002 * Copyright/Copyleft:
003 *
004 * For this source the LGPL Lesser General Public License,
005 * published by the Free Software Foundation is valid.
006 * It means:
007 * 1) You can use this source without any restriction for any desired purpose.
008 * 2) You can redistribute copies of this source to everybody.
009 * 3) Every user of this source, also the user of redistribute copies
010 *    with or without payment, must accept this license for further using.
011 * 4) But the LPGL is not appropriate for a whole software product,
012 *    if this source is only a part of them. It means, the user
013 *    must publish this part of source,
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015 * 5) You can study and modify (improve) this source
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017 *    modified sources likewise under this LGPL Lesser General Public License.
018 *    You mustn't delete this Copyright/Copyleft inscription in this source file.
019 *
020 * @author Hartmut Schorrig: hartmut.schorrig@vishia.de, www.vishia.org
021 * @version 0.93 2011-01-05  (year-month-day)
022 *******************************************************************************/ 
023package org.vishia.java2C.test;
025import org.vishia.bridgeC.AllocInBlock;
026import org.vishia.msgDispatch.LogMessageFile;
029/**This class contains some examples to demonstrate and test all features of Java2C.
030 * The elements all explained respecting the Java2C-features which are tested there.
031 * <br>
032 * <br>
033 * Most of the methods demonstrates a programming style, which is opportune also in C.
034 * <br>
035 * The class is represent in C wit a struct type definition:
036 * <pre>
037 * typedef struct TestAllConcepts_Test_t
038 *  { 
039 *    union { ObjectJc object; ImplIfc_Test_s super;} base; 
040 *    int32 simpleInt; 
041 *    ...etc.
042 *  }
043 *  </pre>
044 *  The first element of struct is a union, which pools the super class, all interfaces and the ObjectJc-base.
045 *  The most inner super class has ObjectJc as its first Element, the access to that base of all super classes
046 *  can accessed immediately in this unit.  
047 */
048public class TestAllConcepts //extends ImplIfc
050  /**A simple class variable. In C it's a member of the class struct:
051   * <pre>
052   * int32 simpleInt;
053   * </pre>
054   * The type <code>int32</code> is defined in os_types_def.h platform-depending, so that a 32-bit-integer
055   * is used.
056   * <br>
057   * The initialization with <code>25</code> is done in the Constructor, see {@link #TestAllConcepts()}
058   */
059  private int simpleInt = 25;
062  /**A total constant value, it is a #define kMsgBlockHeap 9000 in C. 
063   * This is the base of message ident numbers for output Garbage collection activity. */
064  static final int kMsgBlockHeap = 9000;
066  static final int kIdxMsgOutputFile = 2;
068  /**A final constant not-int-value, it is a const variable in C. */
069  static final char kCharConst = (char)(3);
071  /**A static, but not final variable. It should be intitalized outside the constructor,
072   * but in C it is simple implemented like <code>int32 nrofInstances_TestAllConcepts = 5;</code>
073   * It may be better, to write in a common <code>initializeStatics()</code>-Method, to regard more complex expressions.*/
074  static int nrofInstances = 5;
076  /**In Java it is a fix build instance at construction time. In C it is an embedded instance.  */
077  final SimpleDataStruct embeddedData = new SimpleDataStruct();
079  /**In Java it is a fix build instance at construction time. In C it is also an embedded instance. 
080   * The expandable class isn't expand here because it is final. */
081  final SimpleDataStruct embeddedDataNotEnpand = new SimpleDataStruct();
083  /**In Java it is a fix build instance at construction time. In C it is also an embedded instance. 
