002 * Copyright/Copyleft:
003 *
004 * For this source the LGPL Lesser General Public License,
005 * published by the Free Software Foundation is valid.
006 * It means:
007 * 1) You can use this source without any restriction for any desired purpose.
008 * 2) You can redistribute copies of this source to everybody.
009 * 3) Every user of this source, also the user of redistribute copies
010 *    with or without payment, must accept this license for further using.
011 * 4) But the LPGL is not appropriate for a whole software product,
012 *    if this source is only a part of them. It means, the user
013 *    must publish this part of source,
014 *    but don't need to publish the whole source of the own product.
015 * 5) You can study and modify (improve) this source
016 *    for own using or for redistribution, but you have to license the
017 *    modified sources likewise under this LGPL Lesser General Public License.
018 *    You mustn't delete this Copyright/Copyleft inscription in this source file.
019 *
020 * @author Hartmut Schorrig: hartmut.schorrig@vishia.de, www.vishia.org
021 * @version 0.93 2011-01-05  (year-month-day)
022 *******************************************************************************/ 
023package org.vishia.java2C;
024import java.util.List;
025import java.util.Map;
027import org.vishia.mainCmd.Report;
030/**Interface to access to getted values of a input cfg file. 
031 */
032public interface ConfigSrcPathPkg_ifc
034  /**Sub-interface to get values from a prefix/suffix-set. */
035  public interface Set
036  { 
037    /**Gets the path and maybe a file prefix. Return "" if it isn't given in input.cfg. */
038    String getFilePrefix();
039    /**Gets the suffix for files. Return null if it isn't given in input.cfg. Than the prefix contains the whole filename. */
040    String getFileSuffix();
041    /**Gets the prefix for names. Return "" if it isn't given in input.cfg. */
042    String getNamePrefix();
043    /**Gets the suffix for names. Return null if it isn't given in input.cfg. Than the prefix contains the whole classname*/
044    String getNameSuffix();
045    /**Gets the input path. */
046    String getInputPath();
048    String getStcFile();
050  }
052  /**Returns the list of all pathes parsed with 
053   * <pre>
054   * stcPath::=<?>{ <\"\"?stcPath>| <* :;?stcPath> ? : }.
055   * </pre>
056   */ 
057  List<String> getStcPathes();
059  /**Returns the list of all pathes parsed with 
060   * <pre>
061   * srcPath::=<?>{ <\"\"?srcPath>| <* :;?srcPath> ? : }.
062   * </pre>
063   */ 
064  List<String> getSrcPathes();
066  /**Returns the list of all sources to translate.
067   * A member of the list is either a Java file with package from the pkg root with <code>/</code> at separator,
068   * at example <code>org/vishia/util/StringPart.java</code>
069   * or it is a package with <code>/</code> as separator and on end, 
070   * at example <code>org/vishia/util/</code>. 
071   */ 
072  List<String> getSrcToTranslate();
074  /**Returns the Set of path, prefix and postfix for a given package path.
075   * @return If the package path isn't found, returns null.
076   */
077  Set getCPathPrePostfixForPackage(String javaPackagePath);
079  void reportConfig(Report report, int reportLevel);
081  public java.util.Set<Map.Entry<String, ConfigSrcPathPkg_ifc.Set>> getListPackageReplacements();
085  /* @param prefixCFile The prefix to build the C class name and the C file name. 
086  *        The part after the last slash <code>/</code> is the prefix for class names.
087  *        The prefix should ended with slash if the file name has no prefix, 
088  *        but a path to store the to create *.c and *.h files are given.
089  *        The prefix may contain <code>""</code>.
090  * @param suffixCFile The suffix to build the C class name and the C file name.
091  */