# This is the start batch for JZcmd execution for Linux/Unix.
# It should be copied in a directory which is referenced by the Operation system's PATH
# and adapted with the paths to Java and the other tools.
# All what is need to run JZcmd is referenced here. 
# adapt the path to the zbnfjax folder of vishia-ZBNF tools.
# It contains the jar archive for execution of JZcmd and some JZcmd scripts which may be included.
set ZBNFJAX_HOME="/home/hartmut/vishia/ZBNF/zbnfjax"

# If necessary adapt the PATH for a special java version. Comment it if the standard Java installation should be used.
# Note Java does not need an installation. It runs well if it is only present in the file system.
set JAVA_HOME="/usr/bin/JAVA/jre7"

# adapt the path to the Java-JDK directory. That should contain bin/javac.exe.
# The JDK is necessary for compilation of java sources. Comment it if not used.
set JAVA_JDK="/usr/local/bin/JAVA/jdk1.7.0_51"

# adapt the path to the Xml-Tools. See zbnfjax-readme. 
# The XML tools are necessary for some XML operations. This environment variable may be used in some JZcmd scripts. 
# Comment it if not used.
set XML_TOOLS="/usr/local/bin/XML_Tools"

# This is the invocation of JZcmd, with up to 9 arguments.
java -cp $ZBNFJAX_HOME/zbnf.jar   org.vishia.jztxtcmd.JZtxtcmd   $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9