084   * The expandable class isn't expand here because it is final. */
085  final ExpandedDataStruct embeddedDataExpand = new ExpandedDataStruct();
087  final TestWaitNotify.WaitNotifyData testWaitNotifyData = new TestWaitNotify.WaitNotifyData(); 
089  final TestThread testThread = new TestThread(testWaitNotifyData);
091  final TestWaitNotify testWaitNotify = new TestWaitNotify(testWaitNotifyData);
093  final StringBuffer stringBufferMain = new StringBuffer(20000);
095  final TestString testString = new TestString(stringBufferMain);
097  final TestStringFormatter testStringFormatter = new TestStringFormatter();
099  /**A initialized array, it is embedded because it's final. */
100  private final int[] intArray = new int[1000];
102  /**A initialized array, but it is not embedded because it isn't final. */
103  private int[] intArrayRef = new int[234];
105  /**A simple reference to an array. @java2c=noGC. */
106  private int[] intArrayRef2;
108  /**A initialized array, it is embedded because it's final. @java2c=simpleArray.*/
109  private final int[] intArraySimple = new int[1000];
111  /**A initialized array, but it is not embedded because it isn't final.  @java2c=simpleArray.*/
112  private int[] intArrayRefSimple = new int[234];
114  static final int[] intArrayStaticConst = {10, 11, 12};
116  /**@java2c = embeddedArrayElements. */
117  SimpleDataStruct[] dataArrayRef;
119  /**@java2c = embeddedArrayElements. */
120  final SimpleDataStruct[] dataArrayEmbedded = new SimpleDataStruct[12];
122  /**@java2c = embeddedArrayElements, simpleArray. */
123  final SimpleDataStruct[] dataArraySimpleEmbedded = new SimpleDataStruct[12];
125  /**@java2c = embeddedArrayElements. A array of embedded elements. */
126  final SimpleDataStruct[] dataRefArrayEmbedded = new SimpleDataStruct[12];
128  /**A array of references, but the head is embedded */
129  final SimpleDataStruct[] dataRefArray = new SimpleDataStruct[12];
131  /**A array of embedded elements, not final. */
132  SimpleDataStruct[] dataAssociatedEmbeddedArray;
134  /**@java2c = embeddedArrayElements. A array of references, not final. */
135  SimpleDataStruct[] dataAssociatedRefArray;
137  /**A initialized array, it is embedded because it's final. */
138  //TODO private static final int[] intArrayStatic = new int[1000];
140  /**A initialized array, but it is not embedded because it isn't final. */
141  //TODO private static int[] intArrayRefStatic = new int[234];
143  /**A initialized array, it is embedded because it's final. @java2c=simpleArray.*/
144  //TODO private static final int[] simpleArrayStatic = new int[1000];
146  /**A initialized array, but it is not embedded because it isn't final.  @java2c=simpleArray.*/
147  //TODO private static int[] simpleArrayRefStatic = new int[234];
149  /**An instance which implements a interface, using to test interface access. */
150  private final ImplIfc implifc = new ImplIfc(100);
152  private final Ifc2 ifc3 = new ImplIfc(123);
154  /**A second instance which implements a interface, using to test interface access. */
155  private ImplIfc implifc2;
157  /**A class reference to an interface, set one time final. */
158  private final Ifc ifc = implifc;
160  /**A class reference to an interface, 
161   * but it is set to only one instance: 
162   * Therefore the call of methods at C-level uses the methods of the implemtation, it doesn't use
163   * the dynamic call. 
164   * @java2c=instanceType:"org.vishia.java2C.test.ImplIfc".
165   * */
166  private final Ifc ifcNonVirtual;
170  /**A class reference to an interface, but set only if used. 
171   * It may be referenced to one or another instance depend on fine algorithm. */
172  private Ifc ifc2;
174  private final ExtendsImpl extendsImpl= new ExtendsImpl();
176  /**A initialized but not final reference. */
177  private ImplIfc ifc4 = new ImplIfc(555);
180  private final AnyClass anyRef;
182  private final TestAnonymous testAnonymous = new TestAnonymous();
184  /**The Constructor of this example. 
185   * Before calling the constructor (ctor), the memory space is provided and initialized.
186   * The initialization of the memory space contains:
187   * <ul>
188   * <li> Initialization of the ObjectJc-base. That base data are disposed at start of memory space always.
189   *   It the class doesn't have a Object-base (special case of data classes possible, see {@link SimpleDataStruct}).
190   *   than this initialization isn't happen.
191   * <li>All other bytes of the whole data spaces are set to 0. Therefore all references are <code>null</code>-references,
192   *   and all values are default set to 0.  
193   * </ul>
194   * This memory initialization is done calling a allocation in the Jc-Runtime environment. 
195   * If the memory is a static one, the user should call <code>init_ObjectJc(object, sizeof(Instance), ident);</code>
196   * manually at C-level. Static instances can be defined at C-level before starting initialization
197   * in the C-typical wise.
198   * <br>   
199   * The constructor starts in C-file with:
200   * <pre>
201   * struct TestAllConcepts_Test_t* ctorO_TestAllConcepts_Test(ObjectJc* othis, ThCxt* _thCxt)
202   * { TestAllConcepts_Test_s* ythis = (TestAllConcepts_Test_s*)othis;  //upcasting to the real class.
