
Filepath outfile = &sOutfile; ##sOutfile is defined in the java calling environment.

:::://This file was generated by StateMGen - States.genH1
::::#ifndef __<&outfile.name()>_h__
::::#define __<&outfile.name()>_h__
::::/**This struct contains all data which are necessary in the generated code for the state processing. */
::::typedef struct <&stm.zbnfSrc.variables.StateSubStruct>_t 
  for(state:stm.rootStates) {
::::  /**Contains the state identifier for nested level with history or parallel states. */
::::  int state<&state.stateId>;<.+>
    if(state.auxInfo.hasTimer) {
::::::  /**Variable to count down a time transition. */
::::::  int timer<&state.stateId>;<.+>
  } //for  
::::} <&stm.zbnfSrc.variables.StateSubStruct>;
::::int stepStates_<&stm.zbnfSrc.variables.StateSubStruct>(<:subtext:stateMethodArguments>);
::::/**All state konstant identifier: */<.+>
 for(state:stm.stateList) {
::::#define k<&state.stateId>_<&stm.zbnfSrc.variables.StateSubStruct> <&state.auxInfo().zsrcState.stateNr><.+>   
 } //for
::::#endif  // __<&outfile.name()>_h__


##same as in genC1:

sub stateMethodArguments()
  for(arg:stm.zbnfSrc.statefnargs) { <:><&arg><:hasNext>, <.hasNext><.>; }