia.execode
Execode.EInstruction - Enum in org.vishia.execode
Execode.EOperand - Enum in org.vishia.execode
Execode.EXXXInstruction - Enum in org.vishia.execode
Execode.Instruction - Class in org.vishia.execode
execOperation - Variable in class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer.ExecCmd
Index for OutTextPreparer.DataTextPreparer.argSub to get already existing data container.
execRxData(byte[], int, Address_InterProcessComm) - Method in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessCommRx_ifc
Callback routine for received data.
execRxData - Variable in class org.vishia.communication.InterProcessCommRxThread
Reference to the execute routine on receiving data.
execSub(JZtxtcmdScript, String, Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, boolean, Appendable, File) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter
Executes a subroutine.
execSub(JZtxtcmdScript, String, List<DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, boolean, Appendable, File) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter
Executes a subroutine.
execSub(JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine, Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, boolean, Appendable, File) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter
Executes a subroutine.
execSub(JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine, List<DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, boolean, Appendable, File, CmdExecuter) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter
Executes the given sub routine invoked from any user application.
execSub(File, String, Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel, Appendable) - Static method in class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd
Executes a sub routine in a special script, but uses a given execution environment.
execSub(File, String, Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel) - Static method in class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd
Executes a sub routine in a special script, but uses a given execution environment.
execSub(Appendable, OutTextPreparer.DataTextPreparer, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.util.OutTextPreparer
Executes preparation for a range of cmd for internal control structures
execute() - Method in class org.vishia.bridgeC.ExampleTestFloat
execute() - Method in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.CheckDeps_Old
Main execution routine of this class.
execute(String, String, Appendable, Appendable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter
Executes a command with arguments and waits for its finishing.
execute(String, String, Appendable, Appendable, boolean) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter
Executes a command with arguments and waits for its finishing.
execute(String[], String, Appendable, Appendable) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter
Executes a command with arguments and maybe waits for its finishing.
execute(String[], String, List<Appendable>, List<Appendable>) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter
Same as #execute(String[], String, Appendable, Appendable, boolean) but do not wait for finish if both outputs and errors are null.
execute(String[], boolean, String, List<Appendable>, List<Appendable>, CmdExecuter.ExecuteAfterFinish) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter
Executes a command with arguments and maybe waits for its finishing.
execute() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.Filecmd
execute(JZtxtcmdScript, boolean, boolean, Appendable, Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, String) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter
Executes the given script.
execute(JZtxtcmdScript, boolean, boolean, Appendable, List<DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, String) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter
Executes the given script.
execute(JZtxtcmdScript, boolean, boolean, Appendable, String) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter
Executes the given script.
execute(JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList, StringFormatter, int, Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, int) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Processes the statement of the current node in the JZcmditem.
execute(DocuGen.Args) - Method in class org.vishia.docuGen.DocuGen
execute() - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.C2DataDeps
execute(CheaderParser.Args) - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser
execute() - Method in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection
execute(File, JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel) - Static method in class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd
Parses the script and executes it in an own environment but with usage of the given local variables, the current directory and the log of a given JZcmd ExecuterLevel.
execute(String) - Static method in class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd
Executes a JZcmd script.
execute(File, LogMessage) - Static method in class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd
Executes a JZcmd script.
execute(JZtxtcmdExecuter, File, Appendable, Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, String, boolean, File, LogMessage) - Static method in class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd
Translates and executes a JZcmd script.
execute(JZtxtcmdExecuter, File, Appendable, List<DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, String, boolean, File, LogMessage) - Static method in class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd
Translates and executes a JZcmd script.
execute(JZtxtcmdExecuter, File, Appendable, String, boolean, File, LogMessage) - Static method in class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd
Translates and executes a JZcmd script.
execute(JZtxtcmdExecuter, File, StringPartScan, Appendable, Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>, String, boolean, File, LogMessage) - Static method in class org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd
Executes a textual given script in a existing instance of a JZtxtcmdExecuter.
execute(SampleCmdLine.Args) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.SampleCmdLine.UserMain
Executes the task of this class.
execute() - Method in class org.vishia.states.PrepareTransition
execute() - Method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.Xsltpre
Generate the output file, but only if it is older as the input, or it don't exists, or bGenerateAlways is set to true.
execute() - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.Zbnf2Xml
execute() - Method in class org.vishia.zbnf.Zmake
Execute the task of the class.