203   *   STACKTRC_TENTRY("ctorO_TestAllConcepts_Test");
204   *   checkConsistence_ObjectJc(othis, sizeof(TestAllConcepts_Test_s), null, _thCxt);  
205   *   setReflection_ObjectJc(othis, &reflection_TestAllConcepts_Test_s, sizeof(TestAllConcepts_Test_s));  
206   * </pre> 
207   * <ul>
208   * <li>The reference to the instance is given as a <code>ObjectJc*</code>-Reference. This is, 
209   *   because the calling environment supplied only this base reference. This ObjectJc is initialized,
210   *   especially the size of the memory area is set in <code>ObjectJc.objectIdentSize</code>.
211   * <li>The return value is the same reference, but typed to the instance, to set the reference 
212   *   to the initialized instance without casting.
213   * <li><code>ThCxt* _thCxt</code> is the reference of the threadContext. It is necessary for exception handling.
214   * <li>The first instruction is the casting to the real type. The casting is unchecked yet, but see next:
215   * <li>The <code>STACKTRC_TENTRY(...)</code> registers the method stack level in thread context. 
216   *   It is for exception handling with stack-trace dump. 
217   * <li>The <code>checkConsistence_ObjectJc(...)</code> tests whether the memory area 
218   *   referenced with <code>ythis</code> is initialized properly. Especially the size of the area is tested.
219   *   This routine calls an Exception if the conditions are not true. The conditions should be met any time,
220   *   elsewhere a user software error is happen. After this test the continuation of initialize is safety. 
221   *   Without such test the software may be crash here causing of an external error.
222   * <li><code>setReflection(...)</code> completes the ObjectJc-Data with the only one special information 
223   *   regarding the implementation instance. The reflection include the method table too. It is a structured data
224   *   defined at C-level in this compilation unit.    
225   * </ul>
226   * The next action is the call of constructor of the super class. That constructor calls first the constructor of its superclass
227   *  and so on. The constructor of Object is not called, because the initialization of memory 
228   *  before executing the constructor initializes the ObjectJc-base. There are contained some informations 
229   *  of memory organization. 
230   *  */
231  public TestAllConcepts()
232  { implifc2 = new ImplIfc(200);
233    ifcNonVirtual = implifc2;          //use the interface reference.
234    anyRef = new AnyClass(extendsImpl);
235  }
238  public int access(int x)
239  {
240    intArray[3] = simpleInt;
241    intArrayRef[2] = kMsgBlockHeap;
243    embeddedData.db = 3.14F;
244    embeddedDataExpand.xb = (short)x;
245    embeddedDataNotEnpand.db = 2.7;
249    simpleInt = intArrayStaticConst[1];
250    intArrayRef2 = intArray;        //cast from a special embedded array type to int_Y
251    intArrayRef2 = intArrayRef;
252    //TODO intArray[2] = intArrayStatic[4];
254    { /**Test get new array with embedded array elements. */
255      int maxQueue = 5;
256      /**@java2c = embeddedArrayElements. */
257      SimpleDataStruct[] entries = new SimpleDataStruct[maxQueue];
258      for(int idxEntry = 0; idxEntry < entries.length; idxEntry++)
259      { entries[idxEntry] = new SimpleDataStruct();
260      }
261      dataArrayRef = entries;
262    }
263    return simpleInt;
264  }
267  /**This method shows some calls of interface methods, see {@link org.vishia.java2C.Docu.SuperClassesAndInterfaces#callingOverrideableMethods()}.
268   * @return
269   */
270  private int checkSomeDynamicCalls()
271  { int a;
272    Ifc ifc3 = this.implifc;
273    ifc3.processIfcMethod(5);
274    /**Because the instance implifc is embedded and their type is known hence, 
275     * the method is performed non-dynamically, but direct. */
276    a = implifc.processIfcMethod(456);
277    /**A stack instance, data in stack. @java2c=stackInstance. */
278    ImplIfc stackInstance = new ImplIfc(45);
279    /**Because the stackInstance is embedded and their type is known hence, 
280     * the method is performed non-dynamically, but direct. */
281    a += stackInstance.processIfcMethod(678);
283    /**call of own overrideable method. */
284    //TODO, fails yet: processIfcMethod(4);
285    /**call of a method with a class reference: */
286    ifc.processIfcMethod(56);
287    return a;
288  }
293  /**Example to show concatenated calls in a simple variant. Concatenated calls are a well used
294   * construct in Java, whereby there are two suggestions to do so:
295   * <ol>
296   * <li>References are needed, there are got calling a method. 
