This is an example for a simple class without interface, but override-able methods.
It based on ObjectJc, because the overriding of methods needs this base class.
in C is defined in the following form:
typedef struct SimpleClass_Test_t
union { ObjectJc object; } base;
int32 x1;
} SimpleClass_Test_s;
It contains the base data of
wrapped with the
because the access to the
is written anyway in form
contains the data.
There are two additional defines for all classes in C:
typedef struct SimpleClass_Test_Y_t { ObjectArrayJc head; SimpleClass_Test_s data[50]; } SimpleClass_Test_Y;
extern_C struct ClassJc_t const reflection_SimpleClass_Test_s;
- The first line defines a array structure. It is ready to use always. The number of data is a placeholder.
The structure type is used as a reference anytime. Than the really number of elements in the array
depends from the memory allocation size and it is stored in the head data.
- The second line declares the existence of reflection for the class in C.
Methods are defined as prototypes in headerfile:
METHOD_C struct SimpleClass_Test_t* ctorO_SimpleClass_Test(ObjectJc* othis, ThCxt* _thCxt);
typedef int32 MT_addValue_SimpleClass_Test(SimpleClass_Test_s* ythis, int32 value, ThCxt* _thCxt);
METHOD_C int32 addValue_SimpleClass_Test_F(SimpleClass_Test_s* ythis, int32 value, ThCxt* _thCxt);
METHOD_C int32 addValue_SimpleClass_Test(SimpleClass_Test_s* ythis, int32 value, ThCxt* _thCxt);
- The first line is the constructor definition, auto generated.
- The second line is the method type definition as a so named C-function pointer type.
It is used in the method table.
- The third line declares the final version of the method,
whereas the forth line declares that method definition, which executes a dynamic linked call.
The header file contains at last the method table type definition:
extern const char sign_Mtbl_SimpleClass_Test[]; //marker for methodTable check
typedef struct Mtbl_SimpleClass_Test_t
{ MtblHeadJc head;
MT_addValue_SimpleClass_Test* addValue;
Mtbl_ObjectJc ObjectJc;
} Mtbl_SimpleClass_Test;