* contains the example 'ProgrSimpleExmpl' which is proper to the video. * contains the TimeSignals_Inspc example For evaluate this zip is sufficient. You should unpack it at ...AnyUserDir/.... Versions: The older testet version of TimeSignals newly refactored DataStruct_Inspc but yet without the TimeSignals example. This version contains both, TimeSignals_Inspc and DataStruct_Inspc in one simulink tree: * smlk/Smlk_ObjO_Inspc/test/+inspcStimuli: The time signals / stimuli * smlk/Smlk_ObjO_Inspc/test/+ObjOModule_ExmplCtrl: The example for ObjectOrientation. The C-sources for the core SFBlock were refactored, because they are used for both SFBlock concepts. Details: * emc: All necessary sources from the emc C-Library are part of the zip now, to translate Service_Inspc. No extern sources necessary. * ZBNF/zbnfjax/jzTc/Cheader2Refl.jzTc: improved but not perfect. Problem with _s-names as superclass. It is for reflection generation. * Java/vishiajar/zbnf.jar removed, the same file is stored in ZBNF/zbnfjax/zbnf.jar, that is used. * smlk/Smlk_ObjO_Inspc/emc: some files improved * smlk/Smlk_ObjO_Inspc/lib2018b/lib_Inspc.slx: improved, especially TimeSignals_Inspc * smlk/Smlk_ObjO_Inspc/lib_sfn/+genSfn/lib_Inspc_mex.m: bits_TimeSignals_Inspc_SfH is removed from compilation. It was not tested in the old version too. It is a TODO. * smlk/Smlk_ObjO_Inspc/lib_sfn/+genSfn/*.m: mexDbg outside smlk * smlk/Smlk_ObjO_Inspc/test/+ObjOModule_ExmplCtrl/ObjOModule_ExmplCtrl.slx: The Measurement-Preparation SFBlock is reactived. It is a Sfunction written in C, sources local associated to the model. It is an example for a model-specific S-function in C. In the version from 2019-03-04 to bus generation was not supported correct. In this version a TODO is the check of the bus with reflection. This was correct in older versions (from 2017/18), but new organization of port initialization because using the variable argument-ports are not sufficient refactored for that. It is an TODO, a problem on differences in alignment in the struct definition while bus using. If the alignment is ok, it is sufficient. * smlk/Smlk_ObjO_Inspc/test/+ObjOModule_ExmplCtrl/Cprj/genSrcMdl/MyDevice/MyDevice.c: It is manually adapted because yet a coder license is not available. The model code is the old generated one. No essential changes. * smlk/Smlk_ObjO_Inspc/test/+ObjOModule_ExmplCtrl/Cprj/genSrcInspc/Controller_ObjMod.*: That files are changed because the xMeas aggregation. It forces the necessity of generated code adaption. * smlk/Smlk_ObjO_Inspc/test/+ObjOModule_ExmplCtrl/netlist_ObjOModule_ExmplCtrl removed: That were older generated files with FBCL-concept, not ready yet. * This version contains some cleanup and the check of the bus elements. * The visual studio project smlk/Smlk_ObjO_Inspc/MsCprj is part of the zip-download now. * For checking of the bus memory layout against struct layout, there is a video inside the * The emC project is adequate this sources in for the emc component. Details: * emc/source/emC/DefPortTypes_parseEntry_emC.c: removed, was obsolte * emc/source/emC/Reflection_emC.c: new operation typeChar_FieldJc(...) * emc/source/emC/DefPortTypes_emC.h: cleanup, set_DefPortTypes_emC(...) with reflection argument * emc/source/Inspc/: some adaption * smlk/Smlk_ObjO_Inspc/MsCprj: This project is part of the download now, to check and view the sources and for debugging in Simulink. (Before: it was part of a 'emcTest' area) * smlk/**/#genSfn/*: adaption, this sources are generated with changed SmlkSfunc_jzTc (not part of ** The if-branch with ,,if(portInfo->type == 'G' || ...,, will only be generated if bus arguments are present. In the version 2019-03-04 it was never generated. In the version 2019-03-08 it was always generated. ** If necessary bus check is containing. Only if the arguments _bus, _cbus etc. are present. ** See smlk/Smlk_ObjO_Inspc/test/+ModuleConnection/+genSfn/Sfn/toBus_ModuleConnection_Example_SfOp.c for output bus, ** See smlk/Smlk_ObjO_Inspc/test/+ObjOModule_ExmplCtrl/+genSfn/Sfn/step_MeasPrep_ProgrSimpleExmplA_SfH.c for an input bus.