297   *   <br><br>
298   *   In C such references are known too,
299   *   but mostly they are got immediate writing <code>myInstance.ref->refOfRef->variable</code>.
300   *   It is the adequate construct. The usage of methods instead the immediately getting of the reference
301   *   is the concept of ObjectOrientation and Encapsulation: The access to the class data should be done
302   *   always using get-methods. The advantage is: Any access check can be implemented in the get-method.
303   *   The programming can be implemented more safety. But Lastly it's possible to present a get-method 
304   *   with a primitive macro in C. Than no extra method call is produced, the machine code is the same
305   *   like the immediately access.
306   *   <br><br>
307   *   Sum up: The usage of get-methods instead immediately access to references is recommended.
308   *   <br><br>
309   *   This variant of usage is shown in a statement line
310   *   <pre class="Java">
311   *   int a = 234 + implifc.returnAnyInstance().returnRef().returnAnyInstance().addValue(24) + 27;
312   *   </pre>    
313   * <li>calls to the same instance written in a nicely kind, which is associated with a concatenation of data.
314   *   A typically example in Java is the here shown concatenation of append(...) for a StringBuffer,
315   *   shown in a second statement line.
316   *   <pre class="Java">
317   *   sbufferFix.append("Value=").append(simpleInt).append(" miles");
318   *   </pre>    
319   *   In comparison with C++, the usage of an C++-expression <code>cout << "Value=" << simpleInt << " miles"</code>
320   *   phrases the same. The shift operator should phrase a association to "shift in pipe",
321   *   but at syntactical level it is an concatenation like shown above. 
322   *   <br><br>
323   * </ol>
324   * Both application types of concatenation calls should be translated to C in a well readable form.
325   * The translated result of both lines is:
326   * <pre>
327    AnyClass_Test_s* _tempRef1; ImplIfcTest_s* _tempRef2; AnyClass_Test_s* _tempRef3; 
328    a = 234 + 
329      ( _tempRef1= returnAnyInstance_ImplIfcTest(& (ythis->implifc), _thCxt)
330      , _tempRef2= returnRef_AnyClass_Test(_tempRef1, _thCxt)
331      , _tempRef3= returnAnyInstance_ImplIfcTest(_tempRef2, _thCxt)
332      , addValue_AnyClass_Test(_tempRef3, 24, _thCxt)
333      ) + 27;
335      ( append_s_StringBufferJc(& (ythis->sbufferFix.sb), s0_StringJc("Value="), _thCxt)
336      , append_i_StringBufferJc(& (ythis->sbufferFix.sb), ythis->simpleInt, _thCxt)
337      , append_s_StringBufferJc(& (ythis->sbufferFix.sb), s0_StringJc(" miles"), _thCxt)
338      );
339   * </pre>
340   * In the first concatenation example: The references from each call are parked in temporary variables.
341   * That is because the result from the first call is the first parameter of the next call.
342   * If temporary variables are not used, the first call may be placed as first parameter of the second call etc.
343   * This construct may be lesser able to read, it is a nesting of calls. There is another problem thereby:
344   * If method tables are necessary for dynamic calls, the reference is needed twice. Therefore a explicitly
345   * temporary reference is proper.
346   * <br><br>
347   * In the second concatenation example: The references are the same in any call because the methods contain
348   * <pre class="Java">
349   *   return this;
350   * </pre>
351   * in its implementation. That is labeled at the methods. The translator knows that therefore and can optimize: 
352   * All methods use the same reference. The concatenation in Java is translated to a simple order of routine call.
353   * <br><br>
354   * In both examples a comma-separated expression is used. It is a non-often used but possible construct in C.
355   * The first examples shows the necessity of that construct: The concatenation is a part of an comprehensive expression,
356   * and the calling of the concatenated routines should be done in the correct order. In the second example 
357   * the comma-separation may be unnecessary, but it's possible and don't may be confusingly.
358   * The one-line-expression in Java is broken in several lines at position of the concatenation-representing comma, 
359   * otherwise the line in C would be to long. This form is better to read.
