BinOutPrep |
This class prepares the binary output.
BinOutPrep.TypeBinPosition |
BinOutPrep.TypeNeedInBinOut |
Position and type of a usage of type in a field.
BinOutShow |
C2DataDeps |
This class is able to parse C-language files (header, implementation) and outputs all dependencies of variables.
CheaderParser |
This class parses C-files and builds a result tree, which can be proceed especially with a JZcmd script.
CheaderParser.Args |
CheaderParser.Arraysize |
CheaderParser.Assignment |
CheaderParser.AttribAsMacro |
An attribute in a struct (variable definition).
CheaderParser.AttributeOrTypedef |
An attribute in a struct (variable definition) or in an argument list.
CheaderParser.ClassC |
CheaderParser.ClassDefinition |
CheaderParser.ConditionalStatement |
CheaderParser.ConditionBlock |
CheaderParser.ConditionBlock.OrCondition |
CheaderParser.ConditionDef |
CheaderParser.Constructor |
CheaderParser.Define |
CheaderParser.DefineDefinition |
CheaderParser.DefineParameter |
CheaderParser.Description |
CheaderParser.Destructor |
CheaderParser.EnumDefinition |
CheaderParser.EnumElement |
CheaderParser.ExternObject |
CheaderParser.FnPointer |
A C like funktion pointer definition.
CheaderParser.FriendClass |
CheaderParser.HeaderBlock |
CheaderParser.HeaderBlockEntry |
CheaderParser.IncludeDef |
CheaderParser.InitializationInCtor |
CheaderParser.MethodCall |
CheaderParser.MethodDef |
CheaderParser.MethodTypedef |
CheaderParser.Number |
CheaderParser.Operator |
CheaderParser.ParamDescription |
CheaderParser.Pointer |
Designation whether a type is a pointer type.
CheaderParser.RefCastingValue |
CheaderParser.SizeofDescription |
CheaderParser.SrcFile |
CheaderParser.Statement |
CheaderParser.StatementBlock |
A StatementBlock contains statements.
CheaderParser.StructClassDecl |
CheaderParser.StructDefinition |
CheaderParser.StructOrClassDef |
CheaderParser.Superclass |
Form parsing it is only an entry with given name.
CheaderParser.Type |
This class presents the properties of a type.
CheaderParser.Value |
A value is syntactically an expression.
CheaderParser.ValueEntry |
CheaderParser.Variable |
CheaderParser.VariableDefinition |
CheaderParser.ZbnfResultData |
CheaderParser.ZbnfResultFile |
CmdHeader2Reflection |
Class for command line invokation.
ExtReflection_Insp_h |
ExtReflection_Insp_h.ExtReflection_Insp |
Header2Reflection |
Deprecated |
Header2Reflection.FieldTypeInfos |
This class holds some informations about a type of a element (attrubute).
Header2Reflection.FileIn |
Header2Reflection.TypeEntry |
Informations about type read from Configfile.