<?ZBNF-www.vishia.de version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>

##Top level Syntax for the C++ statemachine source:
{ #include <* \n?includeLine>

##argument for each state subroutine are written as static variable declaration.
##Therewith they are seen if they are used as arguments in bodies of the state methods.
{ static <*;?statefnarg>;  

##This method should be defined here or alternatively contained in a special included header. It is the key method
##in the C++ state machine's syntax to define the destination state. See pattern.
void switchTo(void* <*)?>);

##All state should contain in a C++ environment class:
class States \{
  ##this special method should define values used for code generation for:
  inline void variables ( ) \{ { <variable> } \}

  ##All states defined after them, a zbnf component
  { <state> }
\} ; 

##end top level syntax.

##Syntax definition for the code generation values:
variable::= char * <$?name>  = <""?value> ;.

##Syntax definition for a state class in the C++ statemachine's source:
[ /**<* |\.|*/?shortdescription><* |*/?description> */] 

[public : |] class <$?@stateName>  [| : public | : protected  <*\{?> ]  ##after : some super states for access in C++
{ int statenr_<* ;?stateNr> ;                ##variable defines the state number as part of that int variable.
| int parallel<?stateParallel> ;             ##if this variable exists it is a parallel state.
| public : class History \{ \} ; <?hasHistory>
| [/**<* |\.|*/?-shortdescription><* |*/?-description> */]
  [ void entry ( ) \{<action?+entry> \}      ##method for entry the state, obligatory, but only one time per state.
  | void exit ( ) \{<action?+exit> \}        ##method for entry the state, obligatory, but only one time per state.
  | void trans  <trans?+trans>               ##method describes a transition, more as one possible.
  | void join  <join?+trans>                 ##method describes 
  | void inState ( ) \{<action?+instate> \}  ##method for action in state, obligatory, but only one time per state.
| <state>                                    ##sub state in a composite state.
  ] }
\} ; 

##Syntax for the code of actions. The code is all till }//. 
##This special designation is necessary to detect the end of the action method and distinguish from inner {...} parts.
##The action can contain any C code or C++ code for C++ state machine code generation.
action::= <*|\}//\.?code>.

##A transition method:
trans::= [<#?nrTrans>](                    ##can start with a number only for correct C++ syntax, different names for
[ bool cond = <*\{?condP>                  ##The default value for a 'cond' argument is the condition really
| int time = <*\{?timeP>                   ##The default value for a optional 'time' argument is the timer value really.
| { class <$?joinState> [*] join[<$?>]  ? , } ) ##The type name of a 'joinxyz' argument is a join state really.
[ \{ if ( { <*\{?condP> <transbody?> ? else if ( } 
     [ else  <transbody?> ]
| <transbody?>.

##Body of a transition method in the primary C++ source.
transbody::= \{
  <* |switchTo?code>  ##any C-code till switchTo for the transition code.
  switchTo (
  {  new  { History<?history> | <$?dstState> ? :: } [ ( )]   ##Note: last of State::State is dstState
  ? , <?fork>    ##Note: if more as one state then it is a fork. Mark it.
  } ) ;


##A join transition.
join::= ( {<?joinState> class {<$?name>?::} * ? , } )<transbody?>.