360   *       
361   * @return a value.
362   */
363  private final int checkConcatenationSimple()
364  {
365    int a = 234 + implifc.returnAnyInstance().returnRef().returnAnyInstance().addValue(24) + 27;
366    //sbufferFix.append("Value=").append(simpleInt).append(" miles");
368    { /**This line is a test whether a mix of return this and return association works. See Java- and C-code.*/
369      a +=implifc.returnAnyInstance().returnThis(56).returnRef().testImplIfc();
370    }
371    return a;
372  }
375  /**Example to show concatenated calls of override-able methods. There are some kinds.
376   * The first line in Java
377   * <pre class="Java">
378   * a = 234 + implifc2.returnAnyInstanceOverrideable().returnRefOverrideable().returnAnyInstanceOverrideable().addValueOverrideable(24) + 27;
379   * </pre>
380   * is related to the first line in {@link #checkConcatenationSimple()}, but the difference is: 
381   * all methods are dynamically called. It is a simple non-prepared dynamic call, 
382   * therefore the code in C may be look catastrophic for real time. 
383   * The method table of the references have to be got. It is a call of <code>getMtbl_ObjectJc(...)</code>
384   * with the given reference as first parameter. But the calculation time is not so expensive, 
385   * it may be a few nanoseconds if the derivation is not deep, and some more nanoseconds if it is deeper,
386   * but not more. Only for hard real-time it is non-opportune. The lines in C are:  
387   * <pre>
388    AnyClass_Test_s* _tempRef1; ImplIfcTest_s* _tempRef2; AnyClass_Test_s* _tempRef3; 
389    a = 234 + 
390      ( _tempRef1= ((Mtbl_ImplIfcTest const*)getMtbl_ObjectJc(&(REFJc(ythis->implifc2))->base.object, sign_Mtbl_ImplIfcTest) )->returnAnyInstanceOverrideable(REFJc(ythis->implifc2), _thCxt)
391      , _tempRef2= ((Mtbl_AnyClass_Test const*)getMtbl_ObjectJc(&(_tempRef1)->base.object, sign_Mtbl_AnyClass_Test) )->returnRefOverrideable(_tempRef1, _thCxt)
392      , _tempRef3= ((Mtbl_ImplIfcTest const*)getMtbl_ObjectJc(&(_tempRef2)->base.object, sign_Mtbl_ImplIfcTest) )->returnAnyInstanceOverrideable(_tempRef2, _thCxt)
393      , ((Mtbl_AnyClass_Test const*)getMtbl_ObjectJc(&(_tempRef3)->base.object, sign_Mtbl_AnyClass_Test) )->addValueOverrideable(_tempRef3, 24, _thCxt)
394      ) + 27;
395   * </pre>
396   * The second line in Java
397   * <pre class="Java">
398   * a += this.returnThisOverrideable_Test(34).returnThisOverrideable_Test(45).access(56);
399   * </pre>
400   * shows a concatenated call of overrideable methods, which returns this and uses this as first reference.
401   * Because this is supported as method-table-reference if it is need, with one access to <code>getMtbl_ObjectJc(...)</code>
402   * in the method, and the <code>mthis</code> is used for all calls because the <code>return this</code>-property
403   * of the called method is known, this is a optimized access. In C it is:
404   * <pre>
405      Mtbl_TestAllConcepts_Test const* mtthis = (Mtbl_TestAllConcepts_Test const*)getMtbl_ObjectJc(&ythis->base.object, sign_Mtbl_TestAllConcepts_Test);
406      ...
407      a += 
408      ( mtthis->returnThisOverrideable_Test(ythis, 34)
409      , mtthis->returnThisOverrideable_Test(ythis, 45)
410      , mtthis->access_i(ythis, 56, _thCxt)
411      );
412   * </pre>
413   * whereby the first line is generated only one time in the method.
414   * <br>
415   * <br>
416   * The next line in Java shows a call of dynamic methods of referenced data. The methods returns <code>this</code>,
417   * why wet even the reference is the same for all three calls. The reference is copied into a stack variable,
418   * which is labeled with <code>@ java2c=dynamic-call</code>. Therefore in C a so named "method-table-reference" is built.
419   * This reference contains the pointer to the method table beside the pointer of data. The pointer to the method table
420   * is got calling <code>getMtbl_ObjectJc(...)</code> only on setting the reference. 