execute_i(JZtxtcmdScript, boolean, boolean, String, boolean) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter
Inner routine to process the execution after initializing the script.
execute_Scriptclass(String) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter
Initializes respectively calculates a class newly.
execute_Scriptclass(JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdClass) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter
Executes the code of a class in a script without checking the whole script.
executeAfterCmd - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter
Set with an execute invocation, set to null if it was processed.
executeAfterFinish - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter.CmdQueueEntry
executeCmd(File) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.Filecmd
executeCmdLine(String, int, Appendable, String) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd
Execute a command invoke a cmdline call, implements MainCmd_Ifc.
executeCmdLine(String[], int, Appendable, String) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd
executeCmdLine(String, ProcessBuilder, int, Appendable, String) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd
executeCmdLine(String[], ProcessBuilder, int, Appendable, String) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd
executeCmdLine(ProcessBuilder, String, String, int, Appendable, Appendable) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd
Executes a command line call maybe as pipe, waiting for finishing..
executeCmdLine(ProcessBuilder, String[], String, int, Appendable, Appendable) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd
Executes a command line call maybe as pipe, waiting for finishing..
executeCmdLine(String[], int, Appendable, String) - Method in interface org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd_ifc
Execute a command, invoke a cmdline call.
executeCmdLine(String, int, Appendable, String) - Method in interface org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd_ifc
Execute a command, invoke a cmdline call.
executeCmdLine(ProcessBuilder, String, String, int, Appendable, Appendable) - Method in interface org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd_ifc
Executes a command line call maybe as pipe, waiting for finishing..
executeCmdLine(ProcessBuilder, String[], String, int, Appendable, Appendable) - Method in interface org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd_ifc
Executes a command line call maybe as pipe, waiting for finishing..
executeCmdQueue(boolean) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.CmdExecuter
Executes the commands stored with #addCmd(String[], String, List, List, ExecuteAfterFinish).
executeFiles(SampleCmdLine.Args) - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.SampleCmdLine.UserMain
Sample to handle with files
executeInShellClose - Static variable in class org.vishia.cmd.PrepareCmd
Kind of command execution: A system shell should be opened while execution and close after them.
executeInShellOpened - Static variable in class org.vishia.cmd.PrepareCmd
Kind of command execution: A system shell should be opened and let open after execution.
executeJavaMain - Static variable in class org.vishia.cmd.PrepareCmd
Kind of command execution: A java class's main method is invoked.
ExecuteLevel(JZtxtcmdExecuter.JzTcMain, JZtxtcmdScript.Subroutine, JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmdClass, JZtxtcmdThreadData, JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel, Map<String, DataAccess.Variable<Object>>) - Constructor for class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Constructs data for a local execution level.
ExecuteLevel(JZtxtcmdExecuter.JzTcMain, JZtxtcmdThreadData) - Constructor for class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Constructs data for the script execution level.
executeLevel - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdThread
Used only for starting the thread.
executeLevel - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdThreadQueue
Used for execution all queued subroutines.
executeLocalPipes - Static variable in class org.vishia.cmd.PrepareCmd
Kind of command execution: The execution is done using local pipes.
executeNewlevel(JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList, StringFormatter, int, int) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
Executes an inner script part maybe with a new level of nested local variables.
executeQuest - Static variable in class org.vishia.cmd.PrepareCmd
Kind of command execution: A java class's main method is invoked.
executer() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExecuteLevel
executerCommission - Variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7
Destination for all events which forces actions in the execution thread.
executeScriptLevel(JZtxtcmdScript, CharSequence) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter
Stores the script and executes the script level to generate the script level variables, especially the script variables were calculated yet.
executeStartProcess - Static variable in class org.vishia.cmd.PrepareCmd
Kind of command execution: A new system process is started.
exists() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
Returns true if the file seems to be existing.
exists() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileZip
exists(File) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.FileFunctions
Returns true if the given file exists.
exit() - Method in class org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmd
Exits the cmdline application with the maximum of setted exit error level.
exit - Variable in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple
exit() - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple
This method may be overridden for a exit action.
exitCodeArgError - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.Arguments
ExitException(int) - Constructor for exception org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExitException
exitLevel - Variable in exception org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdExecuter.ExitException
ExitStatement(JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList, int) - Constructor for class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.ExitStatement
exitStates - Variable in class org.vishia.states.PrepareTransition
exitStates - Variable in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple.Trans
All states which's StateSimple#exitTheState() have to be processed if the transition is fired.