421   * It's a part of the macro <code>SETMTBJc(...)</code>. So the C-code is optimized. The Java-lines are:
422   * <pre class="Java">
423   * / **This reference is build in stack because it contains the method-table-reference too: @ java2c=dynamic-call. * /
424   * AnyClass anyRef2 = anyRef;
425   * anyRef2.returnThisOverrideable(45).returnThisOverrideable(234).addValueOverrideable(67);
426   * </pre>
427   * The translated C-code is:    
428   * <pre>
429    SETMTBJc(anyRef2, REFJc(ythis->anyRef), AnyClass_Test);
430    a += 
431      ( anyRef2.mtbl->returnThisOverrideable( (anyRef2.ref), 45, _thCxt)
432      , anyRef2.mtbl->returnThisOverrideable( (anyRef2.ref), 234, _thCxt)
433      , anyRef2.mtbl->addValueOverrideable( (anyRef2.ref), 67, _thCxt)
434      );
435   * </pre>
436   * In opposite, if the special stack-local method-table-reference is not built, the C-code isn't optimize,
437   * but able to run (translated from next Java line using <code>anyRef</code> as class reference):
438   * <pre>
439    a += 
440      ( ((Mtbl_AnyClass_Test const*)getMtbl_ObjectJc(&(REFJc(ythis->anyRef))->base.object, sign_Mtbl_AnyClass_Test) )->returnThisOverrideable(REFJc(ythis->anyRef), 345, _thCxt)
441      , ((Mtbl_AnyClass_Test const*)getMtbl_ObjectJc(&(REFJc(ythis->anyRef))->base.object, sign_Mtbl_AnyClass_Test) )->returnThisOverrideable(REFJc(ythis->anyRef), 3234, _thCxt)
442      , ((Mtbl_AnyClass_Test const*)getMtbl_ObjectJc(&(REFJc(ythis->anyRef))->base.object, sign_Mtbl_AnyClass_Test) )->addValueOverrideable(REFJc(ythis->anyRef), 367, _thCxt)
443      );
444   * </pre> 
445   * shows a call of a dynamic-linked method of a other instance, whereby the <code>return this</code>-property
446   * is known too, and the reference is prepared as a locally method-table-reference:
447   * <br><br>
448   * The conclusion:
449   * <ul>
450   * <li>If dynamic call is necessary, a optimization is possible.
451   * <li>Calling of methods of the own class, which return this, uses the one-time-prepared <code>mthis</code>.
452   * <li>Calling of methods of a referenced instance: The reference should be copied in a stack-local variable
453   *   which is labeled with <code>@ java2c=dynamic-call</code> or it is an interface-reference.
454   *   If the methods returns this, and they are labeled with <code>@ java2c=return-this</code>,
455   *   the access is optimized.
456   * <li>If no such optimization is done, the method-table-pointer is got some more times, but the call is correct.
457   * </ul>  
458   */
459  private int checkConcatenationDynamicCall()
460  {
461    /**Checks how return-this-methods of the own class can concatenated: */
462    int a;
463    a = 234 + implifc2.returnAnyInstanceOverrideable().returnRefOverrideable().returnAnyInstanceOverrideable().addValueOverrideable(24) + 27;
464    a += this.returnThisOverrideable_Test(34).returnThisOverrideable_Test(45).access(56);
466    /**This reference is build in stack because it contains the method-table-reference too: @java2c=dynamic-call. */
467    AnyClass anyRef2 = anyRef;
468    a += anyRef2.returnThisOverrideable(45).returnThisOverrideable(234).addValueOverrideable(67);
470    /**Oposite: don't use the stacl-local reference, but the class variable, it isn't optimized in C, but able to run: */
471    a += anyRef.returnThisOverrideable(345).returnThisOverrideable(3234).addValueOverrideable(367);
473    return a;
474  }
479  /**Example to test dynamic and static calls to methods, which are methods of the base class.
480   * The calling of base methods requires the appropriate types of pointers of this. 
481   * @return
482   */
483  private int checkConcatenationDynamicCallToBaseMethods()
484  { int a =5;
485    a =implifc.returnThisOverrideable(34).returnThisOverrideable(56).processIfcMethod(44);
487    return a;
488  }
490  /**Example to show concatenated calls with the special kind: The methods returns this itself.
491   * @deprecated
492   * In this case the calling instance is the same as the returned instance, which is the calling instance
493   * for the next concatenated call.
494   * In Java it is written:
495   * <pre class="Java">
496   * a =implifc.returnThisA(34).returnThisA(56).processIfcMethod(44);
497   * </pre>
498   * Because the reference <code>implifc</code> is a embedded instance and the type of it is fix, 
499   * (the same is for stack instances or @ <code>java2c=instanceType:"Type"</code>-designated references), 
500   * all method-calls are execute non-dynamic. 
501   * Because a <code>@ java2c=return-this</code> is designated to the called method, the Java2C-translator
502   * accept that the result instance is the same as calling instance, but because that is type-fix,
503   * the concatenated call is execute non-dynamic too.  
504   * <pre>  
505   * a = 
506   *   ( returnThisA_ImplIfcTest_F(& (ythis->implifc), 34, _thCxt)
507   *   , returnThisA_ImplIfcTest_F(& (ythis->implifc), 56, _thCxt)
508   *   , processIfcMethod_i_ImplIfcTest_F(&((& ((ythis->implifc).base.IfcToTest))->base.object), 44, _thCxt)
509   *   );
510   * </pre>
511   * The instance to call the method is <code>implifc</code> always, it's the first parameter of any called method.
512   * That is because the methods are labeled to <code>@ java2c=return-this</code>. The concatenation in Java is presented
513   * as a comma-separated expression, see {@link #checkConcatenationSimple()}. 
514   * But in this case no temporary references are needed, it is more simple. Lastly the concatenated methods in Java
515   * are only a simplifying of writing of the method calls with the same reference.
516   * <br><br>
517   * Note: the expression <code>&((& ((ythis->implifc).base.IfcToTest))->base.object)</code> is needed 
518   * because the <code>processIfcMethod_i_ImplIfcTest_F</code> is a method of the interface type.   
519   */
520  private int checkConcatCallReturnThisTypefixNonVirtual()
521  { int a;
522    ///**A stack instance, data in stack. @java2c=stackInstance. */
523    //ImplIfc stackInstance = new ImplIfc(45);
524    a =implifc.returnThisOverrideable(34).returnThisOverrideable(56).processIfcMethod(44);
525    return a;
526  }
530  private int checkConcatCallReturnAnything()
531  { int a=0;
532    ///**A stack instance, data in stack. @java2c=stackInstance. */
533    //ImplIfc stackInstance = new ImplIfc(45);
534    //a =implifc.returnAnyInstanceOverrideable(34).returnAnyInstanceOverrideable(56).processIfcMethod(44);
535    return a;
536  }
543  /**This method helps to test concatenations with return-this, but override-able.
544   * The return value is the same as the calling instance. This is recognized by Java2C,
545   * if <code>@ java2c=return-this</code> is written.
546   * <br>
547   * This is also a example for non-using of STACKTRC, it is not necessary here.
548   * @java2c=return-this, stacktrace:no. 
549   * @param value any value
550   * @return this
551   */
552  public TestAllConcepts returnThisOverrideable_Test(int value)
553  {
554    simpleInt += value;
555    return this;
556  }
560  /**Example for a non-dynamic call of an interface referenced method. 
561   * Because the reference is marked with the instanceType, this information is used to produce 
562   * a normal C-function call of the known instance method. The additional designation of the reference
563   * helps to economize calculation time, if the dynamic call isn't necessary really.
564   * <br>
565   * This method is used as an example for using STACKTRC, but without external parameter.
566   * @java2c=stacktrace:no-param.
567   * 
568   */
569  void checkNonVirtual()
570  {
571    /**This method should not use a dynamic call in C, because the reference is marked with the instanceType. */
572    ifcNonVirtual.processIfcMethod(23);
573  }
577  /**Check whether Object.equals() will be overridden.
578   * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
579   */
580  public boolean equals(Object cmp)
581  { return true;
582  }
585  /**This method doesn't override Object.equals. */
586  public boolean equals(String cmp)
587  { return true;
588  }
591  /**A method with same name but other parameter types.
592   * @param x
593   */
594  public void access(float x)
595  {
596  }
599  int testAccessIfc()
600  { int val = 0;
601    Ifc ifc22 = implifc;         //stacklocal reference to type Ifc
602    if(ifc22 !=null){            //test usage ifc22.ref
603            for(int ii=0; ii<1000; ii++)
604            { val += ifc22.processIfcMethod(5);   //use it for dynamic call, in C too.