exitSuccessfull - Static variable in interface org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmdLogging_ifc
exit value to indicate not at all problems.
exitTheState(int) - Method in class org.vishia.states.StateSimple
Exits the state and all enclosing states till level.
exitUserAbort - Static variable in interface org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmdLogging_ifc
exit value to indicate a unconditional abort of a process.
exitValue - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.ExitStatement
exitWithArgumentError - Static variable in interface org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmdLogging_ifc
exit value to indicate a parameter error, that is a programmers error mostly.
exitWithErrors - Static variable in interface org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmdLogging_ifc
exit value to indicate a error in the own process, at example due to failed data
exitWithFileProblems - Static variable in interface org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmdLogging_ifc
exit value to indicate a file error, typicall write to a read only file, write to a failed directory, file not exists and others.
exitWithNotes - Static variable in interface org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmdLogging_ifc
exit value to indicate the user should read something and medidate about.
exitWithWarnings - Static variable in interface org.vishia.mainCmd.MainCmdLogging_ifc
exit value to indicate some warnings, but no fatal errors.
expand(int) - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
Increments the idxEnd if a new child is added.
expandElements(CharSequence, char) - Static method in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess
Splits a String given path to elements.
expandFiles(List<FilePath>, FilePath, FilePath, FilePath.FilePathEnvAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Builds non-wildcard instances for any found file, add the given common and access path.
expandParent() - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccess
Expands the end index of the parent, it means the management of the expanse of the data.
expandParent() - Method in class org.vishia.byteData.ByteDataAccessOld
Expands the end index of the parent, it means the management of the expanse of the data.
expect(CharSequence, CharSequence, int, String) - Method in class org.vishia.util.TestOrg
Compares both CharSequences, should be equal.
expect(boolean, int, String, Object...) - Method in class org.vishia.util.TestOrg
Simple test check routine
expect_(boolean, int, String, int, Object...) - Method in class org.vishia.util.TestOrg
core test routine
expr - Variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.Operand
If not null the operand is calculated with an expression itself.
expr - Variable in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.SetExprBase
expr() - Method in class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.SetExprBase.SetExpr
expression - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.JZcmditem
Any calculation of data.
ExprTypes() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.CalculatorExpr.ExprTypes
exprValue - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Arraysize
A value as expression.
ext() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdFilepath
Assembles and returns the extension from this Filepath as String..
ext - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.IncludeDef
ext - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
From Zbnf: The extension inclusive the leading dot.
ext() - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Returns the extension of the file inclusively the dot on start.
ExternObject() - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ExternObject
externObject - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.MethodCall
The Object which's method is called.
externObject - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.Variable
The Object which's variable is accessed.
extEventSet - Variable in class org.vishia.event.EventTimerThread
Set if any external event is set.
ExtReflection_Insp(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.ExtReflection_Insp_h.ExtReflection_Insp
ExtReflection_Insp() - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.ExtReflection_Insp_h.ExtReflection_Insp
ExtReflection_Insp_h - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
ExtReflection_Insp_h() - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.ExtReflection_Insp_h
ExtReflection_Insp_h.ExtReflection_Insp - Class in org.vishia.header2Reflection
EXXXInstruction(int, boolean, Execode.EOperand, Execode.EInstruction) - Constructor for enum org.vishia.execode.Execode.EXXXInstruction


F1 - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
F10 - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
F11 - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
F12 - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
F2 - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
F3 - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
F4 - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
F5 - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
F6 - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
F7 - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
F8 - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
F9 - Static variable in class org.vishia.util.KeyCode
fConst - Variable in class org.vishia.execode.Execode.Constant
fd - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageStream
Field() - Constructor for class org.vishia.byteData.reflection_Jc.Reflection_Jc.Field
field - Variable in class org.vishia.util.DataAccess.Dst
field_access - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.SuperclassIfc_idxMtblJc_ByteDataAccess
Field_Jc - Class in org.vishia.byteData
The Field_Jc supports the access to a single data field of a users byte image.
Field_Jc() - Constructor for class org.vishia.byteData.Field_Jc
Field_Jc.EModifier - Enum in org.vishia.byteData
Definition adequate Headerfile ReflectionJc.h in enum Modifier_reflectJc_t:
Field_Jc.TypeSizeIdent - Class in org.vishia.byteData
Helper class for TreeMap of scalar type properties.