605            }
606    }  
607    return val;
608  }
611  int testAccessIfcMtbl()
612  { int val = ifc.processIfcMethod(5);
613    return val;
614  }
617  int testAccessIfcMtbl2(boolean bTest)
618  { int val;
619    if(bTest){
620      ifc2 = implifc2;
621    } else {
622      ifc2 = implifc;
623    }
624    Ifc ifcCall = ifc2;
625    val = ifcCall.processIfcMethod(6);
626    val += ifc2.processIfcMethod(5);
627    return val;
628  }
631  /**Example to check how an dynamic call of own methods is implemented in C. 
632   * The internal non-final method {@link #testAccessIfcMtbl()} is called twice:
633   * 
634   */
635  final void testInternalDynCall()
636  { boolean cond = true;
637    testAccessIfcMtbl();
638    if(cond)
639    { testAccessIfcMtbl();
640    }
641  }
644  /*
645  int testNewDerived()
646  {
647        /**Any instance-reference can be initialized with an derived class. * /
648        SimpleClass myClass = new SimpleClass(10)
649        {
650                @Override int addValue(int value)
651                {
652                        x1 += 2*value;
653                        return x1;
654                }
655        };
656        return myClass.addValue(3);
657  }
658  */
660  /**Example for a special finalize method body. finalize is called by garbage collection 
661   * if the object is deleted finally. For Java2C in C all enhanced references will be deleted than.
662   * The finalize method is part of override-able methods of Object. The method will be placed 
663   * in the method table.
664   * <br>
665   * The C-code of this method has the following form:
666   * <pre>
667   * TODO copy from C
668   * </pre>
669   */
670  @Override public void finalize()
671  {
672    System.out.println("finalize");
673  }
676  /**
677   * 
678   */
679  private void main()
680  { int ret = 0;
681    TestAllConcepts main = this;
682    TestgarbageCollector testGc = new TestgarbageCollector();
683    testAnonymous.test();
684    testGc.test();
685    main.testInternalDynCall();
686    main.checkConcatenationSimple();
687    main.checkConcatenationDynamicCall();
688    //main.checkConcatCallReturnThisTypefixNonVirtual();
689    //main.checkConcatCallReturnThisVirtual();
690    //main.checkConcatCallThisVirtual();
691    main.access(234);
692    main.testString.testStringProcessing();
693    main.testStringFormatter.test();
694    /**Method from a super class which is only defined there. but called final. */
695    extendsImpl.testImplIfc();
696    /**Method from a super class which implements an interface method, but called final. */
697    //TODO dynCall of baseclass method faulty. processIfcMethod(234);
698    ret += main.checkSomeDynamicCalls();
699    ret += main.testAccessIfc();
700    ret += main.testAccessIfcMtbl();
701    ret += main.testAccessIfcMtbl2(true);
703    TestContainer testContainer = new TestContainer();
704    testContainer.test();
706    /**Start a two threads: */
707    testWaitNotify.start();
709    testThread.start();
710    testThread.otherThreadRoutine();
711    testWaitNotify.shouldRun = false;
713    try{ Thread.sleep(2000);}            //wait for finishing notify-thread. 
714    catch (InterruptedException e) {}
715    System.out.println("main finished.");
716  }
719  public static void main(String[] args)
720  { //MsgDispatcher msgDispatcher = new MsgDispatcher(10,100,100,8);
721    LogMessageFile msgOutputFile = new LogMessageFile("log/gc$MMMdd-hhmmssS$.log", 0, 0, null,null,null); //msgDispatcher.getSharedFreeEntries());
722    //msgDispatcher.setOutputRoutine(kIdxMsgOutputFile, "log", true, msgOutputFile);
723    //msgDispatcher.setOutputRange(kMsgBlockHeap, kMsgBlockHeap+99, 1<<kIdxMsgOutputFile, MsgDispatcher.mSet, 4);
724    TestAllConcepts main1 = new TestAllConcepts();
725    AllocInBlock.setRunModeAll();
726    AllocInBlock.setLogMessageOutput(msgOutputFile, kMsgBlockHeap);
727    //main1.processIfcMethod(234);
728    main1.main();
729    System.gc();
730    main1.finalize();     //it isn't need anymore, but the gc hasn't freed it because it is in use still.
731    main1 = null;
732    System.gc();
733    msgOutputFile.close();
734  }