FieldAccess() - Constructor for class org.vishia.byteData.reflection_Jc.Reflection_Jc.FieldAccess
fields - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.reflection_Jc.Reflection_Jc.Class
fields - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.reflection_Jc.Reflection_Jc.FieldAccess
fieldsFromSemanticAttr - Variable in class org.vishia.genJavaOutClass.GenJavaOutClass.SubClassJava
This Map is filled if any [<?
fieldsPodAddr - Variable in class org.vishia.byteData.reflection_Jc.Reflection_Jc.Class
FieldTypeInfos() - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection.FieldTypeInfos
file - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.Filecmd.File1Arg
file() - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdFilepath
Assembles and returns the designated part from this Filepath as String or StringBuilder: <&data.file()>.
file(StringBuilder, FilePath, FilePath) - Method in class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdFilepath
file - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.PrepareCmd.File3Parts
file - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.PrepareCmd.FileParts
Get from args if firstly used.
file - Variable in class org.vishia.docuGen.DocuGen.ZbnfDocuGenCtrl
ZBNF: genCtrl: <*\ ;?
file() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemote
file - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.IncludeDef
file - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageFile
file - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FileFunctions.FileAndBasePath
file(FilePath.FilePathEnvAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Returns the file path like given, either as absolute path or relative path.
file(StringBuilder, FilePath, FilePath.FilePathEnvAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Returns the file path maybe with given commonBasepath and a access path.
file(StringBuilder, FilePath, FilePath, FilePath.FilePathEnvAccess) - Method in class org.vishia.util.FilePath
Returns the file path maybe with given commonBasepath and a access path.
file1 - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.PrepareCmd.File3Parts
file1 - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FileCompare.Result
The left and the right file.
File1Arg(File) - Constructor for class org.vishia.cmd.Filecmd.File1Arg
file2 - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.PrepareCmd.File3Parts
file2 - Variable in class org.vishia.util.FileCompare.Result
The left and the right file.
file3 - Variable in class org.vishia.cmd.PrepareCmd.File3Parts
File3Parts() - Constructor for class org.vishia.cmd.PrepareCmd.File3Parts
FileAccessorLocalJava7 - Class in org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor
This is the implementation of the FileRemoteAccessor working with FileRemote which uses the java.nio.files startegy (new from Java-7)
German description for the java.nio.file:
FileAccessorLocalJava7() - Constructor for class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7
Use FileAccessorLocalJava7.getInstance() to get the singleton instance.
FileAccessorLocalJava7.RunRefresh - Class in org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor
A thread which gets all file properties independent of a caller of the #re
FileAccessorLocalJava7.WalkerThread - Class in org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor
FileAccessorLocalJava7.WalkFileTreeVisitor - Class in org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor
This class is the general FileVisitor for the adaption layer to FileRemote.
FileAccessZip - Class in org.vishia.fileRemote
FileAccessZip() - Constructor for class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileAccessZip
FileAccessZip.FileZipData - Class in org.vishia.fileRemote
FileAccessZip.FileZipInputStream - Class in org.vishia.fileRemote
A wrapper class for the returned InputStream.
fileAllC - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection
If setOutC is called, this writer is present, else it is null.
fileAllH - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection
If setOutC is called, this writer is present, else it is null.
FileAndBasePath(File, String, String) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.FileFunctions.FileAndBasePath
FileAppend - Class in org.vishia.util
This class is a alternative to
FileAppend() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.FileAppend
FileAppend.Wr - Class in org.vishia.util
fileBin - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.BinOutPrep
If setOutBin is called, this writer is present, else it is null.
fileBinBigEndian - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection
fileBinHex - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection
fileBuffer - Variable in class org.vishia.util.StringPartFromFile
fileC - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection
created header and c file.
FileCallbackLocalCmp - Class in org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor
This class supports comparison of files in a callback routine.
FileCallbackLocalCmp(FileRemote, FileRemote, FileRemoteWalkerCallback, EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Constructor for class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileCallbackLocalCmp
Constructs an instance to execute a comparison of directory trees.
FileCallbackLocalCmp.CompareCtrl - Class in org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor
FileCallbackLocalCopy - Class in org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor
This class contains the callback operations used for FileRemoteAccessor#walkFileTreeCheck(FileRemote, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, long, int, FileRemoteWalkerCallback) to copy the content of a directory tree called in FileRemote#copyDirTreeTo(FileRemote, int, String, int, FileRemoteProgressEvData).
FileCallbackLocalCopy(FileRemote, FileRemoteWalkerCallback, EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Constructor for class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileCallbackLocalCopy
Constructs an instance to execute a comparison of directory trees.
FileCallbackLocalDelete - Class in org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor
FileCallbackLocalDelete(EventWithDst<FileRemoteProgressEvData, ?>) - Constructor for class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileCallbackLocalDelete
FileCheckPath(String) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.FileFunction.FileCheckPath
FileCheckPath(String) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.FilesToList.FileCheckPath
fileclose() - Method in class org.vishia.xmlSimple.XmlSequWriter
fileCluster - Variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7.WalkFileTreeVisitor
FileCluster - Class in org.vishia.fileRemote
This class ensures that the same FileRemote instances is used for the same string given path.
FileCluster() - Constructor for class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileCluster
FileCluster.ListSubdirs - Class in org.vishia.fileRemote
Filecmd - Class in org.vishia.cmd
This class executes a given command for all files with given list.
Filecmd(MainCmd_ifc, Filecmd.Cargs) - Constructor for class org.vishia.cmd.Filecmd
Filecmd.Cargs - Class in org.vishia.cmd
Class holds command line arguments.
Filecmd.Cmdline - Class in org.vishia.cmd
Filecmd.File1Arg - Class in org.vishia.cmd
FileCompare - Class in org.vishia.util
This class contains a functionality to compare file also in sub directories.
FileCompare(int, String[], long) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.FileCompare
FileCompare.Result - Class in org.vishia.util
Class contains the comparison result for two files or sub directories in both trees.
filedst - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCmdEventData
Source and destination files for copy, rename, move or the only one filesrc. filedst may remain null then.
filedst() - Method in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteCmdEventData
fileFilter - Variable in class org.vishia.fileLocalAccessor.FileAccessorLocalJava7.WalkFileTreeVisitor
fileFilter - Variable in class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileRemoteWalker.WalkInfo
Current level of the file path filter.
FileFunction - Class in org.vishia.util
This class is a container for some static routines and sub classes to deal with file content.
FileFunction() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.FileFunction
FileFunction.AddFileToList - Interface in org.vishia.util
FileFunction.FileCheckPath - Class in org.vishia.util
Not ready yet.
FileFunctions - Class in org.vishia.util
This class contains some static file and command line functions.
FileFunctions() - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.FileFunctions
FileFunctions.AddFileToList - Interface in org.vishia.util
FileFunctions.FileAndBasePath - Class in org.vishia.util
This class holds a File with its Basepath.
FileFunctions.FilesWithBasePath - Class in org.vishia.util
FileFunctions.ListWrapper - Class in org.vishia.util
This class supports the call of FileFunctions.addFileToList(String, List).
fileH - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection
created header and c file.
FileIn() - Constructor for class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection.FileIn
fileInput - Variable in class org.vishia.genJavaOutClass.GenJavaOutClass.CmdArgs
The input file which determines the structure.
FileList - Class in org.vishia.util
This class creates a list which information about a file tree and supports change timestamp of given files (touch).
FileList(FileList.Args) - Constructor for class org.vishia.util.FileList
FileList.Args - Class in org.vishia.util
FileMark - Class in org.vishia.fileRemote
Class can be associated with a FileRemote to store comparison or mark information.
FileMark(FileRemote) - Constructor for class org.vishia.fileRemote.FileMark
fileMirror - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.InfoFileDependencies
fileName - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.CheaderParser.ZbnfResultFile
fileObjs - Variable in class org.vishia.checkDeps_C.ObjectFileDeps
The object file.
fileOffs - Variable in class org.vishia.header2Reflection.Header2Reflection
If setOutOffset is called, this writer is present, else it is null.
FileOpArg(JZtxtcmdScript.StatementList, char) - Constructor for class org.vishia.cmd.JZtxtcmdScript.FileOpArg
FileOutput(char, String, int) - Constructor for class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgConfig.FileOutput
fileOutput - Variable in class org.vishia.msgDispatch.MsgDispatchSystemOutErr
It is null when #MsgDispatchSystemOutErr(String) was called with null.